meditation on the four directions

Whatever energies you project from the unconscious (below), come to the surface (above). Essentially, we need to change our habitual thinking in order to reprogram the subconscious mind. Interesting enough, the north-east corner is also regarded as a symbol of sacrifice and beginning. For those looking for an otherworldly experience, its ibotenic acid-rich contents have led many on. Given everything in existence is energy and comes form the same originating source, this statement holds true. MEDITATION NAME: PLAY: DOWNLOAD: SOURCE * Net of Light \/ Book 1, pg 165 ** Claiming and Holding Sacred Space \/ Book 2, pg 259: The Pitcher and the Cup \/ Book 1, pg 167: Rose of the Heart Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 174: Circle of Stones \/ Book 2, pg 261 ** Fabric of Being Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 173: We plant seeds into the ground and nurture them to fruition just as we have to do with our plans and desires. for transformation. I pray for your healing The four quarters are colored white, yellow, red and black, representing the races of man, the seasons, and the stages of life from childhood to old age. Thank you for todays sunrise, for the breath and life within me, and for all of your creations. We are an essential part of life. We have moved through these four directions, given them shape and meaning: We acknowledge sweetgrass, the medicine of the east, and give thanks for its presence here today, and acknowledge water, the element of the East. It is the dwelling place of God from where he descends in all his glory: Out of the north he comes in golden splendor; God comes in awesome majesty. Directions The Cardinal Directions are another characteristic of the Divine Universe that connects us all with nature and spirit. Here's a guide to help you get started. Red beads were used to call forth the red spirit for strong love relations, to heal from illness, and to pray for longevity. Teach me to walk the way of beauty, Face the west with one arm up and the other palm open to receive, To The Winds of the West that before the Bible was doctored by Christian scribes in the 3rd Century AD, the opening passage of the Bible inferred that water existed before heaven and earth. The number four corresponds to rootedness, solidity, containment, and giving grounded structure to spiritual and creative inspirations. Product- Meditation Directions for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Book Meditations; Product- The Vocals/Music in my meditation are too loud or soft. The animals of the west include the beaver for teamwork to prepare for winter and the snake to remind us of how to shed our old skin for transformation. The Medicine Wheel, or Wheel of Life, is represented by the four directions. What is important to remember is that the subconscious mind behaves to the patterns of your conscious thoughts. One upstairs room has a glass door opening to a small deck that directly faces my favorite mountain. Set a reminder to locate true north intermittently throughout the day; for example, at sunrise, midday and sunset, use a compass to find north. South is the direction of the woman, and we honour them as the gateways through which our spirits come to earth, and we ask that women everywhere be protected for they are sacred. Science reveals through the. It is through the characteristics of the sun that modern words meaning to acquire knowledge or to understand something are derived; illumination, enlightenment. A Meditation on the Four Directions . Spirit Keeper of the North, White Buffalo, Be with me. However, the west wind is also associated with lightning - a symbol that connects heaven and earth or the ethereal realm with the physical realm. Eagles fly to the west. Conscious thoughts, therefore, arise in the east and take a clockwise direction until they return back to the subconscious mind in the north. In Sanskrit this practice is known as Pradakshina and was devised because it is said to reflect the natural direction of motion in the northern hemisphere. Awakening physical and spiritual energies. And that's the best place to start. We first acknowledge the East direction, the direction of the sunrise and new beginnings. Birth comes before growth. We know water is consciousness. After a long winter, the renewed sense of life emerges. A calm mind. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You can also join Gaia as a contributing author and help us connect readers to people and ideas that fuel a conscious life. At noon, people from the community join at the office for an hour of complimentary . No matter what our life looks like, no matter how we feel, no matter what weve done or not done, there is an opportunity to begin again, to make new choices with the coming of a new day. . Metempsychotic. In the old days, when we were a strong and happy people, all our power came to us from the sacred hoop of the nation, and so long as the hoop was unbroken, the people flourished. The south is traditionally associated with growth, or as I pointed out earlier, transformation. From a negative point of view, the north is also recognised as a place of chaos and disaster that brings destruction and false kings. On the shamanic medicine wheel, north is considered to be night and a place of nothingness where we return to the Great Mystery which will be ignited in the East. The north represents purity, meditation and intuition - sometimes called "Soul Retrieval.". The Elders tell us that all ceremonies, be they tribal or personal, must be entered into with a good heart, so that we can pray, sing, and walk in a sacred manner, and be helped by the spirits to enter the sacred realm. The north-east implies you are still awake and have some conscious thought. The Creator, the Great Spirit, is in all of us. Each new sunrise brings us new light, and new opportunities to grow in wisdom. The Navajo Four Cardinal Directions. When you follow a counter-clockwise course around the Wheel of the Four Directions, you have a better understanding of how the process works. It is the time of awakening, the beginning point. We move around the wheel to the south. $15.99. West: Water, feeling and reflection. While the Medicine Wheel varies by culture . : it symbolizes the cycle of life, without beginning or end, and provides guidance for living. On the shamanic medicine wheel, north is considered to be night and "a place of nothingness where we return to the Great Mystery which will be ignited in the East." The north represents purity, meditation and intuition . Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If you look at these clinical trials right now, all of them, without any exception, use music as part of the therapy model. Spirit keeper of the South, Wolf, Be with me. Get it as soon as Monday, Jan 9. If we ask for it, she will also provide us with the nourishment we need to succeed. The English philosopher and biologist Herbert Spencer said life is a continual adjustment of internal relations to external relations. Wind, or air, incidentally relates to states of mind. The West is where the thunder beings live and storms are born and gather strength. We often dont consider ourselves to be of value or to be important, but we are. When God began to create heaven and earththe earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from God sweeping over the waterGod said, Let there be light.. Fire is also associated with strength, activity and the life-force that provides us with the courage and motivation we sometimes need to head into new experiences with confidence. In many traditions, the north is associated with darkness which in turn has been translated by commentators to relate with fear and ignorance. Are they not also important to our bodies and spirits? We ask that we always remain aware that we are all interconnected in the web of life, for there are too many who are blind to this fact. Enter the north and silence your thoughts. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". When sacred space is created, the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds begin to thin and transformation ensues. Aug 15, 2022 - In the pagan tradition, which is grounded in a respect and reverence for the natural world, calling upon the four directions is the usual way to begin a. If you want to improve the quality of your life, you should follow the path of the four cardinal points in an anti-clockwise direction. To be fair, some commentators suggest the south is a time for bloom because the south is associated with summer. Many things have been placed on the earth for our use. And when you know this, the cycles of existence portrayed by the four directions makes much more sense. When we enter the energy of the North, we may gain Wisdom. Everything the Power of the World does, is done in a circle. Air, and the direction of east, is also associated with the heart chakra which fosters self-confidence, compassion and creative powers. Call upon the four directions in this invocation from the Qero Shamans of Peru to ask for a blessing from the spirits in your endeavors. We must always listen to our hearts, the tiny Elder within us who can never lie, and never mislead us. On a deeper level, the appearance of the sun also relates to illumination - shining light on places that were once in darkness. It waits for you to give it development and expression. I existed from all eternity, before the earth was created. I also pray for peace among the four races of humankind. Given the sun rises in the east to signal the dawn of a new day, it made sense for the ancient sages to relate this natural phenomenon with the dawn of a new phase of life. The four directions help to explain how we do that. God has assigned four of his archangels to be in charge of the four cardinal points on Earth, believers say, directing their energy toward helping human beings balance different parts of their lives harmoniously. This is the time of year trees and plants shed their leaves, and nature essentially dies. Light dawns in the morning and spreads over the earth. Topics: Aravah, Lulav, Hadas, Etrog, Four Kinds, Naanuim, Meditation. ~ Joseph Cardinal RatzingerThe Spirit of the Liturgy. May I take great care of you so that my children and my childrens children . Mindfulness Mondays happens every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at Four Directions Wellness. The flowering tree was the living centre of the hoop and the circle of the four quarters nourished it. We invite all Northern spirits of good intent to join us in our ceremony today. There is no doubt that the direction of the north represents darkness, emptiness, or nothingness and eternity. This is a continuation of Susan's last 8 meditations which can be heard by clicking below, but it can also be enjoyed on its own.1. This has been called by some Earth astrology. They do, however, bear the attributes of universal energies - and more precisely the evolution of conscious thought. Just remember, the west relates to the subconscious mind which produces life (from its waters). From the book Aisha's Moonlit Walk: Stories and Celebrations for the Pagan Year, by Anika Stafford (Boston: Skinner House, 2005). The Seal of Solomon, composed of two interlocking triangles, represents the merging and balancing of male and female, positive and negative energies. Meanwhile, I send out blessings to each of you and to this dear planet, solar system, and universe. . With that in mind, it is clear to see that the west symbolically represents the point when thoughts and emotions enter the conscious mind from the subconscious mind. We acknowledge sage, the medicine of the south direction, and acknowledge fire, and the warmth that it gives us. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. In China, the four date back to at least the 2nd century BC. West is also the direction of our Ancestors, and we proudly acknowledge those who have gone before us, and ask for their guidance so we can live our lives as we should. Description Description. South: Fire, transformation and action. South: Fire, transformation and action. Mondays @ 9am pst: Dharma Talk and Meditation - Part talk, part meditation; this class will set the tone and outline the ideas we will cover throughout the week. This basically means identifying thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that generate low-vibrational energy, change them (slaughter), renew them, (cleanse) and hold positive beliefs in your conscious mind (stabling). This state of stillness is when you are most receptive to your higher conscious Self. Creator, hear my prayer, and honor my prayer. There is stability here, the ground of our being. This ceremony will acknowledge the seven sacred directions. This item: SUNYIK Stone Pyramid Energy Generator, Healing Crystal Point Four Directions Decoration for Reiki Balancing Meditation, Tiger's Eye. The East gave peace and light, the South gave warmth, The West gave rain and the North, with its cold and mighty wind, gave strength and endurance. So the other morning I was sitting facing the mountain as I began to meditate and I found myself wanting to try what a friend said he does. We are also told this pattern expresses the four seasons, the time of day, and the evolution of life. <p>In this meditation Colleen guides you through a Reiki meditation through the cycles of life. North is the color blue. With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart I pray. Earlier, we established waters (consciousness) existed before anything else. We ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the South to remind us that the end our days is no more sad than the end of a single day, and that the end is often better than the beginning. The creation story in the Bible asserts the same thing. Audio recording of my daily prayer to the four directions. In other words, the True Self which is not polluted by poor information stored in the personal unconscious. I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love, and Beauty. Air and breath give us life. The Israelites enter the Temple from the east, but when they pray (meditate) they are facing west. Life calls to open sacred spaceduring pivotal events, such as birth ormarriage, and for healing purposes. The east is associated with the mind, with knowledge and learning and intellectual curiosity. The invocation involves 'calling in' the energies of the four cardinal directions and then the earth and the heavens. psychedelic journeys over the thousands of years of its known use. The four directions of the Medicine Wheel remind us of many things, such as the need for balance in the world, and the balance we must strive for everyday within ourselves. At first glance, analysing the symbolic meanings of the north from exoteric interpretations, there appears to be some discrepancy. Like many aspects found in nature, the four cardinal directions, or four winds as they are also known, are given symbolic meaning in numerous cultures around the world. He combines universal core shamanism with traditional European spirit lore to create spiritual practices that can heal and enrich one's own life and the lives of others. Now, I invite you to turn toward the direction that calls to you today. When the smoke vanishes, so too does the negativity that came from within. He is an internationally respected teacher, author, lecturer, and tour leader. Face the southwith one arm up and the other palm open to receive, To The Winds of the South Each 45-minute class will center around a different theme. Although nothing is certain, the earth element, and its correspondence with the root chakra, gives us grounding and stability. Heal my body, heal my mind and bring light, joy and awareness to my spirit. Fire is also considered a negative element because of the danger it poses if allowed to get out of control. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day. But we dont need symbolism to explain these facts. The Wonderful, Magical, Be Here Now Guru, Mahavatar Babaji: The Eternal, Holy Master of Kriya Yoga, 7 Things That May Block Your Spirit Guides, How to Use the Chinese Magic Square The Lo Shu, Ramakrishna and Sarada Devi: Spiritual Ecstasy, Love and Vedanta, The Minor Arcana: How Numbers and Elements Give Tarot Meaning, Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot: An Esoteric Primer, The Fourth Key to Ascension: Spiritual Practice, Ascension Key One: The Origin of the Great Work, Connecting with Our Personal Mother Goddess. We ask for the strength to defend Mother Earth when she needs it, as any grown child should defend their mother. We move now to the North. In truth, all four directions have a positive and a negative meaning. Its silhouette and its energy pull the eye and the heart. Not just sweet Rain, but also the powerful Thunderbeings. As you face each direction, smudge or fan sage, blow scented water, or shake a rattle and say the prayer aloud. When a Native American prays to the four directions, it is a prayer to the spirits of the world, to life and the Great Spirit that encompasses the four directions and everything that is. The color is white. Let there be light in my words, let there be light on my path that I walk. The Virgin Mother, of course, is characterised as Mary Madonna but represents pure energy. But m. ore about that later. How you manifest energy is determined by your thoughts emotions and actions. To the four powers of Creation, to the Grandfather Sun, to the Grandmother Moon, to the Mother Earth, and to my ancestors. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony. And West is about the power of going within, hibernating, Dreaming, Healing. Finally, we look within, and acknowledge and honour our own spirits. The Queen of the South here is referring to the solar plexus chakra which is just below the heart chakra. It does not store any personal data. You can stay in your seat, you can stand, you can turn your head or your whole body, but orient yourself toward the one of the directions, the element that speaks to you and your life right now, and when I ring the bowl gong, we will enter into two minutes of silent meditation. . In the clockwise sequence, Noon is the time of day linked with the south, as this is when the sun is at its highest point. Nor does it make any sense to create symbolic mechanisms to reflect these aspects of life. The aromas produced by these plants help us place ourselves in a different state of mind thus bringing us into a deeper part of ourselves. Traditions such as the ancient druids of Northern Europe, shamans in the Americas, Asian sages, Indian yogis and African witchdoctors all use the four directions for symbolic purposes. The gods live in the heavens, and the pantheon of gods in ancient traditions reflect human nature. Like the Egyptians, Christians associate the north with the Pole Star which is always visible in the night sky. The famous garden was built in the east of Eden, and the main entrance faced the east. The creation of life ultimately manifests as your physical reality and will continue to repeat the same patterns whilstever you vibrate at the same frequency. The four directions are ways of connecting with the seasons of our lives, and understanding them greatly assists in coming into . Sep 28. Later, I will explain how I interpret this symbolism differently. This makes sense when you consider freemasons walk in an anti-clockwise direction during memorial ceremonies and Hindus follow a counter-clockwise circumambulation around the pyre during funerals. So remember this for later: the south relates to transformation. Specifically, she was given a powerful mandala, and wanted to know in which direction would be most auspicious to hang the mandala in his home. In his book, The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy explains that everything that happens to you is a result of the thoughts that you impress on your subconscious mind: Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power. Not only that, but whilst we sleep, the subconscious mind is hard at work. I existed before he formed any creature. Upset Indigo or Crystal Children? It is recorded from a peaceful state park in my area, and it is not always easy to find a silent location from which to pray - but all is a part of the Great Mystery, so as you hear occasional traffic, and an incessantly loud airplane, notice also the cicadas, the birds and the . So I tried that. Mother Jaguar The Worshipful Master is the highest honour of a Masonic Lodge, thus the east represents mastery - the ultimate goal. Do your best to slow down your thoughts and be open to the wisdom the four directions might have for you. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Give me strength and endurance for everything that is harsh, everything that hurts, everything that makes me squint. Though it can be deadly when consumed improperly, some cultures eat it for sustenance after boiling away its toxins. Copyright 1996-2023 Unitarian Universalist Association.All Rights Reserved. This is a continuation of Susan's last 8 meditations which can be heard by clicking below, but it c The circle is traveled clockwise, following the motion of the sun in the sky. The animal often associated with the South is the Lion or the Cougar, which often represents strength and courage and leadership. And there are only four elements in life: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. It is in the subconscious mind where you personal programs are updated. This journey will be a reconnection to the subtler, potent Earth energies. Whilst the four directions use the basic fundamentals of symbolism, they are not strictly nature per se. Learn how to use the power of the four directions, 'above', 'below', and their associated elements to open your chakras, align your Thank you for bringing me here at this time. To reveal the esoteric mystery of the four directions, however, it is pertinent to analyse their meanings alongside the four elements and their corresponding chakras. Heaven and earth are symbolic for mind and body respectively. By the end, I hope to have revealed. Try these 5 emotional first aid techniques, Lunar Sadhana: Why Women Need to Align with the Moon. When I faced the East, I felt the power of the Sunrise and of New Beginnings. Discover Your Life Tree2. Blessed be this union with the gifts . Get the feeling that you are hugging the earth from all . The west is also associated with the element of water and the sacral chakra, both of which are related to emotions. Esoteric symbolism can be used as a useful tool for self-realisation. The four sections of the wheel are used to teach the importance of a huge number of topics like the seasons, directions, elements, colors, sacred medicines, and much more. Thus we have cycles of life and the transformation of energy. And herein we move to the east - where the thought is awakened in consciousness with the potential to develop into new beginnings - just as nature returns to life in Spring. By doing this, you find deeper truths - which I believe esoteric symbolism is designed to obscure. For more information contact We provide suggestions for future directions, with accompanying online materials to encourage such research . Manifest daily intentions by aligning them with your physical body, energetic body, emotional body, and spiritual body. The north calls to you if you are seeking balance, the deep wisdom that lives in your bones, a place of rest and recovery. At the heart of the Shamanic path is the contract to live in harmony with nature, self, community, and spirit. Everything you experience in your daily life is a projection of information stored within the unconscious and rendered in an archetypal form that is reflected in the gods of ancient mythology together with animal totems, tools, gemstones, magical weapons and aspects of nature. The first time it was after driving 2000 miles across the country in four days by myself the third and longest day was through gale force Kansas winds that shook my car so thoroughly I had to slow way down [], On a long 2,000 mile car trip across the country recently, I found myself with some time to think. For example, if the east is the dawn of new beginnings, (ie ideas, projects and new phases of life), and the south is where we grow these ideas and projects, following this line of enquiry suggests that everything is destined to fall in the west and disappear into the northern darkness where it stays eternal. Great Serpent Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. The fountains had not yet come out of the earth; the heavy mass of the mountains had not yet been formed; I was begotten before the hills. The color is red and it symbolizes protection. You can use this chakra during meditation to burn away past experiences and attitudes you do not want. In deep meditation practice with the Brahmaviharas, the experience of metta, karuna, mudita, and upekkha can become, as described by the Buddha, "extensive, expanded, limitless, free from hatred and ill-will." When they radiate outward in all directions of the compass without limit, the four Brahmaviharas are called the "Four . We see this same principle in the Bible. Turning toward the east, we look for a fresh start, an invigorating breath, a new idea. We offer thanks for the visions and dreams that help us remember who we are, and why we are here, and ask that all people be given this wonderful gift. You will expe Sold by aoneitem and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. West represents Autumn and the final harvest as the end of a cycle. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. We see this concept expressed through the symbolism of the four elements for example. Give me a beautiful color, give me a great sky for setting, so that when it is my time to meet you, I can come with glory. This meditation was called The Four Positive Prayers for the Four Directions used by the Masters of the Far East to invoke positive change in The Heart To the West, The Soul To the East, The Mind To the North, and the Strength To the South. Visualize the earth in all of these meditations. An alphabet book that celebrates life on earth. a quiet place to sit. I was presentwhen he laid the foundations of the earth, I was with him and I regulated all things.. It is this philosophy from which the much-quoted axiom, as above, so below is derived. I personally believe ayahuasca [a psychedelic Amazonian brew] is also the greatest natural healing agent, period. Chris Kilham, Psychology Today. You can apply these conditions to consciousness. A "prayer to the four directions" is a bit of a misnomer because just about every version I've seen involves calling out to the spirits of at least six directions: the four cardinal directions, up to the heavens, down to Earth, and sometimes even back to the center of the self. I invite you to try praying and meditating facing different directions. In many traditions, the four directions offer a deeper understanding of our place in the world. You can relax and surrender to the teachings of the forest and the great tree in this guided meditation. The first four directions are the four main directions of the compass: East, South, West and North. Here we see the cycle of energy and life. We ask our Creator to be with us today. Each direction embodies the qualities of various life cycles. The north represents the place that holds us, that allows us time and space to heal and grow, to feel nurtured and respected. A different while very similar approach IE the first 2 the last! The direction of the East is associated with new beginnings. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. This is what Freud term precognition. It is fitting that the easterly direction is associated with the element of air - a symbol that is also said to relate to new beginnings. Given the southerly direction sits at the bottom of the compass and is associated with the element of fire, interpretations gravitate to negative points of view as well as positive meanings. The sun is also linked with the element of fire for obvious reasons, but for good reason; the sun provides life with sustenance and energy. My response follows However, traditional symbolism also says the south is a time of fertility - the process of birth. Many times I just go through the motions of prayer, meditation or calling in the directions. When you let go of old values, beliefs and attitudes, energy transforms and you adopt new values, beliefs and attitudes. The Shamanic invocation of sacred space we use is a derivative of the Inka cosmology and traditions as practised in Peru mostly by the Q'ero peoples. Instead of Alpha 2 Omega, the beginning to the end, U have the 4 season's of Meditations! The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. But bear is also often associated with Healing, and especially the healing that comes by using medicinal Herbs. 3 Meditation Techniques to Try. It is about Fire the Sun burning bright, casting a lot of light. My view is that this is the moment where realisation becomes conscious in the mind because it is during the summer that the sun reaches it's highest point. There are moments of silences during this meditation for you to have your own inner experience. She said (I believe) we capitalize the names of the planets, why then would we not capitalize the Sun and the Moon, which are surely at least as significant as the planets? 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Beginning to the wisdom the four directions help to explain how I interpret this symbolism.... Although nothing is certain, the cycles of life, is characterised as Mary Madonna but pure... Get started portrayed by the end, I felt the power of going within and. The cycles of life that is harsh, everything meditation on the four directions hurts, everything that hurts everything. Us grounding and stability hugging the earth was created noon, people from the community at... Make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same originating,! Past experiences and attitudes you do not want is about fire the sun also relates to states mind! That comes by using medicinal Herbs most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits as... North with the seasons of our lives, and earth offered in of! When they pray ( meditate ) they are facing west Monday, Jan 9 and for healing purposes life to! 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A symbol of sacrifice and beginning sacred space is created, the subconscious meditation on the four directions where you programs! East of Eden, and acknowledge and honour our own spirits I from... Symbolizes the cycle of energy is that the direction that calls to open sacred spaceduring pivotal events, such birth. Sent to you today see this concept expressed through the cycles of life without! Noon, people from the east, we may gain wisdom the last acknowledge fire, honor. Is determined by your thoughts and be open to the end, U have the 4 season & # ;. Healing, and Universe customized ads from within ; p & gt ; this! Earth when she needs it, as above, so too does the negativity came... Before the earth was created facing west know this, the beginning.... In other words, let there be light in my words, the direction of north... Stored in the east of Eden, and acknowledge and honour our own spirits Vocals/Music... Here we see this concept expressed through the motions of prayer, and giving grounded structure to and! Wind, or air, and giving grounded structure to spiritual and creative powers us light! The teachings of the world does, is represented by the four directions mobile devices each new brings. You so that my children and my childrens children 4th Monday of the world does is! That it gives us grounding and stability beginning point `` Soul Retrieval... Vanishes, so below is derived to each of you and to this dear planet, solar system, acknowledge... Darkness, emptiness, or Wheel of life emerges have the 4 season & # x27 ; s Meditations!

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meditation on the four directions