strengths and weaknesses of change4life

What distinguished them was that they would be willing to do more than help their own families. The team would advise others contemplating such a programme to: Do you have a question about social marketing? Open Mindedness. Knowing yourself and your personal weaknesses and strengths, not only helps you understand what to do to improve yourself but also helps in decision-making. Be honest and choose a real weakness. It will then go through whether enough is being done to promote healthy lifestyles. The under-18 conception rate has been at the lowest for over twenty years, on the other hand experts have said that the target to halve the teenage pregnancy rate will be missed. To improve integration of local marketing activity with the national effort, the Department of Health (DH) created a bid fund to allow SHAs to fund localised activity from the central budget of 1 million eight awards were made. NO FOOD IS BAD FOR YOU! The programme is not an add-on it is an integral part of, Basing the programme on the latest evidence, including evidence generated through ongoing campaign research and monitoring, sharing that evidence base widely and seeking expert opinion to guide decisions where the evidence base was limited, Engaging specialist suppliers, all of whom, while outstanding in their own field, are also capable of working together in a spirit of cooperation, Open source marketing The creation of sub-brands and allowing partners to create their own sub-brands, content and programmes, encouraging them to feel that they are part of a bigger initiative, Building a coalition of partners, including commercial sector, NGOs and other government departments, Working to engage the local NHS and the schools. By Marketing Week 29 Apr 2009 8:29 am Delegating. Find . Within these three marketing objectives there are six strands of activities which are for prevention-knowledge and education and communication and negotiation skills. Patients already have a choice on what hospital they want to go to but the choice is now extending to GPs. These figures are worrying given that in 1993, when the first study was carried out, only 13% of men and 16% of women were classed as obese. (Watts, 2009), There is not enough evidence to say that social marketing is effective than other methods of improving health, but it seems that the government which is pursuing Change4Life have abandoned pursuing the steps that need to be taken to tackle obesity and focusing on how best to advertise the campaign. There have been criticisms of the personal health responsibility agenda, some of which are that the agenda blames the victim, because they ignore the social context in which the individual makes their decisions and health related actions take place. Earlier in my career, this led to burnout and negative self-talk. Not only will the SWOT analysis provide the company or business with a salient direction, but it will also allow the said company or business the ability to see and evaluate . Population health monitoring: Is a well-recognized function of public health. Ability to deliver projects to budget and schedule. Employees, especially those who believe young people are unteachable, also value these qualities. Private firms will now be able to bid for contracts for anything from standard check-ups to complex surgery. In conjunction with communications partners and the Central Office of Information (COI), using its Artemis forecasting tool, the following targets were developed for the first year of the campaign: Mobilising the network started in 2008, before any direct communication to the public. In addition, three television commercials were made. Maria Koutroumpa, who is a 26-year-old market researcher, explained: Initiatives like these have been ever present in products such as cigarettes. Vaccination is an effective way to become immunised against diseases, however vaccination can be unpleasant and does not offer complete immunity. I could reel off a whole host of examples from my professional career to back this up. In all the work they have encouraged colleagues to register as Local Supporters and to adopt the Change4Life brand in their activities. The boundaries that were set for registering with the GP are not in use any more and now they can choose whichever doctor they wish. Knowledgeable - Debaters rarely pass up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. Contributes to transparent, evidence-informed policy-making and consequently to good governance and . These insights on diet and activity have underpinned national and local service design, in addition to the development of the social marketing programme. since 2003, Your purchase is secure and we're rated There is also a maximum of 2500 if the person who manages the premises or vehicles fails to prevent smoking. One of the key changes advised is to swap full sugar cola and other sweet drinks for diet versions. Outside the CRM programme, the team realised there was considerable appetite among the public for interactive products and tools that would stimulate behaviour change and help them track the changes they were making. Having been heavily criticised by many in the health sector for not implementing a compulsory and simple uniform labelling system in the past, the government has finally won agreement from major supermarkets to introduce a traffic light system of labelling on a voluntary basis this year. The campaign was developed (and is being delivered) at great speed. 4. (Department of Health, 2010), The Change4Life campaign started in January 2009 and started by targeting young families with children aged 5-11 years. People who responded to the campaign were sent a welcome pack of materials, including a handbook for Healthy Happy Kids, a wall chart detailing target behaviours and stickers for their children. 'Five-a-day' is perhaps the best known of all the government's health messages and, as such, it can be seen as one of the most successful. During 2009, meetings were also held with the American Health Secretary and with Michelle Obama, to explore the possibility of adapting the Change4Life model for the US. Info: 4302 words (17 pages) Nursing Essay Consequently, you will lose the goodwill. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? E.g. Instead there will be a NHS independent board who will oversee the GPs. The Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advisory Group (TPIAG) has warned that the budget cuts and the changes in the NHS are going to threaten the current downward trend in teenage pregnancy. The Stages of Change Model is a well-established psychological model that outlines 6 stages of personal change: Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Termination The first phase of the campaign was focused on contraception and the choices available. The focus of the social marketing programme is on: The Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives research programme was developed to provide insights into the attitudes and behaviours of families with children under the age of 11 in relation to diet and physical activity. Smoking has been estimated to cause 114,000 deaths in a year in the UK, 30,000 of these due to cardiovascular disease. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. Better self-awareness helps you build boundaries. Then the third stage which was also launched in 2010 moved the focus back onto contraception again. Box 10.1 Strengths of Population Health Monitoring. The initial focus has been on childhood obesity, where the Governments target is to reduce the percentage of overweight and obese children to 2000 levels by 2020. The campaign aims to create a culture change where stakeholders and consumers are equipped and have the confidence in engaging in conversations about sexual health and relationships. DCMS and Sport England should explore the value of setting targets for participation by under-represented groups by early 2016 Governance of NGBs 17. Medicine and drugs. Subsequently, 2CV used observational research techniques to identify the actual food habits and activity levels that lie behind families perceived and claimed behaviours. Is a field with close links to policy-making and practice and thus a type of research with high societal relevance. Change4Life is Englands first ever national social marketing campaign to reduce obesity. There are three high-level themes to the evaluation programme: In February 2010, the Government published a full evaluation report of the first year of Change4Life. Project management. (Laurence, 2008), However it has been stated that the ban on smoking in public has failed to increase the number of people quitting. Strengths allow people to stand out and provide the tools to shine brighter every day. Step 4: Then, you can opt to describe how can you apply the said strengths or how they would be useful in the job role you are interviewing for. Fundamentally a prevention strategy, it sets out to change the behaviours and circumstances that lead to weight gain, rather than a weight-loss programme for the already obese. As part of this new approach, the Great Swapathon campaign was launched in January 2011, which aims to urge families to swap at least one unhealthy habit for a healthier one. The current Change4Life campaign also recommends the following Small Swaps: Choosing porridge and low sugar whole wheat cereals instead of sugary cereals Having skimmed milk instead of whole or semi skimmed milk Swapping full fat cheese for low fat cheese Eating low fat spreads instead of butter. Change4Life has expanded beyond its do to change, ie know the behaviours and be able to relate them to their lives; and believe that change is possible, believe that others around them are changing and know help is available for them to change. In addition, it funded advertising space in those publications that have good coverage among at-risk target audiences and invited obesity leads in PCTs and LAs to nominate local services and initiatives for inclusion. There may also be a few short/long term side effects to some vaccinations. (Pharmaletter, 2010), The changes to the NHS will be taking place in 2013, already it has emerged that GPs that are covering half the country have already signed to start piloting the changes. But for this agenda to work there has to be support from the coalition government. . Competition. The board is jointly chaired by the DH Director General of Communications and Director of Health and Wellbeing, with membership from NHS North West, Marks & Spencer, Medical Research Council, The Advertising Association and CRUK. The complaint was that they are not promoting a healthy lifestyle; they may be telling them not to smoke but instead are promoting drinking and sex. User Profiles. In 2021, it was brought under the Better Health brand. Not listening to employees. This phase included social marketing training (including briefing on the research findings), face-to-face presentations and direct marketing. They are now planning to spend millions of dollars over the next few years for this plan. A lot of campaigns are now in place to inform mainly teenagers the importance of safe sex. Strengths and weaknesses play a major part in determining who we are as employees and as leaders. 5 Benefits of Listing Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses. How you respond gives them a hint of your communication skills. third, the change4life programme assumes that 'eating better' can reduce the risk for disease and death despite the fact that there is almost a complete absence of evidence from randomised. By taking a detailed look at 4 types of educational campaigns, it is possible to assess the strengths and limitations of each, as well as determining the psychological and social factors that might make a campaign more or less effective. This equates to over one million mothers claiming to have made changes in response to the campaign, The number of mothers claiming their children do all 8 behaviours increased from 16 per cent at the baseline to 20 per cent by quarter 4, The proportion of families having adopted at least four of the behaviours has increased, suggesting the campaign has persuaded people with much less healthy lifestyles to make an effort to improve their health, Basket analysis found differences in the purchasing behaviour of 10,000 families who were most engaged with Change4Life relative to a control group. The research programme consisted of five phases: Analysis of the quantitative data showed that participating families could be grouped into six clusters according to their attitudes and behaviours relating to diet and physical activity. In your student application or interview, you can share an instance where your openness to criticism helped better your performance. Avoid coming off as arrogant or insecure in your answer - neither will leave a good impression. However, it is what is needed as it could change behaviour. Another manager weakness is not listening to employees. (Walayat, 2010), Andrew Lansley the UK health Secretary launched a White Paper which was titled Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS under which every GP will have to join a commissioning group by 2011/12 which will close down the Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities systems. The new bill will set out a duty to maximise access to a wide range of services. (Pharmaletter, 2010), Some advantages of the proposal have been put forward such as that the white paper shows a move towards greater doctor and patient influence over clinical decisions. Here we will discuss some exclusive strengths that can be handy in most cases. Being detail oriented. (BBC, 2011), With the changes the ministers, including the secretary of state, will no longer be able to intervene when a hospital is threatened to close. Public speaking. The word obesity was avoided, since evidence suggests that focusing on positive messages about healthy lifestyles, rather than directly on weight or obesity, is more likely to create effective behaviour change. Being detail oriented. The campaign talks about fat in the body rather that fat bodies and makes the link clear between fat and preventable illnesses. In January 2009, Change4Life was launched officially to the public with television and print advertising, an information line and a campaign website. Andrew Lansley, Health Secretary. Among other things, the Terms require the organisation to support healthy diet and activity behaviours and the goals of the campaign. When asked to present a weakness, find a way to emphasize the upside. The Change4Life advertising campaign has made the subject of weight and physical activity a hot topic and it urges us to make changes to our diet and levels of activity. This led to the creation of a three-year marketing strategy to drive, coax, encourage and support people through each stage of the behaviour change journey. (Watts, 2009), Change4life tried to justify the partnerships by claiming that they want everyone to work together to fight obesity. Advantages. Some examples of strengths you might mention include: Enthusiasm Trustworthiness Creativity Discipline Patience Respectfulness Determination Dedication Honesty Versatility When you complete this list, choose three to five of those strengths that match what the employer is seeking in the job posting. This stage would seek to inspire people to believe that change is possible and convince them that change is already happening. Previous Change4Life campaigns have focused on the ways families can take more exercise and how adults can prevent becoming over reliant on alcohol. Staff smoking rooms and indoor smoking areas are no longer allowed so everyone who wants to smoke will have to go outside the building. She also stated that it is not easy for the teenagers to get hold of information and support that they need from schools. For the vast majority of people in the UK, particularly those that are overweight or otherwise at a heightened risk of type 2 diabetes, consuming sugary drinks is a waste of calories as these drinks are high calorie and carry no nutritional value in terms of vitamins and minerals. (Walayat, 2010), By the government announcing that the primary care trusts are going to be closing it marked the first step towards the NHS becoming privatised. THE STRENGTH THAT'S ACTUALLY A WEAKNESS ANSWER "I'm a total workaholic. Some experts though believe that shocking the consumer isnt the most effective way forward. To have an impact on long-term behaviour, the programmes targets were to generate 1.5 million responses from at-risk families, with 200,000 of those respondents converting into a customer relationship management (CRM) programme to support behaviour change. Your business' presence will help you gain exposure to potential customers. From June to September 2009, Amra (which represents over 190 regional newspapers) used locally sourced case study material to showcase local activity and reported on upcoming and relevant events that fitted the Change4Life movement. Foods have different levels of nutrients but no food is intrinsically bad for you. and toolkits for partners to use. (Waters, 2009), The campaign gets their information across by using the television, radio and the press. For protection-there will be contraceptive choice, carrying condoms or access to condoms. Here's a table with some common strengths and weaknesses job seekers might cite: Attentive/detail-oriented, Collaborative, Creative, Empathetic, Entrepreneurial, Flexible/versatile, Honest, Innovative, Patient, Respectful. (Department of Health (a), 2010), The steps that Change4life support will help people to improve health and their diet for example by swapping sugary food for healthier alternatives, cutting down on portion sizes and putting a limit on snacks. Due to differing cultural drivers, the six ethnic minority communities surveyed did not fit neatly into the mainstream segmentation. Whilst the dairy swaps are questionable, other key foods that are well recognised to be a problem have been missed. This essay should not be treated as an authoritative source of information when forming medical opinions as information may be inaccurate or out-of-date. Find support, share experiences and get exclusive member cookbooks, giveaways and freebies. The three campaigns that have been mentioned in the portfolio have given an overview of what the campaign does and the strengths and weaknesses. Poor decision-making. He has stated that the evidence that has been found that their campaign can have a positive effect for short term but it cannot be used for long term and so something needs to be done to prove that the campaign is not a waste of money and time. Although Change4Life was developed for England, meetings have been held with devolved administrations and, in February 2010, Wales launched its version of Change4Life, including a Welsh-language version of How are the kids?. (Martin, 2008), Now in America the district officials have said that the best way to get young people to stop smoking, is to use bar and nightclub scenes and advertisements that show men and women in sexually suggestive poses. The local authorities and primary care trusts will be facing bigger bills if the contraceptive services are reduced. Focusing on your strengths allows you to use those skills to perform at a high level. Activity has included: At launch there were about 8,000 individuals signed up as local supporters, growing to a current number of 50,000 people. Focus on strengths you have that are required for the job. For intervention-there will be integrated education and service delivery. The research sought to develop a rounded picture of the role food and activity currently play in family life, the attitudes driving behaviour relating to diet and activity, and which families exhibit behaviours and attitudes that could put their children at risk of obesity. 1.) (BBC, 2011), The British Medical Association believe that the government are taking a big gamble with the changes to the NHS and others have just stated that the health service will not be able to do what they are expected to do and that the new changes have a big risk of failing. The potential competition from food retailers was also anticipated and a network of commercial sector organisations was developed to ensure that many of the biggest companies in the UK pledge to support the programme, including Asda, PepsiCo, Kelloggs and Tesco. In designing it, the Department of Health and its agencies drew on academic and commercial sector expertise, behaviour change theory and evidence from other successful behaviour change campaigns, and commissioned a substantial and ongoing programme of research among the target audiences. A small survey conducted by Food and Beverage News amongst 25-30 year old single working professional, seemed to support Shauns point of view. It tells you how much hidden and sometimes not so hidden sugar, salt & fat are really inside. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what an entity . A pattern I've noticed throughout my career is that I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I've done well. 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strengths and weaknesses of change4life