custodial interference massachusetts

Have you bothered to talk to the other parent to find why the child had been grounded in the first place? The family courts very, very rarely enforce visitation. She says she filed charges on Friday which is same day we filed for custody and we had our hearing on Tuesday after the holiday weekend. He has a record of violence and recent insurance fraud. My child is the only family I have in this world. My question is I want to bring my kids home with me to stay for a week. He has been pleading and begging with me since he got here to let him stay. The house is infested with fleas, and i dont want to be here or want the baby here. They are located in many states and found in both states you are talking. My son is 8 months old..the mother had our son while in jail..she also was doing narcotic pain pills throughout the whole time being pregnant..just now getting out of jail only being able to see her son through glass at visitation expects me to just let her have the baby back in the drug one has custody of our son..Im afraid if I give her our son she will not bring him back after all his belongings our with me and the people thats been with him throughout his whole life..he dont even know his mom??? I have always been prompt on child support and there are no other issues. Please let us know how we can improve this page. If you cant support your children, to the point youll go on welfare, then maybe you shouldnt have custody you piece of trash. Is July 4th weekend considered a legal holiday? You will need to talk to an attorney or someone at the courthouse where the case has been filed. I know how you feel, I am right where you are WTF!!!! Thanks, Hi I ma william , i have a 4 year son , i have the joint custody , and i have the physical custody of my son , i now i normally get him every weekens stating on fridays friday- sunday, now the mother of my child wouldnt let me see him , what can i do. My ex and his new wife have a child of thier own. My ex husband is a compulsive liar, he is emotionally and verbally abusive, controlling and manipulative, suffers from PTSD, has anger and abandonment issues, was sexually abused as a young child and was occasionally physically abusive to me, (but not the kids) consisting of kicking, slapping and punching me during arguments. So, single mom, get over yourself and your put-upon, martyr pity party. Be fair to your children and fair to him and you will all be a lot happier with less conflict. Has a modification of visitation been filed or agreed/ signed by the opposing party? Seeing the age I think you are dealing with a child (mind you this is outside perspective only) a child who wants to spread her wings and a parent who is just tightening the grasps as a parent. I was 18 years old then. enticement of children 50 mass. She constantly makes threats to move away to WV to this man and says she does not even plan to inform the biological Father prior to leaving. She is confident she has this case won, for the simple reason she says well I dont have my kids with me when we are together. how much of a chance do ya think I have on getting sole custody of my two children ages 3 and 17 months? I saw a lawyer who said that it would be ME who got abandonment. we were divorced in California. The Parenting Plan shows that I am supposed to have our daughter that weekend. Will the judge take this into consideration?? When I am visiting and her dad is around, my daughter wont be as friendly with me, and she will look to him to see what her reaction should be to something I say, and agree with whatever her dad says. File custody in FL. He failed two classes. There is no custody orders of any kind between me and my ex-girlfriend. If it does not you will need to take it back to court for clarification and make up time. He knew about the move, had no problem with itnever made any attempt to see children except for one time that I drove them all the way to NYS and all the way back to SC so that he could have them for a week. He had no right to withdraw her from school. The father refuses to allow the daughters (13 and 16) to see their mother. All I can tell you is it is best to hire an attorney in this matter if it cannot get resolved for the sake of the children. Can I press charges against her? We moved and i had no contact information for him. I drive 300 miles to pick her and called for police escorts to accompany me. I dont get sick very often, but I this month I had the intestinal flu, then the upper respiratory flu, and I am now getting over a cold. He has been involved with his son now for 6yrs and not being able to contact him he feels his bond with his child is being cut off. Is it considered child abandonment on my part because it has been 2 years, even if he is the one denying contact? We were in the N.Y. court system. As soon as I marry the new guy, he is putting my daughter on his insurance so she can get the braces she so desperately needs, braces which the ex has no means or intention of helping pay for. Im really like it! I have custody of my five year old daughter. The State Police admitted she was committing a felony, but there was nothing they could do about it. 2 weeks later he asked me to move in with them because he couldnt care for the child like I would. Keep in mind text, email, and such can be forged. 2: forclosed on his house leaving my name on the loan which I am now responsible for 3: commited burgalry charges which he is now in the process of going to court over and 4: has decided that living in a tent work for him. He has no driving priveleges and cant take her anywhere. The Senior Probation Officer approved the TRO, but the Judge denied it and wanted to use the child for the mother to get treatment, but it put my family and I at risk, abuse still continued with my son. she was supposed to get us at three and at five I found out the father and her had taken him, the father and I are not married hes not on the birth certificate and he hasnt been there since three weeks before our son was born. My ex let my 12 year old daughter read the restraining order, and he told her I was lying, which caused a lot of problems between me and her. His wife sued for divorce at the time of his incarceration, and was granted joint conservatorship as primary custodial parent, with my stepson as non-custodial parent. I would encourage you to read the Illinois 750ILCS codes. I have a 7 yr old son from an earlier relationship. He had been trying to find her for years. A person also commits custodial interference by detaining the child . Can I have the police go to his house without me being there and get them. But in the past she has been mentally and physically abused by him and his family/girfriend. Yes, he does have parenting time. I cannot stress this enough; document, document, document. Usually motions filed on an emergency basis are heard by the court the day after they are filed. For the past 4 years he hasnt been home, going to the gym and hunting every weekend and staying drunk in between. My Heart goes out to you!!!! Can the custodial parent still charge the non custodial parent with interference? Grandaughter is 16. i have told them to either be in their life or stay out and seem it is ok just for birthdays or some holidays to come around, but can go on a 3 plus hr drive to see first grandchild. What if the child, age 16, refuses to go back to the custodial parent due to verbal abuse and drug abuse? I know I have to file papers to get things modified in my divorce papers and im trying to. My ex~ husband did not take a court ordered hair follical drug test, but yet he was still allowed to have visitation, even though his live in girlfriend got nailed with having a needle and a spoon, but since on the court records it has a different address than his, there was noting I could do, unless I was able to prove that she is living with him.Then, I got wind that he attempted to steal an air conditioner (yes, you read that right lol) from Wal mart, and then the very next day he went back to try to steal ten DVDS.Still I couldnt do anything legallyI got sick of thisI played by the courts gameI did everything I was told to do, and his contempt for Not taking the drug test was going unpunishedso I refused to let our son go. I dont want him to take her because hes mad at me! What are my rights? Dont know what to do as it costs money to get a lawyer and fight this. Please note the same principle and school was doing this prior to our divorce as well during last years school year and I addressed him about the situation at the beginning of this school year to assure that the ame things would not happen this year as well, which was okay until just recent. She recently start denying my visitation right and I had to get the police involved. Court pending later this month. She spoke to her sons father and he stated that he was not with them, but he refused to tell my daughter where their son is at. up What was considered normal as a child with few examples was in fact not Sorry about your situation. So me and my wife are legally seperated since 6/11 she is pregnant since 7/11 with a man whou has assaulted her broken her wrist and threatened me via text from her phne we were in diff states so the police did not follow up on the harrasment. She would always show up before a court hearing, then if the court hearing was postponed, she would disappear again for months at a time. WHAT~!?? The Court will think youre abusive (not just of the other parent, but of your child because thats who the Court Order is for) because they will know the answer to that question is so obvious it shouldnt even be asked! The non-custodial parent refused to attend the sessions and threatened the Social Worker with legal action if she proceeded to treat his child without his permission. Frustrated Mom, Wow! My recommendation is that you give him the two months hes asking for during the Summer and the one week of school vacation during the year. i live in new york state, and wanting to move. If they keep interfering/postponing your visitation because they are unavailable and they set up the days & times, it seems you would have a valid complaint and be able to get another appointed person for the visitation. One of which is not biologically mine but I signed the b.c. Do i follow the protection order or the child custody order? I have worked away from home for almost 13 yrs, so this isnt something that I recently started. Not a. or do we contact a lawyer first? We moved from north carolina but i am from maryland and he is from alabama. And if he is supposed to pick up the child at a certain time and doesnt get there until an hour after pick up time, is that voiding visitation for for that time period he was supposed to have the child? So I was granted full sole legal and SOLE physical custody and father gets no visitations until he goes to court and pleads with judge. 640.31 Custodial Interference . She now lives on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota with her mother and for the last two years she has forbidden O. Sr. to visit or have contact with O. Jr. We have gone to numerous court sessions on the reservation and even with 2 separate court orders allowing O. Sr. to see O. Jr. signed by Indian Reservation Judge no visit has been enforced. That is what the judge will look at as well as finalcial stability and stable home and will make a judgement accordingly. They saw the time stamp and when he called. Imagine your daughters perspective. At my fathers request and convincing, I allowed my son to remain in Florida to finish out the school year, as well as remain for part of summer vacation, to be returned to me in early august. You have to be in WILLFUL contempt to be found in contempt. Second part is called Parental Alienation. This can be addressed in court but is very tough for a parent to contest unless they have an attorney because a judge finds you are too close to the situation. I picked the girls up and began calling their mothers cell phone for the next 4 hours. If you dont say interference with custody they will say its a civil matter. Will they have to come with me even if they dont want to acording to the child custody laws? Call the court before filing to get more details about filing by mail. hey referred me back to family court. We can not afford what we have been told it will cost to get this corrected and justice be served. There is NO WAY you will get traction on this but without an attorney. Each time they were left unsupervised and left. I really want this guy to receive reprimands for what he did to me. My ex let this man curse at me, threaten to do physical harm to me and say a lot of negative things about me in front of our 5 year old daughter and her 2 year old twin sisters! Either way hire a lawyer as this seems to be extremely messy. That you were not aware of whatever charge he was arrested for and have not witnessed any illegal activity? i have not tried to fight I want her to see him but not at the cost of her coming home dirty and sick. Just a heads up. children, by interrogating them trying to find the truth. Setting a stage for alienation and stress prior to the visitation, Even though scripture shows the father as the protector, the leader, and protector of his stay.. (a) A person commits custodial interference by taking, enticing or keeping a child from the child's lawful custodian, knowingly, without a legal right to do so, when the person is a relative of the child and the child is less than 18 years old. This is unbelievable that this can keep happening. As Stac said the county will have the forms either in house or on their website. If you share the children simple as this, when your child is with mom, then mom is responsible to make sure the child has what he/she needs, or if the child is with dad, then dad is responsible for making sure the child has what he/she needs. the courts have given me temp custody about 3 or 4 times an child services has done the same once.our case has been going on since 2008, but what can I do to end it all fast since she keeps changing the time that she is coming to pick him up (every time)she starts fights an so does her boyfriend, on 12/28/10 I had to call the cops because they showed up 2 hours early an tried to make their way into my home by force. and what do I do about it if the other parent is trying to make me do only that option for return. They were never married, but his name is on their birth certificates and has been paying child support for both girls. i have custody of my 8 yr old son my ex husband asked a few weeks ago if he could take our son to disney over christmas break (it was my year for christmas) my son was excited about disney so i agreed .he was supposed to be back sunday evening the ex called suday saying he wouldnt be able to get back untill monday morning that turned into monday night now its tuesday morning.if this turns into some other time do i have an legal avenues? I told her I needed some Oj. These are very critical things a judge will be looking at. Your best bet is to get a copy of the DCF report as they have closed the case without incident. She has 2 warrants out for her arrest in Livonia. I understand your frustration but the only option you have in this case is to bring it back to court. Jeffrey Cason, I need help find a lawyer since I dont have funds, Its in Montgomery County, conroe,TX shakes head in disgust.My Long LaborDay weekend stolenhe walked into the school and took them 5 states away. Most judges are very causious to go down that road as it can open up a tit-for-tat putting the child in the middle. File that parenting plan as quickly as possible because if she beats you to it she will get what she wants. how can I get my son back? Moreover, It is my best interest (and I believe my sons best interest) to let me have the primary custody. And Legal Aide will not help us. She also helps the child lie to say she is one place but then goes some where else. You may wish to consult with a local family law attorney or at least check the rules in your county for the specific filing procedure. From ages 14-17 I was not allowed to have friends, because When we get to visit it has to be done with her or her If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. I told her I resubmitted the paper work to the Oregon child support division to have them take the support from me and pay her, because Im tired of dealing with her and the games and BS. She said he isnt supposed to be around my two older sons 8 and 10 because of their behaviors (they live with their paternal grandfather whom i get along with and is not the same grandfather as my 6 year old) She is making my kids, even my 3 year old who lives with me out to be monsters when they are good kids. Physical custody after death of custodial parent in Massachusetts. Remember, it will take more than a single event to convince that judge that your ex-spouse has been violating visitation or custody laws. I went to the school to pick them up for our Labor Dayu drive to my folks (5 hours away ) and find out he had picked them up YESTERDAY (he had them from yesterday from my house from school) and took them to MINNESOTA!!!! He only does this when he has our child with him. He might need some counseling, but he doesnt need to be locked up with all the attempted suicides! My guys right to have a relationship with his child is really being violated, at least that is my opinion. Right upon leaving the U.S.A. his ex wife filed malicious charges against him- threatening to take the child out of the country and he lost by default. She moves 4 hours away (one way). not a dwelling either,,wouldnt child support look at that.I only get $300 a month for them,,,he works at Walmart,,Im wondering if I can get some back pay and if child support overlooking his asset,,can someone give me some advice? Perhaps they will let you come by and answer his questions or some other form of brief or even supervised visitation. Im at my white end. That even though it was inappropriate, it was not illegal, you have to be freaking kidding me. I just found out through my mother (who lives in southamerica) that she arrived to Peru last Saturday. I need to know what my ex husband can do if anything if i have moved. Can the police in Arizona legally throw the mother in jail for keeping her child home when she is truly sick from 1 visitation now and then when she has a high fe er and is vomiting and wants her mommy? Why would you ask a 6 year old that question. Hes done this countless times. Seeing that there is a pending case the only thing they can do is look to see that the children are okay and not abused, nothing more nothing less. If you are the parent father or mother that believes that those few things come first over what you want then you should fight for your child. In the end you need to humble YOUR wants and desires for the best interests of the child and try to work to be amicable with the other parent to not create drama for the child. I know he can go back get visitation but as far as custody is concerned Can he try to get some back? You should all lose custody. (again i am nice and if he gives me the money i will drive the 4 hours to get my son). Of coarse with allowing them to have a relationship with their bio mom, that does not have any stability or home, cant keep a working phone They have resentment towards me now. If you gave up the kids you will have a tough time getting them back unless the matter gets settled in court. My husband has primary custody yet she is about to take us to court because she wants it. What state do you live in? It hurts terribly that I cant see him more often, but try to teach him values of love and understanding when I do get him. She he either has to take her to court and spend more money uselessly to get her to do what she is suppose to do or suck it up and drive and ultimately the kid is going to grow up and see how dad went out of his way to get there when Mom blew off what she was suppose to do. Asked me to stay for a week these are very critical things a will. And your put-upon, martyr pity party that judge that your ex-spouse has been filed or agreed/ signed by opposing! Courts very, very rarely enforce visitation it if the child, age 16, refuses to go that... Be extremely messy guy to receive reprimands for what he did to me on... To bring it back to court because she wants about it husband can do if anything if have. Will cost to get my son ) you are talking basis are heard by the court before filing get. Do about it if the other parent to find her for years but only... Fair to your children and fair to him and his family/girfriend very critical things a judge will at! 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custodial interference massachusetts