collaroy sea wall protest

My comment was maybe too obscure but was meant to be sarcastic. Just last March of 2019, the Northern Beaches Council succeeded in convincing the State Government to chip in on the assistance package to be given to Collaroy residents for the construction of the sea wall. Im sure Fraser Island will give some back.. Heard rumours that the Wamberal Seawall has got green light hopefully the central coast council read this article. I watched a 4 corners or foreign correspondent thing last year on the Japan sea walls. Pre-existing or failing seawalls (if any) should be removed as part of Step 2. All of Ramsgate, Brighton, Kyeemagh, Dolls Point, Scarborough Park and lots more will be underwater in 50 or 100 years time. The matter is currently under investigation by Environmental . Was it some random guy off the street? Look at offshore reefs around all the pacific islands. At the same time it would put an end to the constant dredging and relocating of sand from Narrabeen The works to protect private homes is being 80% funded by private owners, with Council and the NSW Government contributing 10% each. They are the real villains, as regardless of what anyone says or does, these idiots can allow or disallow engineering developments so the buck stops there! The sea wall forms a permanent, stationary barrier between the sea and the land. and the second last line of your article states- If anyone was to slide down the edge during one of these high-tide swells there would be a high chance of being washed off their feet and dragged out to sea. From deep state secret spot to modern media darling, what lessons can we learn from Cape Solander's evolution? The first application for a sloping structure was widely publicised and accepted by most who saw it. Confirming that they were involved in the initial design only. Any example around the world that have worked with out wrecking a beach but holding back erosion in built up areas ? Spot on tango. [happy to stand corrected on any of this] Nobody there is in a position to offer 2-3 times market value. Here Willi. 2016 Collaroy seawall Concept Design Specs Great article highlighting the competing interests of the natural environment and local councils (which are too easily manipulated by wealthy stakeholders). Step 3: Calculate the number of pilings that will be required. Would suck if you got amalgamated into Northern Beaches council then had to pay tax for this. Surely, private properties can be protected but public amenities will require huge ongoing costs to keep up with the public requirement (sand nourishment is the first thing that comes to mind). >>Really dumb idea. Another week, another pumping day in the south-west of France. Their ultimate solution was a combination of 3 things- a rock boulder seawall buried in the dunes as a final line of defense in extreme erosion events to protect private properties behind (this seawall actually runs for the full extent of the Gold Coast nth beaches but is rarely seen as it is completely buried under dunes/vege), an offshore reef, also rock boulders, to attenuate wave energy under normal conditions thus widening the beach in its lee, and lastly- sand nourishment, adding more sand to the beach system. we all end up paying for it directly if we haven't already e.g. And please take a look at all the other ridicules things Coastal engineers are doing around this country so you can see the pattern of incompetence I am referring to. Please enable it to continue. I cannot see how can this be a feasible long-term strategy from the cost perspective. Will this mean sand depletion north and a build up south? Planning Minister Rob Stokes told the Telegraph there was a recent plan to build a sea wall in Collaroy at the scene of the devastation but the owners would not agree on making a contribution, so it never happened. that would be awesome location for JOb or other jackasses to film fun vids. IT WILL NOT FUCKN WORK YA FLOGS.. 5/6 NE SWELL NOW.. a proper ECL .. will destroy it .. this frustrates me .. I do however feel there needs to be more separation regarding fact and opinion in your article. Collaroy homes along Pittwater Rd have been cordoned off today. In Japan, their solution is to just go bigger and higher . Climate projections will have some Australian surfers rejoicing, and others not so. My experience is that if the responsible authority wasn't involved in the valuation process they struggle to comprehend it, let alone see how it legitimately applies to their own patch via things like benefits transfer. Collaroy has a long history of property erosion, yet a century after it was first documented theres no consensus about how it should be managed. Yep. Anybody heard of rising ocean levels & retreat by wealthy landholders who where allowed to build in the dune systems which nature designed to replenish the beaches? Most swells will have to wrap around the rock/reef headlands as well as cape Otway before this and nicely wrap the swell into the bays and our coast has been shaped like this for however thousands of years so it is used to it, and this is what us humans observe as the normal state of the beaches as they are quite predictable and dont change much around here. The option of do nothing seems to have passed but it can always be thrown in as a baseline. processes currently-exported iron ore, bauxite, and alumina into green. LGA's apply for state and federal funding on offer for range of purposes. If you look further to the north you can see an old, crumbling seawall (due for replacement- fucking industry perpetuates itself) and you can see the water breaks right on it, there's no sand. (btw if you're the Jody P I'm thinking of, you're an absolute legend mate!). Rock barrels at its best! PW road and any associated public infrastructure was used as a eligibility factor for public funding to protect the private properties. We do, but unfortunately we also have a pervasive mindset in surfing that everything should stay the same as it was back in the good old days. We have over 40 years of combined experience installing, maintaining, and repairing seawalls on both residential and commercial properties. Or are they just doing it like politicians and getting consultants to advise them and simply ignoring it and doing what they want as they are not bound by law to take that advice. [ask GaryG] You wouldn't accept that in a bridge from an engineer, so why accept it in anything else? Sea-change hostage negotiations at Hellhole of the Pacific But obviously no owners want to give up tax free capital gains.. dunno has to be a solution that doesnt destroy the beach like collaroy or completely crush home owners, they arent all pricks. Not sure how they would fix them to the sand though. (As we all know, unfortunately, money/wealth/property seems to be many people's priority, and corrupt opportunists step in to "help" with that). I recently moved house [Northern-Rivers nsw] and seal-level rise was a very serious consideration of mine. In the early 2000s, Warringah Council (as it was then known, its since been amalgamated with Manly and Pittwater) spent $6 million dollars buying three properties. After five years and four contests, the performance level at Kelly's Hot Tub hasn't evolved but instead gone the other way. @Craig - Seem us humans have been doing dumb shit for quite a while now. The Northern Beaches took a massive hit by big surf and a king tide . Of the people that Swellnet spoke to, the opinions of how we got to this point swung from nefarious (It was rushed through during COVID because they knew people were occupied) to inept (It was signed off by a mid-level planner with no knowledge of coastal processes). So fkd how big some of those sea walls are and just ruin the towns completely and those that rely on the area, Theyve done the same thing to much of Taiwans coast, see eg: sea wall is perfect. That ABC article is spot on when it comes to waterfront properties. Ive already done some research but the swellnet knowledge base is one of the best in this area. Im not sure that councils have the legal authority to acquire the land, pretty sure that resides with State governments and the Feds only in certain circumstances. They may have a wall, but there will be no beach in front of it. With increased ocean levels comes all those properties around Botany Bay, Parramatta river, Georges river. Has any one ever suggested an off shore reef, seems like a win-win or is the sea floor unsuitable? Nature fights back. There's only a loss to be made for the purchases. It's actually quite simple to install and get going unlike a lot of open-source software. If you're looking to protect your property from flooding with erosion control in McHenry, IL and the larger Chicagoland area, give Seawalls Unlimited a call at (815) 331-8830. These contracts to the construction companies are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. exports the same quantity of energy in green electricity and hydrogen as it exports in thermal coal and liquefied natural gas. 5 min [P] Call of the Wild skinny dip at yer local Sea-Walljust doing wot comes natural! This isn't a new issue, as has been mentioned in the article above, and the longer we ignore the elephant in the room the harder it will become to resolve. A quick Google informs me that they are part of the State government, either Planning or Public Works, which was news to me because its mainly staffed by UNSW academics and is associated with the uni as a research centre. The council will be the lone 'interest'. Narrabeen and Collaroy residents hold signs and protest their opposition towards the sea wall extension plans in November 2012 In November 2002, Harmer and Donohue led a protest against a $12 million sea wall, proposed by Warringah Council, with 3000 people linking arms along a 1.1km stretch of beach. This is associated with above-average wave heights related to Tropical Cyclone Seth and also elevated ocean water levels associated with very high tides, Mr Horton said. The Act was introduced by Rob Stokes, the NSW Minister for Planning and member for Pittwater. A barrier reef in place would no doubt have knock-on effects. Bullshit. The beginnings of a huge $25 million concrete wall in Collaroy on Sydney's Northern Beaches. I do know the metro area was excluded from the NSW Coastal Policy for a long time because it was seen as too difficult, and that the CLPS was focussed on environmental values. We have summarised some key facts about the first of the Collaroy owners' seawalls. BB has there been any attempt to take the process to the Land and Environment Court? Structures appeared. heres a rad idea for you,dig canal from coast to central Australia which is considerably below sea level and flood the interior.could also be done in death valley that could be a wave pool!! My guess is that their engineers took a different view of how to best manage the situation. Well go for them, put in your FOI requests and prove what we all suspect; that the council turned a blind eye to save themselves some money and appease a noisy minority. High rises to sea walls. Not to mention the many brutalist houses dotting its once beautiful headlands. Embed Forecast. Its brutalist engineering, says Gordon frankly. Picture: Nearmap A subsequent image of Collaroy Beach from June 8, 2016. It's orders of magnitude more than a bunch of multi-million dollar properties at risk. It would be possible to introduce a major sand nourishment program to move the shoreline seaward, says Gordon. Unfortunately politics and money flow are not associated with longer term planning in Australia at present. As parts of the great ocean rd have began to crumble into the ocean. The second DA is now here. For Sydney its not just beach suburbs. Agree 100%. Which is why Ill correct you and call it the Manly Hydraulics Laboratory. At what point do we put an end to this insanity. As you know we have the Great Ocean Road down here , which was a huge Tourist attraction ( before Covid.) But there will also be a range of other social and environmental grants on offer that the LGA will use to leverage off for on-going maintenance. A sneaky second application, for the vertical wall was seen by very few. It's a travesty in so many ways and a very poor precedent for other parts of the coast which will be deemed vulnerable to sea level rise. Not every beachfront owner is a cashed up prick, some have been there 50 years when climate change etc wasnt on the radar. At this point, the relocation business case doesn't seem to stack up. 42 online submissions ALL supporting the wall but many seem to think it would be a sloping rock construction. It shows how different combinations of coastal defences and wave and tide conditions affect overtopping and flood risk. They are frequently used in locations where further shore erosion will result in excessive damage, e.g. Florida is an example. Also, "some councils are genuinely desperate to embrace the most apocalyptic climate change forecasts" - in your view what are "apocalyptic forecasts" of climate change and which councils are you referring to? There isnt much fetch so its only ever weak 1-4ft tops of onshore wave after wave onslaught, this a particular problem at high tide caus most bays and points usually go flat at high tide but under an easterly scenario the easterly windswell pushes right up to the dunes, and easterly swells require lots of wind and from what Ive read on swellnet these large storms if the pressure is low enough will raise sea levels higher than normal. Records show the DA for the Collaroy Seawall had been lodged 18 months earlier in July 2018. It might be cold comfort to the home owners, but there's always a certain risk to be taken, anywhere you might choose to live. So there is probably another DA somewhere. Seeing and continuing a precedent that the government should pay and protect small groups of private landholders while the property owner reap the benefit and profit of rocket fuel property prices. The thing is- in those pics, behind the walls, there's really not much to protect. Or as the comment above lists - quoted by Prof Short - not let the property developers and real estate industry interfere with good management strategy decades ago that would have avoided council being left with a steaming pile of shit. It never stood a chance. Unfortunately groynes or artificial headlands are not part of the certified Coastal Zone Management Plan CZMP (2014). OK this is the real one. It didn't last long and within 12 hours the sand that was built up against the near finished first wall was 2/3rds washed away. And there's no risk., yes, Blindboy, I am guessing they had absolutely no input on the final [or initial] design what-so-ever as they were only used as a consulting service by the Coastal engineers. Will it make Carties better or will kooks just ride into the wall even more. Def landing size incorrect i reckon900mm min ? This seawall will not only protect our homes but also Pittwater Rd, and the many communication and public services installed under it, from inevitable future storm events. They might be looking for a new 'environmental' consultant after the next major swell. The group aims to raise awareness of the impact that the building sector can have while pointing out that more drastic measures need to be taken, as most countries do not include full building. Seawalls have the inevitable effect of reflecting and concentrating wave energy and accelerating erosion. Has been for a while. Some interesting papers about building seawalls and the effect it has on risk perception in the post Tsunami context in Japan: Littlejohn (2020) "Dividing worlds tsunamis, seawalls, and ontological politics in Northeast Japan" But it wasn't about the road - it was about appeasing multimillionaires who would have or should have known better. So says Brendan Donohoe of the conundrum facing Northern Beaches Council in relation to the Collaroy beachfront. The thing is, the existing site was fine except a motorway was about to be built straight through it. What an absolute joke of a mess this has turned into. Im presuming that sand delivery's from the lagoon will be an ongoing thing. Thats just a done deal. Sydney 'Living' Seawalls Current property values have ensured that this mistake will never be righted. other than just the width of beaches increasing, has anyone actually seen a full dune rebuilt. The people responsible for awarding the contracts get huge kickbacks. This clearly did not happen at Collaroy. In their natural state, sand dunes are dynamic and in a constant state of flux. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. The public should not suffer loss of amenity or pay the costs to protect it. @dawnperiscope Both!! The GOR situation is far more complicated than Willi's well-intentioned advice makes out. "Update from Council on possible site visit to Northern Beaches: Casey Johnston advised a site visit to Narrabeen-Collaroy is being canvased for early December 2021 to allow review of their seawall in construction. The sheer number of cables there suggests to me that an offshore reef proposal would be unsuccesful. But if I get burnt out, then someone's going to be held to account"! Our timber guide wall formwork is not only reusable and 100% recyclable, it also prevents dangerous polystyrene fragments from entering the ecosystem. I wonder if they're intended as some kind of device to absorb/dissipate energy rather than as trafficable stairs? Good point, lilas, that explains the mystery of why aborigines didn't build their homes close to the ocean. But several of those areas experiencing recession are linked to important infrastructure that the authorities want to protect - depending on were you are, the GOR also houses telecoms, sewerage and other infrastructure. I am working on a gipa application to try and find out what community consultation they did for the second DA. Here's the Maritime Safety Queensland website link and here's what appears to be the numerical modelling report upon which a lot of decision-making on the issue is based. Would be really good to see an article on the current state of affairs in the Coastal engineering world. Newiie Harbour was pumping. 30 years of volunteers doing Dunecare (eg. Also I'm suspecting at the lga level the up front investment to do this work can be a hard sell. My comment in the other article also notes that across this region, "it is illegal to establish, maintain or use a spoil ground or other ocean disposal point (including dumping materials at sea)". Instead they provide a caveat for bulldozing sand from low on the beach to higher on the beach in times of heightened storm activity - which only lowers the beachs natural defence system. I think the wall is actually a good warning of exactly what governments mean by "adaptation and mitigation"..expensive projects for the construction industry rather than sound ecological management. How's that space travel and trip to MARS coming along, you blokes? These impacts would have been explicitly tied to that particular design option by the engineers and other specialists involved. Btw when I say 4ft these waves 99.99% of the time are sloppy, they break for half a second and then dissapear and its an ugly wash for kms out to sea. as the article states coastal erosion has been known since the 20s in that area and has been studied meticulously ever since. Ben, yes there are submarine cables and the protection zone is there to prevent damage to the cables, but I don't think that would preclude construction of reefs, it just means that any proposed reef design/construction would have to be in consultation with the cable authorities. The Local Government Act allows the council to set a special rate to pay for that. Moreover, the current DA makes no mention of sand nourishment from sand sourced elsewhere, such as deeper water offshore. The beach is now too dangerous to walk along and it's one big eyesore. It may not happen in my lifetime [fingers-crosssed] but it's a real issue when thinking about your children who eventually inherit your home. Sea level rise equation is based on the Bruun Rule to ascertain erosion in open coastal areas like Collaroy. Designed to democratise surfing, Tom Morey's invention became a specialised craft for riding treacherouswaves. Weve long known that putting a hard structureparticularly a hard, vertical structure, on the beach increases erosion., Northern Beaches Council puts up the big don't argue (Photo Craig Brokensha). Posted the story from that link here. On top of this they have places sand band grounds out perpendicular to the sandunes. Engineered to Australian Standards. (AO) Collaroy's existing situation is precarious at best. walkways to viewing platforms & beaches, selective weed management, planting, education, etc), Give nature a chance, it will rebound & stabilise dunes or else find a new equilibrium.< inland. There is currently an online petition to stop it extending to the Marquees. Whether the NSW state government / local council want to backflip with a pike on their current failing seawall master plan is another thing. The protest was backed by the growing greens movement at the time and successfully pressured the then Warringah Council to knock back the protective walls. Go figure! Yep, prevents over-topping but how's the reflection and enhanced rebound wave back into the surf zone!? What they fail to mention is the massive corruption that's involved in awarding these contracts and the fact that the construction companies themselves for the most part, are predominantly Yakuza. development, carparks & roads behind the hind dunes leading to biketracks, walkways, supporting the community including Great stuff. Edit: The estuary was in an area protected from the ocean and the cliffs only faced small wind chop and the tides. I just can't see HOW these monstrosities ever get approved, purely on an engineering level. Thanks Lilas, Inevitable as the ocean winning, is a painted "cock and balls" on that wall. There is no evidence whatsoever of accelerated erosion seaward of these newly constructed works. Photograph: Lewis Isaacs/The Guardian Beachfront residents back. Photograph: Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies. Old bathing boxes which were on long piers sitting out in the bay are now sitting in the middle of sand dunes. Would be interesting to know the depth as it goes out to sea as well as that gives options for offshore reefs to dissipate the wave energy, therefor preventing erosion. the hardest decisions should be the easiest. Buy backs should only be an.option when they contribute to an environmentally sound solution. All the sand has moved south east where previously there were great rock lagoons there is now 100 metres of sand dunes. How about dredging narrabeen lagoon?? However, NSW has an intricate coastal management and development approval system and surely there's a paper trail for the various consents and approvals for this abomination which would be subject to FOI? In 1974I witnessed what cyclonic ocean power can do to ignorantly planned beach development 50 years on and a lot of sea miles under my belt. All the reaserch I did seemed to show that the headland affect and beaches just north of those headlands, i.e. I've got a mate who works for MHL as a coastal engineer. Such a shame its job wasn't to conserve the beach and public access at the same time. I'm a huge tree-hugger but they will not stop powerfull ocean waves. Collaroy Seawall Detailed Survey for construction of a new seawall in highly sensitive erosion zone. A seven-metre high wall erected to protect beachside mansions from being washed away has sparked debate among locals in a wealthy Sydney suburb. So where public assets like roads are involved things get really sticky. First completed by the French in 1735, the Pondicherry seawall reaches a height of 27 feet above sea level. Thanks heaps for the update Craig. Super difficult problem, maybe councils could buy beachfronts then lease back the properties. I find the whole thing fascinating, I had guys from the council to my face tell me of a future with 52 day heatwaves & in the same breath tell me of being concerened about extreme cyclones & erosion. You would never be allowed to build an incorrectly designed bridge, so why do these people get away with doing that at our beaches ? Ignorant clown" The lessons, it would seem, are still being learnt. It didn't last long and within 12 hours the sand that was built up against the near finished first wall was 2/3rds washed away. Compare their prediction of how it would look with the reality shown above.. GOR coastal erosion webinar link for today at 3pm for those interested. Reef in place would no doubt have knock-on effects, purely on an engineering level strategy from the and! A permanent, stationary barrier between the sea floor unsuitable of why aborigines n't. Design only bathing boxes which were on long piers sitting out in the middle of dunes! Seawalls have the great ocean road down here, which was a very serious consideration of mine eyesore. Sand dunes are dynamic and in a position to offer 2-3 times market value mess. 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collaroy sea wall protest