goldfinger 64 cheat codes

R Button + C-Down L Button + Down Try to not let it detract from the game. Reset. Each contains an AR30. But did you think that a Nintendo 64 game from 1997, one of the biggest first-person shooters of that era, would have a mod scene? L + C-Down If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Shoot him and change the controller type to "Domino". If you do hit her, she will say, "Wait for me Alec, I'm hit." At the cheat menu, press L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, L + C-Left, R + C-Left, R + Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, Left, L + R + C-Left, L + Down. Take 2 of the best Bond movies and combine them, what do you have? Obtain two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list and some ammunition for each gun. Cut-scenes attempted to be a bit longer (in some cases) than the original game, for a cinematic feel at the beginning or end of level especially. You'll need a Goldeneye ROM (available separately, find it yourself), and the Goldeneye Setup Editor to take the XDelta file of Goldfinger 64 and merge it with a Goldeneye ROM to get it to work. This code is complicated, but the effect is worth it. L Button + R Button + Right Now select any level to begin the game with the cheat from the first folder. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. CBB7-6D67 - Start as Caped Mario. Sometimes in multi, after a bunch of rounds, players may spawn at the same spot. (For example, in the Military Archives level, obtain two Dostoveis and two Klobbs). Authors: mopain85 (90) Sort: Normal ^ - Won By - Points - Title At the mission selection screen, press R + C-Up, L + Down, R + C-Right, L + Left, L + R + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + C-Right, R + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + Up. Have a blast!

. Solo 12 - SubDrag While it is reloading change your weapon forward and press fire quickly. R Button + C-Right Primarily, I assumed by heading the project, it would really push the GoldenEye Setup Editor to new levels, and allow me to add new many new features to the editor as development went on. It's amazing that someone is making this mod using my GoldenEye Setup Editor, and I can sit back and watch glorious updates every week. Then hold Left C until your player ducks, then press and hold R, and left on the control stick. As big fans of the James Bond franchise, we were delighted to see a hack of one of the best 007 movies, Goldfinger! Replacing textures, and moving geometry never had been easier. Multi 3 - Mark Kane More Multiplayer Characters While playing a game, enter any of the following codes. But I persevered, and I do applaud the effort on the part of the modders, and its not as if I could do any better given all their tools or anything, et cetera. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. Some levels are just giant mazes with heaps of useless rooms. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. Instead of shooting him, switch to the grenade and aim it straight down so that it bounces down the ramp. L Button + R Button + Up My dad and I have been trying to get this to work for bit and we can't get it to even launch the program. The box and art is based on old promotional posters for the movie, by Jean Mascii. [Names of levels have been masked to avoid spoilers], Multi 1 - Comet Enjoy learning and playing the new levels as you go - some of the levels may require multiple tries and exploration. It uses Mupen64Plus as its core and has a few enhancements that make playing on the go feel as intuitive as hooking up your N64. I would never tackle anything remotely this giant again (at least not as the lead), but I am so proud of what our team accomplished and I do not regret taking over the project. Use TLB Go to the switch, turn around, and shoot at the boxes directly in front of Bond. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Solo 4 - Mark Kane A completely original musical score accompanies every stage, and due to the inclusion of the Expansion Pak, are lengthier than previously possible. L Button+Right All the latest Goldfinger cheats, cheat codes, hints, trophies, achievements, FA Ten years later, I figure it's time to cover its successor, the Game Awards. I dare not go where one cant see whats ahead. C-Left Solo 16 - SubDrag R Button + C-Down Get into a tank and start driving. There is something special about playing on that console, that is not the same on emulator. R Button + C-Down You will hear a sound. L Button + Left After that, you can slap it into an N64 emulator and go nuts. L Button + R Button + Up If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then kneel down and slowly walk foward. Trevor, Special Thanks To goldfinger codes snes Game cheat codes for Super Robot War 64 on the Nintendo 64 platform. Everdrive 64: It's free to download too, so you don't have to worry about any 'in app purchases'. At the cheat menu, press L + R + Down, R + Down, L + C-Down, Left, R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, Right, Down, R + C-Down, R + Right. R Button + C-Up As mentioned before, a big part of tackling the project, was to improve the editor. Beat the Antenna Cradle level on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. Wreck Project 641.6 When Xenia gets to the end of the bridge she will stop and look around.

R Button + C-Left R Button + Left David Doak. Comet Go throuh them and you should be in the room that was described above. The best way to kill Trevelyan on the Cradle level is to blow him up. If you shoot the monitors they each give you an Assault Rifle. Solo 15 - SubDrag At the mission selection screen, press L + C-Down, R + Down, L + Right, R + C-Right, R + C-Down, R + Left, R + Left, R + C-Up, R + Left, L + R + C-Up. His mission; to gather intelligence on a wealthy entrepeneur named Auric Goldfinger. Then, hold A and press Z(2). The level is beatable and rarely crashes though. An entirely new and incredibly powerful light mode had to be created, and it delivered. R Button + C-Up He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Defeat all the enemies, then go all the way to the right to find two boxes. L Button + C-Right Cyberen Cameras can be destroyed with a single shot from any gun if they are hit directly in the lens. You should now have your back to the wall, with the staircase directly in front of you and the door directly to your left. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Although this is the recommended approach, any xDelta patcher will work. R Button + Right, Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. It's about time Bond was back on the job. R Button + Up Jan 18, 2021 8 Cheat device codes. Wreck The project hinged on the 7 meg patch Zoinkity was working on. To do this with the Everdrive 64, open the file. An additional twenty seconds can be added to your time on this level under the 00 Agent difficulty setting by killing Xenia. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. To zoom with guns without sniper sights, mix a gun with a weapon that has a sniper sight. Shoot all of the men that walk down the stairs and out of the door. When you are far enough away from the mines, turn around the face the bridge. While playing the game, press R + C-Down, L + R + Down, L + Right, R + C-Up, L + R + C-Right, R + Up, L + Down, L + Right, R + C-Left, R + C-Up. Garabuyo Kill Baron Samedi two times with the golden gun, then find him a third time. R Button + Left At the mission selection screen, press R + Left, L + R + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + Left, L + R + C-Right, L + Left, L + R + Right, L + R + C-Down, L + Up, R + C-Down. L Button + R Button + Up R Button + Left Note: Another way to accomplish this without turbo mode is to hold L + C-Right + Analog-stick Left + Z. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. This time on your watch should be a picture of GoldenEye the movie!

L Button + C-Down Majority of Props were by: SubDrag, Trevor, Sogun MRKane Comet, Model Creation Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. If you have any cheats or tips for James Bond 007: Goldfinger please send them in here. MRKane 00action Unfortunately, it seems to be a separate the wheat from the chaff problem, as this video from The Kins proves: Thus I didnt pay too much attention to the scene, since it seemed to be fairly amateur. R Button + Up Then, cycle through the weapons until two of the second set of weapons are ready. I somehow did not notice the dual-meaning of calling it Goldfinger 64 (as in 1964) until you pointed it out, either. Solo 17 - Dragonsbrethren When the grenade hits the bottom it will explode and kill Trevelyan completely, with no lines, chasing, or other nonsense. R + C-Up L Button + R Button + Down L Button + R Button + Down That character's arm will start to swing up and down as if he or she is dancing the Hustle. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You Found a Secret Area! Now enter the cheat menu, highlight any code, and press Z. Multiplayer didn't even work due to too low allocations close to release! Heres something youd never see Sean Connery do: dual-wield Luger P08s. R Button + C-Down L Button + Right L + C-Left L Button + Left Go to multiplayer and choose remote mines and the bunker stage. In multiplayer mode select remote mines. Aftershock for Quake: The most terrible pun name ever? Beat every level, including the Egyptian and Aztec, on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. At the mission selection screen, press L + Down, L + Down, R + C-Down, L + C-Right, L + R + Right, R + C-Left, L + Down, L + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + Up. R Button + Left While the film only hinted towards Bond blowing up a drug lab and eventually getting in a fight with a cuban hitman, the game expands that into a three level challenge, hitting most of the story beats, but with some embellishments. L Button + C-Right James Bond 007: Goldfinger: PC - Windows: Game Gas: 2. L Button + C-Up L Button + Left L Button + Right While playing the game, press L + R + Down, L + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Down, L + C-Down, R + C-Left, L + R + C-Right, R + Up, L + C-Left. Mow down the enemy like a true gangster with the Thompson machine gun, use stealth at a distance with the AR-7 sniper rifle, or ramp up the fire power with a devastating RPG launcher. L Button + C-Right L + C-Left,

Fascinated by obscure pop culture and wanting a place to write about curated stuff, I created the blog in 2012 and have been running it ever since. I gotta hand it to the guys who made this mod: It hits all the story beats of the film, while also making sure the film adapts well to being a game. Solo 16 - SubDrag Select a 3-player game and set player #3 to the same person you used for #4. Also, the GoldenEye editor significantly improved over time, got much more stable, and was able to support the extreme levels in Goldfinger 64. Infinite MP outside of battle, 8B4E-770E. Place a mine on ammunition, then take the ammunition. Then, press B(2) to return to the folder selection screen, and press Z to select another folder. Go to the middle (second) tower on the dam. The rest of us had to steer him away from the subject or hed go on for hours, giving us a ball-by-ball replay, said Honor Blackman. L Button + R Button + C-Down When you're in a tank, throw a mine, then quickly switch weapons to the tank shells. Some spectacular box art created by Wreck: Also see GameShark Codes for more Breath of Fire cheat codes. It does become a bit of a tough start as you have to actually plant the charges on explosive red barrels, akin to Silo in Goldeneye. Use the magnetic watch on the hole to retrieve the knives. The two different weapons should fire together and you have a set of different guns. He was mad about it. L Button + C-Right Begin a game on the Runway level (Level 3). - Any Platform - Dreamcast DVD Extras GameBoy GameBoy Adv. Step on the first lit block, then go Left 2, Up 2, Right 3, Up 2, Left 1, Up 1, Left 1, Up 2, and Right 1. After I took over, the most important thing, was designing and creating the 18 solo level backgrounds, and completing all the planned models for these levels. Have both players face each other within sight. Then, these areas will become available for multiplayer mode. Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. If youre a fan of Goldeneye the game, I recommend checking this out. Enable the TINY BOND code, then go to the bunker. Back off and detonate the mines, go back up to where you found the remote mines before and recollect them. When you enter the Golden Gun room on the Egyptian level, do this. R Button + C-Up Down L + Right The mines appear to be gone but press your watch and BOOM!

. At the cheat menu, press R + Left, L + Down, Left, Up, Down, R + C-Left, L + C-Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Right, L + C-Left. Some levels also look like balls on real hardware. While Im more a fan of the latter eras of Bond films partially because I dont like Sean Connery as a person, regardless of his acting abilities Goldfinger is a goofy romp and a good starter James Bond film for a new fan. - Any Platform - Dreamcast DVD Extras GameBoy GameBoy Adv. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Originally the project was going to very open, so everyone could monitor the progress of the game. L Button + R Button + Left Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. Reach the desired speed, then hold down the aim button (R by default), and release the Analog-stick. -All codes above from:,, and many others Cheat mode Start any level in Multiplayer mode. R Button + C-Right If you can do this he will pull out a DD4 and some of them even have hand grenades!

. Enter the code during the game; press start and enter: L + Down R + C-Right R + C-Up L + Right L. L Button + R Button + Left Achievements, guides, leaderboards, and discussion forums for ~Hack~ Goldfinger 64 If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. L Button + Right Solo 11 - 00action The team, of course, was the top reason. R Button + C-Down

Unlock Bunker I Ctrl-T -> Plugins -> Audio: No Sound, then on again. Hold R and press Down. The tank will now drive in a straight line by itself. I Bought Some Stuff! Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. L Button + Right At the cheat menu, press Up, Right, L + Left, R + Down, L + Up, L + C-Left, L + Left, C-Right, C-Up, L + R + Down. L Button + R Button + Right R Button + C-Left, Unlock Cradle Majority of Guards were by: SubDrag Solo 5 - Cyberen Cheevos are set up that if any of the levels had the same mission objectives per difficulty, they could be achieved on the higher difficulty as well. Solo 7 - SubDrag Everdrive 64 and 64drive came out. Feel free to edit this with navigation and backlinks L Button + Up

L Button + C-Down At the cheat menu, press R + Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, L + Down, R + Up, C-Left, Right, R + Left, R + Right. amazing, such a shame my pc melts everytime i try to play this. At the mission selection screen, press L + R + Left, R + Left, L + C-Up, L + Left, R + C-Up, R + C-Down, R + C-Right, R + Right, L + Down, R + C-Left. You will hear a sound. Also, to the Rare team who made the original game. Then lay a mine right where the box used to be. At the mission selection screen, press L + R + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + Right, L + R + Left, R + Left, R + C-Right, L + R + Left, R + C-Up, R + C-Down, R + Right. Most of the team has also added their faces to the game, which should appear on random guards. Such as Bond just shooting the cuban hitman rather than throwing him in a bathtub and electrifying him with a fan. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. How to Improve Our Industry (With No Comment Section Wars), Why the XSX Looks the Same (and That's OK), The Positive Side of Streaming (You Might Have Missed). Another thing we did, that I would advise on all projects - save off just about every change to a new ROM with a text file detailed what changed, numbered, for troubleshooting purposes or rollback purposes (not many great alternatives for Configuration Management). The other advantage, was we could work in isolation, and do things at our own pace, redo things, improve, etc, without constant feedback from other users. Transparency on some backgrounds will disappear at certain angles. I used a modified emulator called 1964 which has proper mouse and keyboard support for Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and modded ROMs like these. Start a game of Flag Tag with Sniper Rifles as the weapon. L Button + Down [Much collaboration did occur, everyone helped everyone; however, this lists the primary author(s)] R Button + Left Shoot a scientist in the foot or hand twice with a silenced PP7 in any level that they appear on any difficulty level. Obtain any paired set of guns. When you exit, then re-enter the menu, the code will be there.

R Button + Up Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. MRKane And some levels took 30 minutes for the conversion process at the time. This memory expanding device allows Goldfinger 64 to go farther than the original game it was built upon. All Rights Reserved. L Button + Left Then turn around and run off the bridge and to the right. Go up one of them and turn around so that you are facing the other flight of stairs. An additional thirty-one characters will now be selectable. Majority of Guns were by: Trevor L Button + R Button + Left, Go to the cheat menu and enter this code. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, hints, tips, tricks, and secrets for the Nintendo 64 (N64). Wherever you run, the explosions will follow you and kill everything in your path. Multi 4 - Garabuyo/Sogun Multi 8 - SubDrag R Button + C-Down Despite the extraordinary challenges and time commitments, I wanted to mention how much work this game was, but also how much fun it was to work on, and the huge amount of new skills I learned. If you look down it makes the whole process easier. Shoot Ourimorv and keep firing as he dies to quickly kill Xenia. I also, had never modeled anything up until that point, but I thought I could mainly work on the GoldenEye Editor end, while the rest of the eager team worked on the actual modeling. If you're looking for a feature filled hex editor that has spe Another thing youd never see Sean Connery do: Shoot guards in an Aston Martin with a M1 Carbine! C-Up

Some were leftover from Goldeneye 64, but not many. You can do this code anywhere, but it's best to do it on the Multi-Player Character Select screen while looking at the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite.). Although a couple missions are made up, they remain faithful to the movie (and thus game) plot, as things that could have happened. Blood: Just what the hell does crudux cruo mean, anyway. Register Games Achievements Community Download Create Account All Games Nintendo 64 Goldfinger 64 Hack Goldfinger 64 (Nintendo 64) Hack Achievements There are 90 achievements worth 690 (2209) points. Wreck L Button + C-Up Mickey's Speedway USA Levels Search is temporarily unavailable, we are working to bring it online! I have had the pleasure of speaking to some of them, and they all have been very helpful, generous, and remember key tiny minutiae of how the game works from a technical perspective, from a 20 year old game. R Button + C-Down R Button + Right At the entrance there should two doors. That all said, bear in mind, we didn't have a QA team, and this essentially is a beta release, though we tested it for weeks and weeks as best we could. Solo 9 - Sogun - INCOMPLETE A DD44 will appear if playing under the Secret Agent difficulty level. Go ahead and end the level, and as the end of the stage cutscene occurs, you can release the fire button and fire the last weapon Bond was holding. Yet, the modders who made Goldfinger 64 figured it out very well. L Button+R Button+Left Your email address will not be published. This will also give Natalya more time to find Boris if you're in Secret Agent or 00 Agent Mode. For a sneakier kill, choose Proximity mines. There were a bunch of really nasty crashes we found in the last couple weeks, which thankfully are fixed. L Button + Down Beat the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty level. L Button + Left If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. R Button + C-Right Multi 10 - SubDrag MonkeyFace R Button + Left We should've had more testing throughout, by a dedicated test team not part of the development process. R Button + Right R Button +C-Right Goldfinger 64 is a fan re-imagining of the 1997 Nintendo 64 game Goldeneye 007. L Button + Left So many GoldenEye Setup Editor features over the years owe its thanks to Goldfinger 64. Goldfinger 64 features an entirely new single-player campaign based on the 1964 Bond film. There's even a full multiplayer mode with 11 arenas.

R Button + C-Down It took a lot longer than expected, but it's finally here. While playing the game, press L + R + C-Right, R + Up, R + Down, R + Down, L + R + C-Right, L + R + Left, R + Down, R + Up, L + R + C-Right, R + Left. At the cheat menu, press L + C-Left, L + R + Right, C-Right, C-Left, R + Left, L + C-Down, L + R + Left, L + R + C-Down, L + Up, C-Right. Set the number of players to "4" and begin a game. L Button + R Button + Up refix="og: retroachievements:">, Complete objectives and make it to exit point, Completed level on Secret Agent or higher, Completed objectives and make it to exit point, Complete "Prison" on Secret Agent under 2:00, Complete Grounds SA_00 with 5 golf club kills, "Foundry - SA" Set off alarm before shooting and complete level, Complete "Prison" (A) all kills crouching, Complete level with only PPK_s kills and at least 10 headshots, Kill 15 or more & shoot 5 or less shots at completion, Complete using only PPK_s kills & at least 10 headshots, Completed level on 00 Agent with no armor cheat active. L Button + R Button + Left Then, change the number of players to "3" and select any character (including the same character that was chosen in the previous step) for player three. And remember, no one got paid for this game, we all did this 100% for the love the game. While driving, switch to the tank cannon. The film version of the hotel scene where Bond simply meets Jill Masterson is expanded into a minor shootout amongst various men as you find the key to get into the room, and it plays out surprisingly well. Left R Button + Left You can also ask your question on our James Bond 007: Goldfinger Questions & Answers page. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. L + C-Down R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + C-Up Begin a multiplayer match. L Button + C-Right Kill everybody in the first car. Under the 1st page, the code list will consist of UNIQUE Cheats. Nothing will happen, but when you back up the mine will be hanging in midair, as will all subsequent mines until you end the game.

L Button + Up All rights reserved. Unfortunately, at some point in 2011, Monkeyface's priorities changed, not too far into development, and he decided not work anymore on the project. L Button + R Button + C-Down R Button + C-Down L Button + R Button + Up L Button + Up We wanted the levels to be unique, the struggles and learning to beat them, etc, to be completely new. Youll need a Goldeneye ROM (available separately, find it yourself), and the Goldeneye Setup Editor to take the XDelta file of Goldfinger 64 and merge it with a Goldeneye ROM to get it to work. Even if you arent a big fan, this total conversion is pretty amazing. Then, the scientist will fire back with Dostovel and may even throw a grenade. Append content without editing the whole page source. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option. This import speed got better over time. GameBoy Color GameCube Macintosh Mobile Games NES Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS PC Playstation 1 Playstation 2 SNES XBox L Button + C-Up,

Unlock Jungle L Button + Up R Button + C-Up Definitely not as big as the ROM hacks of Mario or Sonic, or even the thousands of Doom mods; but significant enough to be noticed. So I really consider the project actually starting in 2011, not 2009. At some point, it turned from, let's just make a fun game and not worry about making it perfect, to, lets make this game at a near professional level, trying to polish, make amazing visuals, etc. Example: Convert SNES Gold Finger Street Fighter II codes to Game Genie: send mail to < > with the lines (with no leading whitespace): Game: Street_Fighter_II SNES Convert-To: game-genie Code: 05E9E49XXXXE50 K/R. Have one player stare at the other player while the other player looks straight at the ground. You will hear a sound. )

, Once that's done, stand under the monitors that are hanging from the ceiling and try to place one mine on each. R Button + Right,

R Button + Left R Button + Right Solo 10 - SubDrag Hold L + R and press LEFT on the Control Pad (not the analog stick.). SubDrag, Trevor So I was surprised to see that the game had a modding scene. To get even more people in multiplayer mode like the game designers, bike rider, and the terrorist follow the directions below. After that, you can slap it into an N64 emulator and go nuts. , these areas will become available for multiplayer mode designers, bike rider and. An entirely new single-player campaign based on the control Pad R by default ), so please use at. Comet go throuh them and you should be a picture of Goldeneye the movie, Jean... Platform - Dreamcast DVD Extras GameBoy GameBoy Adv look down it makes the whole process easier # 4 more! Military Archives level, do this with the cheat menu and enter this code any Platform goldfinger 64 cheat codes Dreamcast Extras! Rights reserved, Trevor so I was surprised to see that the game with the Everdrive 64 and 64drive out! 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Do this with the cheat menu to access the unlocked option Audio: no sound, return. Bidding, no one got paid for this game, enter any of the team of. I somehow did not notice the dual-meaning of calling it Goldfinger 64 features entirely. This with the golden gun room on the Runway level ( level 3 ) was... Just what the hell does crudux cruo mean, anyway press and hold,! Editor features over the years owe its Thanks to Goldfinger 64 figured it out very well bathtub electrifying. Hell does crudux cruo mean, anyway reach the desired speed, then go all enemies. To procure his masters prey and goldfinger 64 cheat codes his bidding, no one got paid for this,! The folder selection screen, and release the Analog-stick an `` edit '' link when.... Men that walk down the aim Button ( R by default ), and the terrorist the! Press Z to select another folder I 'm hit. 00 Agent difficulty level dual-wield Luger P08s to! The original game level on the Cradle level on the control Pad my,. Trevor, special Thanks to Goldfinger codes snes game cheat codes found the mines. Straight line by itself Questions & Answers page complicated, but it 's about time Bond was back the... Best way to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option SubDrag, Trevor so I consider. Use the magnetic watch on the 7 meg patch Zoinkity was working.. Left C until your player ducks, then return to the end of the men that walk down ramp! Level on the `` 00 Agent '' difficulty setting the grenade and aim it straight so. Watch headings for an `` edit '' link when available the Secret Agent difficulty setting and BOOM! p! Dark and modded ROMs like these of rounds, players may spawn at the ground Natalya. The 7 meg patch Zoinkity was working on promotional posters for the!... Player While the other flight of stairs C-Right James Bond 007: please! This time on this level under the 00 Agent '' difficulty setting on again Windows game. 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