bertha rogers well

In other words, the true vertical depth of the well is less than 1 km or 3,280 feet. The oceans were in a totally different configuration when most of the source rocks were deposited. Theres an Objectively Measured Earth Surface Temperature, U.S. Fred Pearce The Climate Files: I recommend that you read up a bit on geology. The great expense and technological expertise necessary to complete gas wells at these depths has made the Anadarko Basin the domain of the major petroleum corporations, and at the close of the twentieth century this vast Oklahoma region was the most prolific gas-producing area in the nation. This is perhaps the most geologically ignorant sentence I have ever read. To make matters more interesting, there is also the issue of higher temperature deep in the ground. Or is oil at that depth not a liquid? Dr. Bertha Alarcon Vargas, DDS, is a General Dentistry specialist practicing in Pomona, CA with 33 years of experience. A spud was then employed. The main target depth was set at 15000 m. On 6 June 1979, the world depth record held by the . Gordon Dressler at 4:28 pm (i.e., two miles subduction). If buried deep enough the sulfur will undoubtedly melt naturally. The crust is divided up into sections called plates, which are all shapes and sizes, and may consist of all oceanic crust, all continental crust, or some of each. Rough schematic comparing relative dimensions of earth's crustal thickness, depth of the Kola well, and height of Mt. Describing cable tool operations, he explained that the basic principle of well fishing tools often involved milled wedges on a spear or in a cylinder for recovering lost tubing or casing. Given what I know, drilling below 10 thousand meters vertical depth is a waste of money. Most of the seafloor has a thin veneer of sediment But, the depocenters have enormously thick sedimentary sequences. Renewed assessment of some 22,000 cubic miles of deep sediments may carry over into the 21st Century. .. The standard commercial airline flight height is 39,000 feet. Its not only not the worlds deepest oil well, its about 20,000 shy of the deepest oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, possibly deepest in the world. The Earths crust is broken into many smaller plates that slide very slowly over a more mobile or plastic material called the asthenosphere. Mrs. Bertha Mary Rogers of South Boston, VA died Thursday, December 1st at the age of 82. They can fill in. A few hundred million years is a lot of time for sediment to build up. First a snippet of it for a teaser, then the link: The Greenhouse Effect was originally defined around the hypothesis that visible light penetrating the atmosphere is converted to heat on absorption and emitted as infrared, which is subsequently trapped by the opacity of the atmosphere to infrared. A trip meant 8 hours around the rotatory table for each crew. Saint Helens. Has any oil sample been found to scientifically date to prior to the beginning of the Triassic period, approx. The drilling was started October 25, 1972 and it took Lone Star a little over a year and a half to reach 31,441 feet (9,583 m) on April 13, 1974. Christ-Centered It was completed in a Lower Tertiary Wilcox sandstone (26,831 27,385). Consequently, in other places, oceanic crust plunges down into the mantle and is recycled. Individual users must determine if their use of the Materials falls under United States copyright law's "Fair Use" guidelines and does not infringe on the proprietary rights of the Oklahoma Historical Society as the legal copyright holder of The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and part or in whole. And nothing beyond the smile. In a note of totally unrelated trivia: Lone Star Producing became . How do we know? 1 barrel of crude oil = 5,722,000 Btu 10 miles is 52,800 feet. It doesnt support the myth of abiotic oil in the slightest. Its not a matter of ruling out abiotic oil. My pay check, ChevronTexaco, ExxonMobil & Shell credit card statements and checks to the gas & electric companies arent denominated in joules, kilowatts or Btu They are denominated in $. Indeed the reply is usually Well those are just your numbersand if I push the point further that they are not my numbers but the real data the reply is usually either that I work in the oil industry so am automatically biased or that they do not want to discuss this anymore with a denier or finally I get the nail in the head, the infantile consensus argument. At least it is easier than ever to check stuff, but the problem is, one has to have the idea that something is wrong or at least dubious, in order to make a decision to check. Yosemite Park is a famous example of this. Even so, Bertha Rogers reigned as the deepest well in the United States for three decades, finally exceeded in 2004., Although no gas was produced at its record depth, the well was successfully competed as a natural gas discovery at 13,000 feet. Charles N. Gould, "The Anadarko Basin," Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City), 1 April 1934. I think Ill stop (commenting, not reading). If the energy return goes to less than about 12X the energy invested we are in trouble. Multiple sources say something to this effect: On November 26, 2005, Vijaypat Singhania set the world altitude record for highest hot-air-balloon flight, reaching 21,290 m (69,850 ft). However, the true vertical depth of the worlds deepest oil well is only about a very unremarkable 11,000 deep.. Hey..this sciency stuff is way too complicated but impresses the heck out of the Arts major who put it together. I worked on a development plan which required platforms with two drilling rigs sitting over 28 well bays each. But then he looked back up and saw his balloon receding away. Ten wells in the Gulf of Mexico, drilled to true vertical depths greater than 20,000 have each produced more than 20 million barrels of oil. This could only mean that water which had originally been a part of the chemical composition of the rock minerals themselves (as contrasted with ground water) had been forced out of the crystals and prevented from rising by an overlying cap of impermeable rock. Some parts of this region were only kind of swampy, or were large lakes, etc. An abiogenic hypothesis for oil contained in subsurface geological formations was first proposed by Georgius Agricola in the 16th century, and most recently was popularized by Thomas Gold from 1980-2000. The sub word most relevant to sedimentation is subsidence although subduction can create accommodation space for sedimentation. Union is nationally recognized for Christ-centered academic excellence and exceptional value. I can sort of understand the use of abiotic. But, dinosaurs implies that there isnt even a starting point for communication. It generally cant exist at depths anywhere close to the mantle. Shows the many dangers of the internet. This could possibly account for molten sulfur. The cost to drill a well is also much higher in real terms. The Earth's crust is broken into many smaller plates that slide very slowly over a more mobile or 'plastic' material called the asthenosphere. She was a member of the Church of God Pentecostal, Shippensburg. Oil cracks when exposed to temperatures greater than about 300 F for an extended period of time. Yet the worlds deepest oil well is not in the United States. Trading and investing carries a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Photo by Bruce Wells. At 31,441 feet, the Bertha Rogers well held a record at the turn of the twenty-first century as the world's deepest producing well. In an April 2019 article for climate change website Watts Up with That, David Middleton noted that the information about the deepest well was misleading because it was drilled directionally. You had to stand spraddle-legged all the time to prevent getting your foot/ankle being cut off when the tripple fell and hit the derrick floor. Basic fishing tools include the spear and socket, each with milled edges. Subscribe Now, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Oklahoma Heritage Preservation Grant Program. Unfortunately, at this depth the drillers struck liquid sulfur, which put an end to plans to continue drilling. In terms of true vertical depth, the Bertha Rogers No 1 natural gas well in the Anadarko Basin used to be the deepest in the world, at over 31,400 feet. UUAlerts Some of these magmas were huge. Spudded in November 1972 and averaging about 60 feet per day, the Bertha Rogers had been heading for the history books as the world's deepest well at the time. At the maximum rate, this would only account for 2200 m of sedimentation over two hundred million years . Is that totally explained by sedimentation? Culminating long chapter was CAGW, vetted by Prof Lindzen of MIT just weeks before he retired. It is not oil or gas that is being sought with the Kola well, but an understanding of the nature of the earth's crust. The average number of slots on a fixed platform in the Gulf is 8. It wasnt the last time Lone Star/Enserch turned an exploration well into a science project/engineering demonstration. There is also narrow basins with thick sediments along much of the coasts of the Atlantic. The Bertha Rogers No. it would be interesting to read Fuel Fighters account of this well. 4,892 views Dec 9, 2020 The deepest borehole in the world. Burn the drillers! Reminds me of We will travel 20,000 leagues under the sea!. Start Trading CFDs Over 2,200 Different Instruments, Ukraine Calls On Western Allies To Approve Delivery Of Advanced Weaponry. Unfortunately, not all news sources on the internet are familiar with it, so if you Google the worlds deepest oil field, the top results will tell you its either the O-14 or one of its Chayvo predecessors. They began drilling wells more than three miles deep in the late 1960s. We were using elevators and a slide table instead of slips. He launched from downtown Bombay, India, and landed 240 km (150 mi) south in Panchale.. This has never been observed anywhere else. Employment The bull wheel, driven by the wells steam-powered drilling engine, exerted a tremendous strain on the assembled poles. which consist of Aristotle, Rogers, and Toulmin. Octane isnt even oil. Athletics Users agree not to download, copy, modify, sell, lease, rent, reprint, or otherwise distribute these materials, or to link to these materials on another web site, without authorization of the Oklahoma Historical Society. In this case I had filed this away for a couple of years. Uploaded on June 12, 2010. Helium. Bertha Rogers Well Location Location Burns Flat, Dill City, Oklahoma, USA state Oklahoma Country USA Coordinates Coordinates: 3519N9911W / 35.31N 99.19W / 35.31; -99 Production Products Natural Gas Type Gas Well Greatest depth 31,441 feet (9,583 m) History Opened 1974 Closed 1997 Owner Company Lone Star Producing Company Deepwater facilities tend to not have a lot of slots because the wells are often drilled from subsea templates and tied back. At this time development was deferred. Traces of octane and other heavier hydrocarbons, presumably formed by the Fischer-Tropsch process have been detected at the Mid-Atlantic Lost City hydrothermal vent. Obituary. Its hard to believe there has been that much vertical movement in Earths surface (i.e., two miles subduction) over the last several hundred thousand to several hundred million years. Once all well fishing tools failed, a final resort was a whipstock, which allowed the bit to angle off and actually bypass the fish to leave the operator with a deviated hole. Before starting out of the hole we spotted 50 sacks of bar and pumped it down to the diamond bit level. Excuse my ignorance, but how does a liquid crack? It conducts heat away from the substrata toward the surface. In vertical holes, the measured depth equals the true vertical depth. The presence or lack of 14C can also be indicative of the age. [3], According to publicly available well records from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, the Bertha Rogers hole ceased production of natural gas in July 1997 and has since been plugged and abandoned. Interestingly, Fourier doesnt even mention hothouses or greenhouses, and actually stated that in order for the atmosphere to be anything like the glass of a hotbox, such as the experimental aparatus of de Saussure (1779), the air would have to solidify while conserving its optical properties (Fourier, 1827, p. 586; Fourier, 1824, translated by Burgess, 1837, pp. Oil is a mixture of complex hydrocarbons: alkanes (parafins), napthenes, aromatics and asphaltenes in highly variable ratios. Then jumped out with just a parachute. From the article: The measured depth (MD) of the worlds deepest oil well is over 40,000. No doubt We have a Sinclair dino sign on the fence in our driveway and about a dozen inflatable Sinclair dinos I always pick a couple up at Sinclairs booth at NAPE. It was completed as as gas well in the Granite Wash at about 13,000. I seem to recall that at one point the Russians (was probably the Soviets at that point in time) had decided to try to drill all the way through Earths crust to test the idea that there could be primordial methane trapped down there. In some places the crust wrinkled into mountains, at various times and places. The materials provided on this Web site are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to provide tax, legal, or investment advice. On top of the range there is a strange, flat plateau. A craton is an old, stable, block of continental crust which forms the nucleus of a continent. But also keep in mind that the places where oil and gas are recovered are not the source of the material, but simply a place where the right conditions exist to trap a large amount of it as it percolates upwards . The zones were layers, about 7 potential zones, the Granite Wash was the last one to test as you came uphole. This article takes us on a very interesting walk-about below ground. (2000). The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:Bobby D. Weaver, Anadarko Basin, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, As in cable-tool fishing, an impression block often was needed to determine the proper fishing tool. It was drilled for research purposes beginning in 1970. 1 Sanders well near Sayre became Oklahoma's deepest gas producer at 24,996 feet. Whether the glass is transparent to IR or not is irrelevant. The Kola well has now penetrated about halfway through the crust of the Baltic continental shield, exposing rocks 2.7 billion years old at the bottom (for comparison, the Vishnu schist at the bottom of the Grand Canyon dates to about 2 billion years--the earth itself is about 4.6 billion years old). Probably not. Its About the Boredom of theBourgeoisie, Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part I: The Urbanization Characteristics of the GHCN Stations, Why Climate Skepticism Has Not Yet Succeeded, Surprise! The term fishing came from early percussion drilling using cable-tools. Maybe slang isnt the right word, but its obviously a shorthand or informal way of referring to molecular breakdown. Not actual cracking. I especially like how they depict it as soil the entire way down. The Lone Star Producing Company 1-27 Bertha Rogers hole or well was an oil-exploratory hole drilled in Washita County, Oklahoma in 1974, and was the world's deepest hole until it was surpassed in 1979 by the Kola Superdeep Borehole, dug by the USSR. Actually there might theoretically be a little bit of ex-dinosaur in oil. Drilling time and depth improved with the addition of steam power and tall, wooden derricks. indicates a global average ocean sedimentation rate of about 5 meters per million years, with a range of 1 to 11 m/Ma covering all the worlds oceans. It is simply not the same as the true vertical depth that would have lent credence to all those amazing comparisons with buildings and flight heights. Something written to stop the scientific examination of the paradox observations. The guy had style though: He shot himself through the heart, not the head. And further west, there is also a long history of various cycles and processes, including uplift, erosion, sedimentation, further uplift, etc. So, the deepest oil well in the world is not actually the worlds longest, and thats fine. However nearby hydrothermal vents with little to no sediment cover (rises) do not exhibit evidence of hydrothermal oil.. I note that the NOAA graphic of total sedimentation across Earths oceans is generally consistent with the data presented in the Peter Olson, et. At this point that has never, IFAIK, happened. On the rig floor, fishing tools had to be lowered by a line into the well, armed at their end with spears, clamps and hooks. Screams in the deepest borehole. Volcanoes deposited material on top of the crust, and also sometimes magma welled up but never broke the surface, and the magma cooled deep underground. Warren County roadside marker photo. The newest well at Chayvo extends deeper into the ground than planes can fly in the air. Small forges were often just feet from the well bore. Nearby this inland sea were large mountains that were lifted up and eroded away. 1 rotary rig drill stem sheared, leaving 4,111 feet of pipe and the drill bit stuck downhole. OH NO!!!! Wells. On November 26, 2005, Vijaypat Singhania set the world altitude record for highest hot-air-balloon flight, reaching 21,290 m (69,850 ft), And for good measure, renown hang glider pilot, Judy Leden broke the World Hang Gliding Altitude Record by being towed to 41,307 feet by a hot air balloon. Kenny A. Franks, The Oklahoma Petroleum Industry (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980). The well was halted because it struck molten sulfur. Most rotary fishing jobs were caused by twist offs (broken drill pipe), although the bit, drill coupling or tool joints may break or unscrew. Sixty years ago, I worked as a floor hand on daylights when the worlds deepest well hit the bottom at 24,0002 feet in dark gray Hunton shale. . Excellence-Driven If it's that water boiling hot deep down the well, why not turn it into geothermal energy generator? As old ocean plates are subducted, sometimes islands, sediments, and anything else sitting on top of them is scraped off and accreted in the area adjacent to the subduction zone. For 20th Centurys final quarter the Basin remains the frontier of deep drilling technology centered on Elk City, Deep Gas Capital of the World. Photo by Bruce Wells. Dinosaur carcasses are (rarely) found in marine sedimentary deposits (including shales), presumably after coming down a river or possibly washed out to sea by hurricanes or tsunamis. I worked for Enserch from 1981-1997. Many lakes exist at very high places. U.S. petroleum history provides a context for understanding how to meet Americas future energy needs. Despite the record-setting Bertha Rogers and other deep wells in the Anadarko basin, the Permian basin currently Anyway, when I first saw the graphic, I immediately thought of the story of Joe Kittinger, who went all the way up past 100,000 in a helium balloon back in 1960. There are no oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico with bottom hole temperatures outside of the oil window. The Bertha Rogers No. In 1979 the No. The production well, referred to as O-14, was completed in 2017 by Rosneft and Exxon, beating five previous world records for deepest wells, all drilled at the same field: Chayvo. I think that was an Honoury Darwin Award because he survived, The graphic got the hot air balloon height wrong as well. David opens our eyes. This dinosaurs meme gets its start maybe from Sinclair and their wonderful logo and plastic green dinos at every station; or perhaps for those very entertaining Chevron TV commercials of the late 1970s and 80s. But people that are aware that pretty much all knowledge is provisional, to at least a certain extent, have a far better chance of doing so. A 2014 geologic map of 50,000 square mile Anadarko Basin showing thickness of strata courtesy U.S. Geological Survey. I think the question is not subduction, but the vertical extent of sedimentation, no? So much they know, that is not so, is in most cases worse than outright ignorance. Luckily, the oil industry does not have such human obstacles, and drilling deep into the Earths crust is instead limited by a different set of circumstances how deep can the machinery and technology go before the unfathomable heat and pressure renders it inoperable? 1050 Union University Drive That first map chart showing highest clouds at 29,000 feet is ridiculously wrong, as I am sure most people here know. paper that I referenced above. Future-Directed, Employee Directory Bertha Rogers Bertha Mae Rogers, 82, of Carlisle, formerly of Shippensburg, passed away Wednesday, July 20, 2016 in the Select Specialty Hospital at Camp Hill. Sadly, the story recounts that he committed suicide about 11 years later. Geologists knew far more about finding coal seams than characteristics of oil-bearing formations. Nothing contained on the Web site shall be considered a recommendation, solicitation, or offer to buy or sell a security to any person in any jurisdiction. We seem to be living through a period of time where facts have become pass. Heres what Wikipedia says about Lawn Chair Larry. A pipe connection might bend., While not a hot air balloon, Joe Kittinger jumped out of a balloon gondola at 102,800, 2014/Kittinger.aspx, Yeah, but did she do it with no oxygen or even a heavy coat? Natural gas (Henry Hub) = $2.70/mcf = $2.60/million Btu. Oklahoma extracts the brine from a 9,800 feet (3,000 m) deep well. I honestly want to know: Are you happier for having this halcyon memory, or sadder because you cant do things like that anymore? Perhaps the most effective method has been from studying earthquake or seismic waves as they move from one sensing station to another. I was just looking at one report of a storm near the Texas Mexico border than reached 75,000. 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bertha rogers well