google monorepo tools

a. f. The project name was inspired by Rosie the robot maid from the TV series "The Jetsons.". The fact that most Google code is available to all Google developers has led to a culture where some teams expect other developers to read their code rather than providing them with separate user documentation. sgeb is a Bazel-like system in terms of its interface (BUILDUNIT files vs BUILD files that Bazel Figure 2 reports the number of unique human committers per week to the main repository, January 2010-July 2015. ), Google does trunk based development (Yey!!) There is a tension between consistent style and tool use with freedom and flexibility of the toolchain. Wikipedia. Instead we modifying the source to be able to be built with the So, why did Google choose a monorepo and stick We added a simple script to ACM Sigact News 32, 4 (Nov. 2001), 1825. The program that was run on CI machines is As you will see in this book, a monorepo approach can save developers from a great deal of headache and wasted time. requirements for our infrastructure: Windows based: game developers, especially non-programmers, heavily rely on windows based tooling, found in build/cicd/cirunner. For instance, developers can mark some projects as private to their team so no one else can depend on them. This means that your whole organisation, including CI agents, will never build or test the same thing twice. We chose these tools because of their usage or recognition in the Web development community. Google's monolithic repository provides a common source of truth for tens of thousands of developers around the world. The Instead of creating separate repositories for new projects, they Large-scale automated refactoring using ClangMR. Tooling investments for both development and execution; Codebase complexity, including unnecessary dependencies and difficulties with code discovery; and. Google, is theorized to have the largest monorepo which handles tens of thousands of contributions per day with over 80 terabytes in size. Advantages of Monorepo. The visibility of a monolithic repo is highly impactful. Because all projects are centrally stored, teams of specialists can do this work for the entire company, rather than require many individuals to develop their own tools, techniques, or expertise. This wastes up-front time, but also increases the burden of maintenance, security, and quality control as the components and services change. Sadowski, C., Stolee, K., and Elbaum, S. How developers search for code: A case study. SG&E Monorepo This repository contains the open sourcing of the infrastructure developed by Stadia Games & Entertainment (SG&E) to run its operations. The effect of this merge is also apparent in Figure 1. IEEE Micro 30, 4 (2010), 6579. normal build. 1 (Firenze, Italy, May 16-24). maintenance burden, as builds (locally or on CI) do not depend on the machine's environment to At the top of the page, youll see a red button that says Switch to Bluetooth mode.. The commits-per-week graph shows the commit rate was dominated by human users until 2012, at which point Google switched to a custom-source-control implementation for hosting the central repository, as discussed later. Those are all good things, so why should teams do anything differently? There are pros and cons to this approach. We explain Google's "trunk-based development" strategy and the support systems that structure workflow and keep Google's codebase healthy, including software for static analysis, code cleanup, and streamlined code review. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Another attribute of a monolithic repository is the layout of the codebase is easily understood, as it is organized in a single tree. A monorepo changes your organization & the way you think about code. Not until recently did I ask the question to myself. Team boundaries are fluid. Accessed Jan. 20, 2015; Builders can be found in build/builders. Supporting the ultra-large-scale of Google's codebase while maintaining good performance for tens of thousands of users is a challenge, but Google has embraced the monolithic model due to its compelling advantages. Adds a navbar with buttons for each package in a monorepo. These tools require ongoing investment to manage the ever-increasing scale of the Google codebase. While browsing the repository, developers can click on a button to enter edit mode and make a simple change (such as fixing a typo or improving a comment). Figure 3 reports commits per week to Google's main repository over the same time period. 1. GVFS,, Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository (ACM 2016) [1], Advantages and disadvantages of a monolithic repository: a case study at Google (ICSE-SEIP 2018) [2], Flexible team boundaries and code ownership, Code visibility and clear tree structure providing implicit team namespacing. In conjunction with this change, they scan the entire repository to find and fix other instances of the software issue being addressed, before turning to new compiler errors. Dependency-refactoring and cleanup tools are helpful, but, ideally, code owners should be able to prevent unwanted dependencies from being created in the first place. uncommon target, programmers are able to write custom programs that know how to build that target. The monolithic codebase captures all dependency information. Piper also has limited interoperability with Git. These computationally intensive checks are triggered periodically, as well as when a code change is sent for review. Jennifer Lopez wore the iconic Versace dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards. Repo helps manage many Git repositories, does the uploads to revision control systems, and automates parts of the development workflow. Several best practices and supporting systems are required to avoid constant breakage in the trunk-based development model, where thousands of engineers commit thousands of changes to the repository on a daily basis. Samsung extended its self-repair program to include the Galaxy Book Pro 15" and the Galaxy Book Pro 360 15" shown above. Without such heavy investment on infrastructure and tooling But it will analyze Cargo.toml files to do the same for Rust, or Gradle files to do the same for Java. setup, the toolchains, the vendored dependencies are not present. Our strategy for As the scale and The team is also pursuing an experimental effort with Mercurial,g an open source DVCS similar to Git. Owners are typically the developers who work on the projects in the directories in question. We provide background on the systems and workflows that make managing and working productively with a large repository feasible. Piper stores a single large repository and is implemented on top of standard Google infrastructure, originally Bigtable,2 now Spanner.3 Piper is distributed over 10 Google data centers around the world, relying on the Paxos6 algorithm to guarantee consistency across replicas. In fact, such a repo is prohibitively monolithic, which is often the first thing that comes to mind when people think of monorepos. Rather we should see so many positive sides of monorepo, like- With the monolithic structure of the Google repository, a developer never has to decide where the repository boundaries lie. It also has heavy assumptions of running in a Perforce depot. Monorepos have to use these pipelines to do the following: Run build and test ( CI) before enabling a merge into the dev/main branches One-click deployments of the entire system from scratch Additionally, many things can be automated but its important to be able to trust the oucome as a developer. repository: a case study at Google, In Proceedings of the 40th International In the game engine examples, there would be an unreal_builder that You may find, say, Lage more enjoyable to use than Nx or Bazel even though in some ways it is less capable. Jennifer Lopez wore the iconic Versace dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards. The WORKSPACE and the MONOREPO file what in-house tooling and custom infrastructural efforts they have made over the years to Monorepos have a lot of advantages, but to make them work you need to have the right tools. The ability to make atomic changes is also a very powerful feature of the monolithic model. toolchain that Go uses. scenario requirements. For the last project that I worked The Linux kernel is a prominent example of a large open source software repository containing approximately 15 million lines of code in 40,000 files.14, Google's codebase is shared by more than 25,000 Google software developers from dozens of offices in countries around the world. which should have the correct mapping for all the dependencies (either vendored or otherwise). sign in normally have their own build orchestrator: Unreal has UnrealBuildTool and Unity drives it's own Most developers access Piper through a system called Clients in the Cloud, or CitC, which consists of a cloud-based storage backend and a Linux-only FUSE13 file system. I'm curious to understand the interplay of the source code model (monolithic repository vs many repositories) and the deployment model, in particular when considering continuous deployment vs. explicit releases. targets themselves, meaning that can be written in any language that sgeb supports. WebGoogle Images. A set of global presubmit analyses are run for all changes, and code owners can create custom analyses that run only on directories within the codebase they specify. 12. 2. As an example of how these benefits play out, consider Google's Compiler team, which ensures developers at Google employ the most up-to-date toolchains and benefit from the latest improvements in generated code and "debuggability." enable streamlined trunk-based development workflows, and advantages and alternatives of extension [3] and Microsofts GVFS [4-7], this seems to be true for other companies that If it's a normal Bazel target (like a Go program), sgeb will delegate to Bazel. Files in a workspace are committed to the central repository only after going through the Google code-review process, as described later. All rights reserved. Teams want to make their own decisions about what libraries they'll use, when they'll deploy their apps or libraries, and who can contribute to or use their code. One concrete example is an experiment to evaluate the feasibility of converting Google data centers to support non-x86 machine architectures. 7. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Google still has a Git infrastructure team mostly for open source projects :, Link to the research papers written by Rachel and Josh on Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository, Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository,,,, Piper (custom system hosting monolithic repo), TAP (testing before and after commits, auto-rollback), Rosie (large scale change distribution and management), codebase complexity is a risk to productivity. This heavily decreases the Google Engineering Tools blog post, 2011; Consider a critical bug or breaking change in a shared library: the developer needs to set up their environment to apply the changes across multiple repositories with disconnected revision histories. In most cases it is now impossible to build A. As Rosie's popularity and usage grew, it became clear some control had to be established to limit Rosie's use to high-value changes that would be distributed to many reviewers, rather than to single atomic changes or rejected. A lesson learned from Google's experience with a large monolithic repository is such mechanisms should be put in place as soon as possible to encourage more hygienic dependency structures. 'It was the most popular search query ever seen,' said Google exec, Eric Schmidt. Advantages. Chang, F., Dean, J., Ghemawat, S., Hsieh, W.C., Wallach, D.A., Burrows, M., Chandra, T., Fikes, A., and Gruber, R.E. let's see how each tools answer to each features. Things like support for distributed task execution can be a game changer, especially in large monorepos. Hermetic: All dependencies must be checked in into de monorepo. Everything you need to make monorepos work. Updating is difficult when the library callers are hosted in different repositories. WebGoogle uses the single monorepo for 95% of its single source of truth codebase, leaving Google Chrome and Android on specific ones. As a result, the technology used to host the codebase has also evolved significantly. Monorepos are hot right now, especially among Web developers. 15. In that vein, we determined the following There are many great monorepo tools, built by great teams, with different philosophies. Following this transition, automated commits to the repository began to increase. help with building the stubs, but it will require some PATH modification to work. While Bazel is very extensible and supports many targets, there are certain projects that it is not Changes to base libraries are instantly propagated through the dependency chain into the final products that rely on the libraries, without requiring a separate sync or migration step. Some features are easy to add even when a given tool doesn't support it (e.g., code generation), and some aren't really possible to add (e.g., distributed task execution). Take up to $50 off the Galaxy S23 series by reserving your phone right now. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sept. 22-28). should be side to side. Uninterrupted listening across devices with Android At CES 2023, well share new experiences for bringing media with you across devices and our approach to helping devices work better together. No game projects or game-related technologies are present in this repository. This behavior can create a maintenance burden for teams that then have trouble deprecating features they never meant to expose to users. Rachel will go into some details about that. Feel free to fork it and adjust for your own need. The Google monorepo has been blogged about, talked about at conferences, and written up in Communications of the ACM . Rachel Potvin ( is an engineering manager at Google, Mountain View, CA. 3. The use of Git is important for these teams due to external partner and open source collaborations. A single repository provides unified versioning and a single source of truth. A single common repository vastly simplifies these tools by ensuring atomicity of changes and a single global view of the entire repository at any given time. It is more than code & tools. Working state is thus available to other tools, including the cloud-based build system, the automated test infrastructure, and the code browsing, editing, and review tools. This comes with the burden to have to vendor (check-in) all the third party dependendies However, Google has found this investment highly rewarding, improving the productivity of all developers, as described in more detail by Sadowski et al.9. Trunk-based development is beneficial in part because it avoids the painful merges that often occur when it is time to reconcile long-lived branches. Over the years, as the investment required to continue scaling the centralized repository grew, Google leadership occasionally considered whether it would make sense to move from the monolithic model. NOTE: This is not a working system as it is published here. Google workflow. A cost is also incurred by teams that need to review an ongoing stream of simple refactorings resulting from codebase-wide clean-ups and centralized modernization efforts. A developer can make a major change touching hundreds or thousands of files across the repository in a single consistent operation. Each team has a directory structure within the main tree that effectively serves as a project's own namespace. These files are stored in a workspace owned by the developer. Here is a curated list of useful videos and podcasts to go deeper or just see the information in another way. We don't cover them here because they are more subjective. Immediately after any commit, the new code is visible to, and usable by, all other developers. possible targets, we decided to create a layer on top of Bazel that would cover all the cases: SG&E Which developer tools is more worth it between and Solo Learn. The Google codebase is constantly evolving. In sum, Google has developed a number of practices and tools to support its enormous monolithic codebase, including trunk-based development, the distributed source-code repository Piper, the workspace client CitC, and workflow-support-tools Critique, CodeSearch, Tricorder, and Rosie. In version-control systems, a monorepo ("mono" meaning 'single' and "repo" being short for ' repository ') is a software-development strategy in which the code for a number of projects is stored in the same repository. Tools have been built to. As you could expect, the different copies of the engine evolve independently, and at some point, some features needed to be made available in some other games and so it was leading to a major headache and the painful merge process. we welcome pull requests if we got something wrong! we vendored. 11. WebSearch the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. be installed into third_party/p4api. MONOREPO). substantial amount of engineering efforts on creating in-house tooling and custom Since we wanted to support one single build system regardless of the target and support all the Growth in the commit rate continues primarily due to automation. Of course, you probably use one of It is now read-only. For instance, special tooling automatically detects and removes dead code, splits large refactorings and automatically assigns code reviews (as through Rosie), and marks APIs as deprecated. Tools for building and splitting monolithic repository from existing packages. Pretty simple and minimal browser extension that parses a `lerna.json`, `nx.json` or `package.json` file and if it finds that it is a monorepo it will add a navbar right above the repository's files listing that contains links to each package found inside the monorepo. Open the Google Stadia controller update page in a Chrome browser. Depending on your needs and constraints, we'll help you decide which tools best suit you. 5. 10. Accessed Jan. 20, 2015;, 13. We are open sourcing Such efforts can touch half a million variable declarations or function-call sites spread across hundreds of thousands of files of source code. There's no such thing as a breaking change when you fix everything in the same commit. As a comparison, Google's Git-hosted Android codebase is divided into more than 800 separate repositories. As someone who was familiar with the This separation came because there are multiple WORKSPACES due to the way Jan. 17, 2023 1:06 p.m. PT. normal Go toolchain (eg. Download now. We later examine this and similar trade-offs more closely. How do you maintain source code of your project? Spanner: Google's globally distributed database. [2] Current investment by the Google source team focuses primarily on the ongoing reliability, scalability, and security of the in-house source systems. In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (Zrich, Switzerland, June 2-9). on Googles experience, one key take-away for me is that the mono-repo model requires A polyrepo is the current standard way of developing applications: a repo for each team, application, or project. Here are some video and podcast about monorepos that we think will greatly support what you just learned. About Google Colab . Google uses a similar approach for routing live traffic through different code paths to perform experiments that can be tuned in real time through configuration changes. see in each individual package or code where the code is expected to be but overall they conform to Piper and CitC make working productively with a single, monolithic source repository possible at the scale of the Google codebase. Monorepo enables the true CI/CD, and here is how. When new features are developed, both new and old code paths commonly exist simultaneously, controlled through the use of conditional flags. Their repo is huge, and they documentation, configuration files, supporting data files (which all seem OK to me) but also generated source (which, they have to have a good reason to store in the repo, but which in my opinion, is not a great idea, as generated files are generated from the source code, so this is just useless duplication and not a good practice. Determine what might be affected by a change, to run only build/test affected projects. Builders are meant to build targets that The monolithic model of source code management is not for everyone. on at work, we structured our repos using git submodules to accommodate certain build Learn more Collaboration: Google Sheets and Excel with Office365 is a powerful tool for collaborating with others, allowing multiple users to work on a document simultaneously. Monorepo: We determined that the benefits in maintenance and verifyability outweighed the costs of Some companies host all their code in a single repository, shared among everyone. CICD was to have a single binary that had a simple plugin architecture to drive common use cases Includes only reviewed and committed code and excludes commits performed by automated systems, as well as commits to release branches, data files, generated files, open source files imported into the repository, and other non-source-code files. With Rosie, developers create a large patch, either through a find-and-replace operation across the entire repository or through more complex refactoring tools. WebMultilingual magic Build and test using Java, C++, Go, Android, iOS and many other languages and platforms. The alternative of moving to Git or any other DVCS that would require repository splitting is not compelling for Google. With this approach, a large backward-compatible change is made first. Google uses a homegrown version-control system to host one large codebase visible to, and used by, most of the software developers in the company. In October 2012, Google's central repository added support for Windows and Mac users (until then it was Linux-only), and the existing Windows and Mac repository was merged with the main repository. A lot of successful organizations such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft -as well as large open source projects such as Babel, Jest, and React- are all using the monorepo approach to software development. An important aspect of Google culture that encourages code quality is the expectation that all code is reviewed before being committed to the repository. Figure 7 reports the number of changes committed through Rosie on a monthly basis, demonstrating the importance of Rosie as a tool for performing large-scale code changes at Google. ACM Press, New York, 2013, 2528. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Corbett, J.C., Dean, J., Epstein, M., Fikes, A., Frost, C., Furman, J., Ghemawat, S., Gubarev, A., Heiser, C., Hochschild, P. et al. Click reasons for these were various, but a big driver was to have the ability to tailor the infra to the d. Over 99% of files stored in Piper are visible to all full-time Google engineers. order to simplify distribution. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (Bergamo, Italy, Aug. 30-Sept. 4). We can end up in pretty tricky situations when working in a polyrepo. It also makes it possible for developers to view each other's work in CitC workspaces. This article outlines the scale of that codebase and details Google's custom-built monolithic source repository and the reasons the model was chosen. For example, due to this centralized effort, Google's Java developers all saw their garbage collection (GC) CPU consumption decrease by more than 50% and their GC pause time decrease by 10%40% from 2014 to 2015. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Learn how to build enterprise-scale Angular applications which are maintainable in the long run. There are many great monorepo tools, built by great teams, with different philosophies. for contribution purposes mostly. Discussion): Related to 3rd and 4th points, the paper points out that the multi-repo model brings more caveats. 225-234. 6. How do they compare? Get a consistent way of building and testing applications written using different tools and technologies. build internally as a black box. The internal tools developed by Google to support their monorepo are impressive, and so are the stats about the number of files, commits, and so forth. Monorepos can reach colossal sizes. This is because it is a polyglot (multi-language) build system designed to work on monorepos: Google's Bluetooth upgrade tool is here, to breathe new life into your Stadia Controller. Since a monorepo requires more tools and processes to work well in the long run, bigger teams are better suited to implement and maintain them. The goal is to address common questions and misconceptions around monorepos, why youd want to use one, available tooling and features those tools should The risk associated with developers changing code they are not deeply familiar with is mitigated through the code-review process and the concept of code ownership. reasonable or feasable to build with Bazel. Larger dips in both graphs occur during holidays affecting a significant number of employees (such as Christmas Day and New Year's Day, American Thanksgiving Day, and American Independence Day). 2018 (DOI: Facebook: Mercurial extension (Accessed: February 9, 2020). A team of Google developers will occasionally undertake a set of wide-reaching code-cleanup changes to further maintain the health of the codebase. We discuss the pros and cons of this model here. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. submodule-based multi-repo model, I was curious about the rationale of choosing the This method is typically used in project-specific code, not common library code, and eventually flags are retired so old code can be deleted. Each source file can be uniquely identified by a single stringa file path that optionally includes a revision number. The total number of files also includes source files copied into release branches, files that are deleted at the latest revision, configuration files, documentation, and supporting data files; see the table here for a summary of Google's repository statistics from January 2015. More specifically, these are common drawbacks to a polyrepo environment: To share code across repositories, you'd likely create a repository for the shared code. The Google build system5 makes it easy to include code across directories, simplifying dependency management. Tools like Refaster11 and ClangMR15 (often used in conjunction with Rosie) make use of the monolithic view of Google's source to perform high-level transformations of source code. Google's code-indexing system supports static analysis, cross-referencing in the code-browsing tool, and rich IDE functionality for Emacs, Vim, and other development environments. Meanwhile, the number of Google software developers has steadily increased, and the size of the Google codebase has grown exponentially (see Figure 1). Library authors often need to see how their APIs are being used. The most comprehensive image search on the web. support, the mono-repo model simply would not work. You signed in with another tab or window. IEEE Press, 2013, 548551. Keep reading, and you'll see that a good monorepo is the opposite of monolithic. Go has no concept of generating protobuf stubs, so these need to be generated before doing a A change often receives a detailed code review from one developer, evaluating the quality of the change, and a commit approval from an owner, evaluating the appropriateness of the change to their area of the codebase. Developers can confidently contribute to other teams applications and verify that their changes are safe. Google practices trunk-based development on top of the Piper source repository. Still the big picture view of all services and support code is very valuable even for small teams. The fact that Piper users work on a single consistent view of the Google codebase is key for providing the advantages described later in this article. WebExperience the world of Google on our official YouTube channel. Given that Facebook and Google have kind of popularised the monorepos recently, I thought it would be interesting to dissect a bit their points of view and try to bring to a close the debate about whether mono-repos are or not the solution to most of our developer problems. Consider a repository with several projects in it. work. Teams that use open source software are expected to occasionally spend time upgrading their codebase to work with newer versions of open source libraries when library upgrades are performed. fit_screen Simply Each tool fits a specific set of needs and gives you a precise set of features. Developers can browse and edit files anywhere across the Piper repository, and only modified files are stored in their workspace. I would challenge the fact that having owners is not in the best interest of shared ownership, so Im not a fan. Google relied on one primary Perforce instance, hosted on a single machine, coupled with custom caching infrastructure1 for more than 10 years prior to the launch of Piper. Bug fixes and enhancements that must be added to a release are typically developed on mainline, then cherry-picked into the release branch (see Figure 6). Attribute of a monolithic repository provides a common source of truth codebase, leaving Google Chrome Android. Include the Galaxy Book Pro 15 '' shown above 30-Sept. 4 ) languages and platforms and services.! Very valuable even for small teams do anything differently there is a curated of. A working system as it is time to reconcile long-lived branches it is time to reconcile long-lived.... Discussion ): Related to 3rd and 4th points, the toolchains the. Common source of truth codebase, leaving Google Chrome and Android on specific ones as. Comparison, Google 's custom-built monolithic source repository with a large backward-compatible change is made.. 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