exodus 34:5 7 commentary

God in his grace would renew the covenant, and to this end he called Moses back up the mountain. The blood of the bullock for a sin-offering was put on the horns of the altar; the blood of one ram for a burnt-offering was sprinkled round about upon the altar; and the blood of the other ram for consecration was put on Aaron's right ear, and that of his sons, on their right thumb and right great toe. What a place for us, and for us now! 10 God maketh a couenant with them, repeating certaine dueties of the This cloud was to strike an awe upon Moses, that the familiarity he was admitted to might not breed contempt. When the veil was rent (namely, by Christ dying as a man), man could go into the presence of God, at least the believer. We are born of God, and not merely adopted as if we were strangers to Him. In the candlestick another truth comes before us. Longsuffering, not good by spasm or effort, but patient and unwearied. WebNo sooner had Moses got to the top of the mount than God gave him the meeting (Exodus 34:5; Exodus 34:5): The Lord descended, by some sensible token of his presence, and Stretches out His hand all the day long, and waits to be gracious. How forcibly does the history of Israel, and indeed of every individual life, bear witness to this! That as His power supports His goodness man need not despond.2. And Jehovah passed by before him, and proclaimed, Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness and truth; keeping lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped. It is false that the law is dead. The Lord descended in the cloud. This is here called "sanctification of the Spirit." This is put first, because it is the first wheel in all the instances of God's good-will to fallen man, whose misery makes him an object of pity, Judges 10:16; Isaiah 63:9. This relative proclamation may be viewed as revealing Gods goodness and Gods justice. For they who despised Moses' law were put to death in the mouth of two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, he could be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and who hath counted the blood of His covenant, wherewith He was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite to the spirit of grace? No one would really fault me for it because they know a rabid dog is gonna die anyhow.You've got the same thing, only it isn't a dog, it's people and they've got a deadly infection in their whole religious system. Some (383) thus explain it, That God pardons sins, because no one is innocent in His sight; as if it were said, that all are destitute of the glory of righteousness, and thence their only refuge is in the mercy of God. Divorce has become such an easy thing. Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; [Leaven is a type of sin.] WebExodus 34:5 Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament When Moses had restored the covenant bond through his intercession ( Exodus 33:14 ), he was The understanding of this comes in the antithesis in the word "generation" at the end of Exodus 34:7. It is in vain to argue that the fruit of the teaching of Peter or of James had the same power with it as the fruit of Paul not very long after, or of John latest of all. In Exodus 28:1-43; Exodus 29:1-46 is given the prescribed ceremonial in consecrating the priesthood. Exodus 40:17), with all its parts and vessels in due order; secondly, the obedience of Moses according to all that Jehovah commanded him. It would be a glorious thing that three times a year all the men in the nation would have to come and stand before God in this time of worship and so forth. Men look at their fallen brothers through their sin; but God looks at man through the idealised [sic] life, with a love that imputes to him every virtue for Christs sake." But the same Moses returns to Jehovah with the confession "Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. It is true that God had taken every care to show His own mind about it. However, we find that God was pleased to give subsequently and separately, but yet in connection with the ten words, certain ordinances which concerned Israel in their worship. What God is in and o Himself is thus defined: The Lord, the Lord God. The self-existent, self sufficient, all-powerful One. It is tragic indeed that really the real victims of divorce are the children. How blessed for us! The childs primer on geography is a very different thing from that which the child has in mature school-days. Gods glory is His goodness. God himself is the Moses wanted` nothing apart from the people; even if he went out of the camp, it was to gather so much more of blessing for the people that he had left behind. The Lord accordingly hearkens in grace, and undertakes for Israel against the Canaanites, warning them against a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and insisting on His own sole worship, His feasts, His firstlings and firstfruits; on His sabbaths, on the absence of leaven and unseemly ways, the fruit of Satan's wiles among the heathen. And it came to pass, when Moses came down from the mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses knew not that the skin of his face was shining while he talked with him. Then trust that what He is now doing is for your good.iii. The same with the cloudy pillar, which was now gone up from the door of the tabernacle, and was on high in the air over the mount, and on which the Lord now descended in it, as he had before, Exodus 19:9: and stood with him there; not Moses stood with the Lord, as the Vulgate Latin version; but the Lord, or the cloud in which the Lord was, stood near to Moses: and proclaimed the name of the Lord: Jehovah declared with a loud voice out of the cloud, that the Lord was there; the Targum of Jonathan is, "and Moses called on or in the name of the Word of the Lord;''. You can't go forty days and forty nights without food or water." WebNo sooner had Moses got to the top of the mount than God gave him the meeting ( Exodus 34:5; Exodus 34:5 ): The Lord descended, by some sensible token of his presence, and manifestation of his glory. The Spirit given to the Christian is of power, love, and a sound mind. Why should souls be driven from the truth by prejudice or clamour? So he would veil his face when he would go out and talk with the children of Israel, because he would have this shining on his face. For this reason He is called slow (378) to anger, as if He would abstain from severity did not mans wickedness compel Him to execute punishment on his sins. It consisted of a declaration by God of the truth Exodus 34:1. To forsake God and follow other religious ideas would be spiritual adultery, compared to the unfaithfulness of a woman who leaves her husband for another man (12-17).Accompanying the renewal of the covenant was a command to the people never to forget their deliverance from Egypt. These consequently were to form and regulate them as a people under His special government, God suiting them to their condition and in no way revealing His own nature as He afterwards did personally in the Word made flesh in the New Testament as a full display of His mind, and in the Christian individually or the church corporately as responsible to represent Christ, like Israel in relation to the tables of stone. His humble reverence and adoration of God's glory, giving him the honour due to that name he had thus proclaimed. The Lord told him that no man could see His face and live. The reason is manifest; for the proper knowledge of the Christian is such knowledge as the Son, speaking according to His own communion with His Father, communicates to us. The Here it seems in substance the same thing as in 1 Peter 1:2. For the first time the face of Moses shines after communications with God. It was necessarily so with the high priest taken from among men, after the witness already given to Christ's exceptional place. Unbelievers fight shy of it, and take certain doings or commands wrested from their context, and without examination as to the reason why. But, again, Aaron with the golden plate (engraved "Holiness to Jehovah") always on his forehead, bears the iniquity of Israel's holy things that they may be accepted; an important consideration, especially when we know the seriousness and the facility of iniquity therein. 448-49. And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for your inheritance ( Exodus 34:8-9 ). dus ek-s-ds eg-z- 1 capitalized : the mainly narrative second book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture see Bible Table 2 : a mass departure : emigration Did Because it has rabies, it's gonna die. Thousands have found mercy; but there are stores for thousands yet.(2.) Exodus 34:5. (379) See C.s own translation. It was a perfectly righteous thing therefore that God should propose terms of law. It may be added here, as some have found an apparent inconsistency in comparing the passage with 1 Samuel 3:3, that the Hebrew means not "always" in the absolute sense, but continually or constantly. He keepeth mercy for thousands. In addition to atonement, these are the two urgent wants of fallen humanity. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for ever.". The cloudy pillar, which had stood at the door of the Tent of Meeting ( Exodus 33:10 ), was withdrawn while Moses ascended Sinai, and probably disappeared from men's sight. Even then, being still unable, he declined the task, declaring that the more he thought of God, the less was he able to describe Him.(2.) But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if you do not redeem him, then you shall break his neck. Very often it is not so little a while, as many of us know to our cost. Now observe. He uses all the personal confidence that God had in him on behalf of the people. And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strewed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it. CHAPTER XXXIV.THE VISION OF GOD.Exodus 34:1-35It was when God had most graciously assured Moses Some, (377) therefore, understand it of Moses, that he called on the name of the Lord. Pardoning mercy is specified, because in this divine grace is most magnified, and because in this divine grace is most magnified, and because it is this which opens the door to all other gifts of his divine grace, and because of this he had lately given a very pregnant proof. Still Christ does bring us into His own relationship as far as it is possible for the creature to possess it. It must not be of hewn stone, as their work would profane it; neither must the Israelite go up by steps, as thereby his nakedness would be manifested. 28 Moses afte And the Lord descended in the cloud, in the pillar in which His glory (2.) There cannot be a more striking illustration of the truth that Christ is the continual object of the Holy Ghost than that, even in these temporary ordinances, God cannot refrain from looking onward to His Son. All I can do is just bow my head and worship in wonder and in awe, that God should love me, and care for me, and place value in me so much that He would give His Son for my redemption. This His joy in this discovery which God had made of himself, and his thankfulness for it. That he is a just and holy God. The proclaiming of it denotes the universal extent of God's mercy. 2. And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. WebHis thoughts are with the nation of Israel and the reaching of the goal God had set for them: the conquest of Canaan. He loved the people Himself, and delighted in Moses' love for them. Hence, as duty is ever measured by responsibility, that of the Christian is according to the place in which grace has put him. on high in the air over the mount, and on which the Lord now de And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and They were a people in the flesh. And hence the Prophets seem to have quoted from this passage, (381) Clearing should ye be cleared? ( Jeremiah 25:29,) when they address the reprobate, to whom pardon is denied. [God passed by and declared His name, declared His glory. But, argues Moses, for this very reason, we most of all want Jehovah's presence. But besides, when the high priest went into Jehovah's presence, there was the sounding of the bells between the pomegranates of blue, and purple, and scarlet on the skirts of his garment. We know His tender mercy in the smallest matters; but in that which so nearly concerns His honour, it is indeed a truly merciful provision that the Great High Priest bears the iniquity of holy things, where other wise defilement would be fatal. Comp. You see the first born son used to always be the priest of the house, he belonged to God. Next, He proclaims His clemency and mercy; nor is He contented with a single word, but, after having called Himself merciful, He claims the praise of clemency, inasmuch as He has no more peculiar attribute than His goodness and gratuitous beneficence. The man who met God was unaware of his glory till others told him of it; by contrast, the people who had easily fallen into sin were afraid when they met one who appeared to them as a shining messenger from God (29-35; cf. They left the ground of the grace of God, which they had in no wise appreciated. What do people mean by restricting themselves to a sense of sanctification which necessarily involves in it so portentous a conclusion? (2 Corinthians 3:1-18) Hence we can understand the earthly, external, and temporal character of the legal economy. "Sanctified" in this sense is clearly before justification; and so the apostle puts it. With this, people have a great difficulty with God because of His orders to wipe them out, to exterminate them. This was the first full revelation, the last is like unto it. God is love, and they are enough for faith and hope and work Notice, 1. (1.) I get so tired of hearing them say, "Well, I just don't love them anymore." No doubt all was advancing as regards the world; but that which was brought to us now was before the world, and altogether above the world in its own nature. He descended in the cloud Probably When the earliest phase of things passed away when not merely there was the unbelief of the Jewish people but the unworthy sights and sounds which Satan introduced among that fair company God, always equal to the occasion, acts in the supremacy of His own grace, and brings out a deeper understanding of His truth more difficult to appreciate; not striking the people of the world perhaps in the same way, but that which I think has a more intimate character of communion with Christ Himself than anything that was found before. , we most of all want Jehovah 's presence consecrating the priesthood face Moses... Declared His name, declared His glory without food or water. childs! Honour due to that name he had thus proclaimed he uses all the personal confidence that God should terms... By God of the grace of God, and temporal character of the grace of 's!, ( 381 ) Clearing should ye be cleared ) hence we can understand earthly. 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exodus 34:5 7 commentary