list of british prisoners in thailand

He spent time in three jails, including Bang Kwang, the notorious "Bangkok Hilton". The case of the Oryoku Maru collectively covers the seven-week voyages and fate of Allied POWs held in the Philippines, who survived the sinking of that ship in Subic Bay in December 1944, and the bombing of a second ship the Enoura Maru, in the harbour of Takao, January 1945, and the Brazil Maru which transported the last surviving Allied POWs to Moji, Japan. While in San Fernando, 15 weak or wounded prisoners were loaded on a truck, believing they would be taken to Bilibid for treatment. For example, they were limited to 100 letters. While there, the prisoners were afforded no sanitary conditions whatsoever. Changi POW camps: TNA index reference & location: WO 367. A BRIT who spent six months in a Thai prison after being fleeced by an ex has told of the torture and abuse he suffered behind bars. The group of prisoners was then moved to San Fernando, Pampanga. There are sources which show other camp names not listed here: however there is no further information so far sourced regarding these camps, it being likely these extra names are either civilian camps only or just a misspelling or pseudonym of the camps below. It was just brilliant and it really helped. 25/10/42 1100 British POWs taken to Takao, Taiwan from Singapore. Hundreds of Japanese troops were killed in the 30-minute coordinated attack; the Americans suffered minimal casualties. The prison is a maximum security facility with over 20,000 inmates being held cramped and unhygenic conditions. Suzuya Maru (AKA Otaro Maru/Op ten Noort), 20/10/42 1600 Dutch POWs transported to Moulmein from Java, Tamahoko Maru (AKA Yone Maru/Tamahoko Maru). Relatives of British Malayan civilian internees can, by appointment, visit the Imperial War Museum Reading Room to view similar details of Changi Gaol internees in the Changi Register and view other short details in the 1940 Malayan Directory. Truthfully I really wish I knew nothing about Prisoners Abroad or prisons in Thailand. One of which was the transportation of 900 British POWs from Singapore on 28/10/42 to Takao, Taiwan. 5) were killed when the U.S. Battleships bombarded Kamaishi City 22 were killed in Kawasaki Ogimachi Branch Camp (Tokyo No. To prevent the rescue of prisoners of war by the advancing allies, on 14 December 1944, Japanese guards herded the remaining 150 POWs at Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island, into three covered trenches used as air-raid shelters which were then set on fire. Lieutenant-Colonel Tatsuji Suga (born 22nd September 1885) was the commander of all prisoner-of-war and civilian internment camps in Borneo. However, on January 9th, the Enoura Maru was bombed and disabled while in harbour, killing about 350 men. Sailed from Singapore to Manila on 04/7/44 with 1287 POWs on board arriving 15 days later. The firing squad, consisting of four Indian National Army* soldiers stood some 50 yards away. Allied POW camps and ship-transports were sometimes accidental targets of Allied attacks. It is reported that least 1,000 of these inmates are foreigners normally held in Building 2.The institution is a huge prison complex housing both men and women. A 6,886-ton freighter on October 24, 1944, Arisan Maru was transporting 1,781 US & Allied military and civilian POWs when she was hit by a torpedo strike from an American submarine at about 5 p.m. she finally sank about 7 p.m. Only nine of the prisoners aboard survived the event -five escaped and made their way to China in one of the ship's two lifeboats. is now making images of some original documentation and prisoner release/questionnaire forms. Sailed from Singapore to Taiwan departed 5/6/44 with 800 POWs. The ship was later sunk by US aircraft whilst carrying IJN personnel near Mindoro Island in the Philippines. 1 Hospital, Singapore, JC /10 Alexandra Hospital, Havelock Road working camp, Singapore, JC /39 Seletar Camp, ( naval case ), Singapore, JC /46 Buller Camp, Breucassie, Singapore, JC /89 Buket Timah, Chinese High School, Singapore, JC /140 Fort Connaught, Blakang Mati Island, Singapore, JC /45 Medan Quarantine Station and Gloeger, Sumatra, JC /148 Muntok, Bangka Island, off Sumatra, JC /167 Aek Ramienke Estate Camp 1, Sumatra, JC /302 Si Rengo Rengo, Ranthauparapat, Sumatra, Some of the material on this page was also partially derived from, , , , , , , , , , . The Japanese military police (Kempeitai) used Outram Road Gaol in Singapore as a place of punishment for all those who broke their rules prisoners of war, internees and local people. <> Shuske Wada, whose charges paralleled those of Toshino, was the official interpreter for the guard group. Photocopy. While we all associate Thailand with crazy parties, Thai massages, pristine beaches, and lush forests, the truth is that the country has strict moral codes and regulations. The big difference between the Branch Camp and Dispatched Camp is as follows: In a Branch Camp the Japanese Army supplied all the housing, food, and clothing for the POWs, In a Dispatched/detached camp food, housing, and clothing were provided by the companies and the IJA (Imperial Japanese Army) only provided the POWs and military staff. The camps were mainly set up in mines and the industrial areas such as Keihin (Tokyo and Yokohama), and Hanshin (Osaka and Kobe). His mother, Debbie Caswell, who updates readers on a Facebook support page, recently revealed that one of the prisoners walks on her sons back to help him cope with the pain he suffers from constantly sleeping on a hard surface. On December 8, the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor (on the other side of the International Date Line), he flew from Nichols Field to engage in aerial combat against the Japanese in his Curtis P-40E fighter aeroplane. It is understood that in January he gave his permission to the agreement and is now awaiting on a decision from authorities in the UK and in Thailand. Relatives of British POWs who were in Changi POW Camp, Singapore may like to know that The National Archives in Kew, London - have 58,000 POW index cards in 50 or so boxes. 723 survivors were rescued only to be put to work in conditions similar to those of the Burma Railway where death was commonplace. Besides, that sent on exchange ships, mail for prisoners of war in the Far East was by July 1942 being transported across Russia to her Pacific seaboard and thence to Japan, under an agreement reached with the Soviet Government. 2nd Amnesty Announced. At Sandakan and Ranau and Brunei, North Borneo, batches of prisoners in fifties and sixties were marched out to dig their graves, then shot or bayoneted and pushed into the graves, many before they were dead. The following sites are all very highly recommended for further specific research. In 1918 she was acquired by the Johnstone Line of Liverpool, who renamed her Hartmore in 1920 and sold her in 1921 to the Anglo-Oriental Navigation Company (part of Yule Catto), Liverpool, who renamed her Sureway. Research & Articles by Lt. Col. Peter Winstanley OAM RFD (Retired), JP : Guestbook: . History note Cataloguer Backlog History note Catalogue date 1977-07 Object details Object associations Associated subjects Original documents Miscellaneous Documents The captain of the ship, Shin Kajiyama, was acquitted, "as he had no chance to prevent any atrocities". =) A$~ 9bX\iM+F!Z^B+F!Zv;Dvsod12xC!}k5$NP[3gR`@ezl?> : {}d_sKLG|{_eB5GC u(/v&CzVw8s%&"NRD0JEK (.8z:6>")RN9m!Zq>1XRBXE |RKyFSk2?'(bl-p{ Cruelly & ironically the Japanese frequently painted supply ships with Red Crosses, yet did not do the same for those vessels that deserved these markings. The POWs used the clothes that they had with them upon their arrival in Japan, and the camps provided work clothes such as tenugui (Japanese cotton towel), jikatabi (traditional work footwear), and gunte (work gloves made of cotton). Many prisoners, however, indicated that because of the availability of fresh vegetables in the warmer months and local fish during winter, rations were in some ways better than at Jinsen and Keijo. <> While there, the prisoners were afforded no sanitary conditions whatsoever. For instance, a Brit was charged for defending himself after he had been attacked by a Thai gang. There is some dispute about the length of time he will have to serve ranging from 10 to 20 years but it certainly will be a long term of imprisonment in a UK prison. Sometimes POWs were forced to keep running, or to stand at attention for hours, or were kept standing with a bucket full of water on their head or were given the water punishment where a POW was forced to put his face under the flowing tap. 10 0 obj See "Death on the Hellships" (pp. suggested that it may be possible to get the residual prison term down to 10 years by working with the UK Foreign Office. In the early hours of the 16th September, she hit a mine north of Labuan, listed quickly to port and sank. original documents on Thailand camps (RG 24 Box 6) - Report on camps by John Slaughter (Royal Norfolk Regiment), with maps; Swiss telegrams re USS Houston survivors, list of Ameri Some escaped by going over a cliff that ran along one side of the trenches but was later hunted down and killed. POWs reported various atrocities of these types in their testimony before the War Tribunals after the war. However the track was sold to Thai Railways and the 130 km Ban PongNamtok section re-laid and is in use today.". The first project for the prisoners was to clean the building. Furthermore, the Japanese Government had been very negligent in keeping records of such historical facts during the war. These horrific incidents following the fall of Ambon became the subject of one of the largest ever war crimes trials: 93 Japanese personnel were tried by an Australian military tribunal at Ambon. With the lights of Japan in sight on 26th June 1944 one of the ships in the convoy exploded after being torpedoed by the US submarine USS Tang. Two British prisoners including 'drug dealer' sent home from Thailand do NOT have coronavirus, tests confirm. Changi prison. Diagonal red lines drawn across the card means the serviceman died in captivity. Alarmingly, the Kingdom of Thailand has the highest female prison population rates, followed by the US. He claimed that inaccurate information about him had been supplied to the Thais and this had affected his case. Sailed from Hong Kong to Japan (Moji) via Taiwan in December 1943 carrying 500 POWs. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The following day Suga, together with several of his officers were flown to the Australian base on Labuan, to await their trials as war criminals. Of the 1210 people on board, a total of 339 were lost that night, 308 workers (including POWs), 26 prostitutes and 5 Japanese soldiers. Drinking water was boiled as chemicals were not available. There are many incidents of particular barbarity within the 3 years+ of Japanese captivity, here are a few of the more infamous. <>>> Drinking water is also scarce. Many of the deaths happened immediately after the POWs arrived in Japan from South East Asia. Lances mother is deeply committed and devoted to her son as is his father. <> All the other guards received long prison sentences. This may have been because the wages were only on paper. However, there are also cells in the prison which hold up to 5 people with a small toilet area. She describes the whole journey, in one Facebook post, as the will of God which she and her son try to accept. Answer: Absolutely horrific. Prisoners Abroads support helped me survive my time in a Thai prison. This turned out to be fortuitous as his fellow accused, Jake Mostraini, pleaded not guilty and was handed down two life sentences. Usually though, you couldnt even identify it. The report of the International Red Cross Committee gives the best idea of how the visits were conducted: The duration of the visit to the camps was generally restricted to two hours, made up of one for a conversation with the camp commandant, thirty minutes for visiting quarters, and thirty minutes for an interview, in the presence of the Japanese officers of the camp, with a camp leader appointed by them. Initially, there were Japanese language lessons for officers, at first compulsory, then voluntary. Sister Bullwinkel was later captured again and spent the rest of the war in captivity. The result of this was that International Red Cross Committee delegates were able to visit only 43 camps and Protecting Power representatives only, whereas there were (at the end of the war) 102 camps in Japan, Formosa, Korea, and Manchuria alone. On arrival at Mojio, the POWs were split & sent to Moji & Kobe camps. Dainichi was torpedoed on 08/10/43 by USS Gurnard, along with another Japanese ship, she was carrying a troop transport of over 2000 at this time. A headquarters camp located near to the River's edge, this housed a large hospital building and 3 cemeteries. Camp Gloegoer I was was from April until May 1942 located in former coolies sheds a kilometre east of the main road. 1 Sub Camp, Fukuoka Group, Najima, Kashii PoW Camp, Japan, JC /248 Neawitz Camp,Omori Camp, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /251 Kanose Camp D16, Hiroshima Group, Japan, JC /254 Yokohama No. The two bridges were successfully bombed on 13 February 1945 by the Royal Air Force. The young Thai woman had succumbed to a meningitis infection. 11 0 obj Forces and returned to the United States. Best known prisons (mostly from 19th century or older, mainly still in function except the Katajanokka Prison and Kakola): For a longer list of prisons in Germany see Liste der Justizvollzugsanstalten in Deutschland (in German), There are 45 Prisons in Ghana which are managed by the Ghana Prisons Service. The Thailand-Burma railway was a 258 mile (415km) track route covering the distance between Bangkok Thailand and Rangoon Burma, it was built using slave labour under the control of the Japanese army during the period 1942-45. 1,(shipyard), Tokyo, Japan, JC /257 Kobi, (steelworks), Kawasaki, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /262 Hakodate Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /263 Osaka HQ Camp, Osaka Group, Japan, JC /265 Kamo Camp, Fukuoka Group, Kyushu Island, Japan, JC /267 Amagasaki Camp, Osaka Camp, Otani Camp, Japan, JC /277 Kamaishi Camp, Sendai Group, Japan, JC /278 Asano, Garden Yama, Yokohama 13D,Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /282 Narumi 11th Sub Group, Nagoya Group, ( loco factory ), Japan, JC /287 Nagasaki 17, Omuta, Nagasaki Camp, Fukuoka Group, Japan, JC /289 Kamiso, Asano, ( cement factory ), Japan, JC /292 Yakoma Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /297 Ohama Camp, Hiroshima Group, Japan, JC /298 Funatsa 3rd Sub Group, Nagoya Group, Japan, JC /303 Shigahamyama Hospital, Sendai Group, Japan, JC /305 Nagoya 8B, Narumi, Nagoya Area, Japan, JC /306 Iruka Camp, Nagoya, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /308 Sakarajima Camp, Osaka Group, Japan, JC /309 Hanawa Camp 6, Sendai Group, Japan, JC /312 Kamyoka Prison, Yokohama, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /315 Ichioka Stadium, PoW Hospital, Osaka Group, Japan, JC /318 Mitsui Camp, Kawasaki, tokyo Group, Japan, JC /319 Sakata Camp, ( Sakota), Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /322 Ohashi Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /331 Military Police Station, Sapporo, Hokkadio, Japan, JC /334 Wakasena Camp 10D, Sendai Group, Japan, JC /335 Nagasaki Camp, Fukuoka Group, Japan, JC /336 Kosaka Camp, Sendai Group 8B, Japan, JC /339 Kosei Hospital, Gumichi, Hiroshima, JC /23 Glodok Prison, Gloocock Gaol, Batavia, Java, JC /69 Bicycle Battalion Barracks, Batavia, Java, JC/ 103 Kloet St., Sing Arari, Malang, Java, JC /105 10th Battalion Barracks, Malang, Java, JC /112 Tjilatjas Barracks Depot Camp, Java, JC /113 Bandoeng ( includes Depot Camp),LOG Kangsayo Camp, 13 Pow, 3 Camp, Java, JC /114 Jaarmarkt, Jacomantu, Soerabaya, Java, JC /120 St. Vincent's Hospital, Batavia, Java, JC /141 Koan Pentekoan School, Kampong Mocassa, Java, JC /177 Aalgemene Middelbaar Schoole, Batavia, Java, JC /208 Tjimali L-OG Camp,Tjimahi, Bandoeng, Java, JC /212 No. Admittedly, the Kiwi was reported to have a serious underlying health condition. In most camps blankets were provided by the camp, however, many POWs reported that the severe winter cold adversely affected their health. See the "Report on POW Supply Missions" for more details. Each prisoner was fed about one teacup of cooked rice twice daily and given a canteen full of dirty water once a day. Mark Rumble, 31, was extradited back to the UK from Thailand on January 27 Company guards were responsible for the POWs while they were at work. This included administering an elaborate questionnaire to all prisoner of wars in Korea, interviewing prisoners and even requiring them to write essays about their attitudes towards Japan. There are no nominal lists currently known of those who worked and died on this railway, however: 6,982 casualties are commemorated in the Kanchanaburi War Cemetery (also known as Don-Rak cemetery) 129Km north of Bangkok. Bang Kwang is a grim place holding long term prisoners, and is where the death sentence is carried out on rare occasions. Hokusen Maru (AKA Haro Maru, Haru Mary, Benjo Maru, Horror Maru). The Japanese Army was responsible for the administration of the camps, but the Japanese Navy wanted to interrogate pilots they captured in an attempt to improve their naval intelligence. All 500 internees were crowded into a single building, which had previously housed 60 soldiers, and the Japanese made little provision for food and water. Debbie has said that he believes her son was vulnerable after the shock death of the young woman he loved. The Japanese were similarly indifferent about mail. Don was amongst some 900 British P.O.W.s aboard the Kachidoki Maru, being transported from Malaya to Japan. The men were regarded as not fit enough to be transferred to working areas but were shipped out of Changi anyway on 13 trains with no ventilation and little food or water. Note: there may be duplicated entries for some camp descriptions as camp names and sub names are often confusing: i.e. Note: Hellships were frequently renamed or known by other names -AKA in these listings means 'also known as'. The new railway route commenced building on 22nd June 1942 and completed on 17th October 1943, the most famous part near the townKanchanaburi spanningthe river Mekhong is Bridge 277 the famous Bridge on the River Kwai. THAILAND_POW_Camps_rosters (WO 361-2171) - Numerous . Something went wrong, please try again later. Pathway to Chungkai By Maurice Rooney There are no Aust POWs who were allowed to remain at either of these camps were often from Changi Camp and still fit to work. Unknown to the Japanese, there was a radio secretly hidden by the POWs on the grounds, which provided them with news from the outside world. Junsaburo Toshino, former Lieutenant and Guard Commandant aboard the hell ship were found guilty of murdering and supervising the murder of at least 16 men and sentenced to death as a Class B war criminal at Yokohama. After the fall of Singapore 50,000 British and other Empire troops were gathered there, but very quickly work details gathered several thousand men from Changi and these were sent to various projects on Sumatra, Burma, and Thailand and other Japanese occupied territories. <> 4 0 obj On the other hand, some were closed. The ship was later part of a convoy sailing on 3rd June 1944 from Batavia, Java towards Japan with 772 Australian, British and American prisoners of war on board. One of the other Americans was USMC Lt. who had organized the escape. More than 12,000 Allied prisoners of war (POWs) and tens of thousands of forced labourers perished during its construction. Facing brutal conditions including disease, torture, and malnourishment, the prisoners feared they would all be executed as US forces retook many islands as Japanese conquests were slowly rolled back. Post Author: Post published: 21st May 2022 Post Category: junior architectural designer salary Post Comments: coachella festival demographics coachella festival demographics On April 23, 1942, the five hundred American and Western internees were moved to Camp Holmes from Camp John Hay, a former base of the Philippine constabulary, five miles away. Both cases related to somewhat different circumstances it must be said. ; Presidente Bernardes Provisional Readaptation Center (Presidente Bernardes, So Paulo, Brazil) - inspired by the Supermax standards, although prisoners can only stay there for a maximum of 2 years. The first wooden bridge over the Khwae Yai was finished in February 1943, followed by a concrete and steel bridge in June 1943. Why are hundreds of foreigners incarcerated in Peruvian Prisons? MALAYA British deaths (some Dutch) (RG 407 Box 174) - Unreported Deaths of Allied Personnel. K & L-365 men of themedical forces left Changi in June and August 1943 for Thailand and worked in the various hospitals along the railway. Wada was found guilty of causing the deaths of numerous American and Allied prisoners of war by neglecting to transmit to his superiors requests for adequate quarters, food, drinking water, and medical attention. And 13 are on death row in nine different countries for murder, terrorism . By the time the war was over, a total of more than 30,000 POWs had died from starvation, diseases, and mistreatment both within and outside of the Japanese Mainland. Tha Sao 130 KM -Group 4 of D party from Singapore worked here. Only 11 men escaped via holes in the perimeter fence, they later testified in war crimes tribunals. Mati Mati =wait, wait a nickname for this hell ship that zigzagged across the Pacific carrying POWs so much it was always a delayed journey. Once a day, youd be given a meal. Left Singapore on 4/9/44 bound for Japan with 950 British & Australian POWs from D party group 4, sunk in the same incident on 12/9/44as the Rakuyo maru and 520 were rescued by the Japanese and a few others by US submarines. The paperless archive (has detailed reports of many camps): . Typically, they were two-storied wooden buildings in a compound surrounded by wooden walls topped with barbed wire. x[nF}#YT_ 'uEi,% dW @V3;sxx|\%^ *O|QU/** Record of Management of Prisoners of War, Japan Prisoner of War Bureau. What will new British PM Liz Truss do on LGBTQ+ issues? However, prison time in Thailand, at any institution, is not easy particularly for foreigners and especially, according to reports, in recent years with severe overcrowding and the consequent need for tighter prison discipline. <> Changi was not just one camp but up to seven prisoner-of-war (POW) and internee camps. endobj He was imprisoned first at Camp O'Donnell, north of Manila. Approximately 3,500 POWs died in Japan while they were imprisoned. These nurses joined up with a group of men and injured personnel from the ship. The Japanese ordered the 76,000+ US army and Filipino servicemen to march towards San Fernando, some 80 miles (128km) away. 4 Camp, Taiwan, Formosa, JC /59 Taihoku West, Mountain Camp, Taiwan, Formosa, JC /60 Taihoku & Indin, No 6 Camp, Jungle Camp, Taiwan, Formosa, JC /24 Argyle Street, Shamshuipo, "N" Camp, "S" Camp, Hong Kong, JC /88 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 Camps, Hiroshima, also Fukuoka 7 &12, Zentsuji 2, Japan, JC /176 Ube, Ube Camp Mines, Higarshimizome,Hakon Shu 2 Camp, Japan, JC /181 Mororan, Muroran, Musoyan, Mussian, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /182 Nisi Asibetsu Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /183 Akahera Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /189 Yokohama, Mitsubishi, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /201 Seida P.W. Its not a secret that female prisoners across the globe face some unique challenges. The survivors were put aboard the Brazil Maru which arrived in Moji Japan, on January 29, 1945. The camp commandants often refused to reply to questions put to them. <> I saw a motionless body on a damp-stained mattress, insects hovering over him. In the prison camp and on the way to work, guarding the POWs was the responsibility of the Japanese Army soldiers and camp staff. At the time, Lances mother, Debbie Caswell who has championed support efforts for her son including her own regular video calls to him in prison, felt strongly that the psychological fallout from the sudden death of Lances beautiful Thai fiance, was a big factor in his admitted criminal actions in August 2014. Most of the casualties of the infamous Burma-Siam railway are buried or commemorated in the cemeteries at Thanbyuzayat, Kanchanaburi & Chungkai with those who have no known grave remembered on the Rangoon or Singapore memorials. It's not only the poor living conditions that endanger tourists imprisoned in Thailand, though. 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In nine different countries for murder, terrorism for the prisoners were afforded no sanitary conditions whatsoever -AKA! City 22 were killed in Kawasaki Ogimachi Branch camp ( Tokyo no time in a compound surrounded by wooden topped...

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list of british prisoners in thailand