national geographic grant proposal example

If water use does not scale, I will collect measures of the volume of Gilbert, Alan Funding Information. Level II grants are extremely competitive and recipients receive funding up to $100,000. The game is an anonymous, one-time economic interaction between two people that uses real money. The theoretical perspective for the research comes from economic/ecological anthropology. Hypotheses Dissertation Research: The effects of water scarcity on reciprocity and sociability in Bolivia how the research might contribute to the success of future water delivery projects. to determine how water scarcity affects the frequency and quality of reciprocal exchanges between households. Id like to learn about how you spend your free time. function. People will reciprocate under experimental conditions most if they believe partners are kin, followed by compadres, then paisanos, then co-workers, and finally co-parishioners. The methodology section is particularly strong. Applying for a Young Explorers Grant is a two-step process. After five years of practice and hands-on instruction in ethnographic and survey research methods, I have become an experienced and capable researcher. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) provides links to example narratives, as well as links to open opportunities for funding. A research assistant is needed to do partial transcriptions of 240 semi-structured interviews, assist in interviewing, and help run the investment game. We explore, understand, and conserve marine and coastal systems and inspire and empower local and global audiences to better understand and protect the ocean. Level I and Level II applicants will be notified of funding decisions in September 2023. (independent variables H1-2), I will consult published records of precipitation in Cochabamba for 2004. Photo Credits from top of page: Christopher Johns, Robbie Shone, Kostadin Luchansky, Cory Richards (2). Project start dates should be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time. (List relationships.) 1999 Globalisation, neoliberalism, and negotiated development in the Andes: water projects and regional identity in Cochabamba, Bolivia. McFarren, Wendy Before you submit a pre-application, there are a few things you should take into consideration: The Young Explorers Grants Program accepts pre-applications throughout the year. This totals 600 hours of work per month. REVISED: Two Full-time Undergraduate Student Research Assistants (10 months each) $7040. The amount of offers (H7) and counter-offers (H8) made during the investment game will be recorded in Bolivianos. Consult the EC website for more information on the types of programs funded. Natural Resources Forum 26(3). The researcher proposes to measure whether cooperation among neighbors, especially certain forms of reciprocity, are altered by water scarcity. The $70 estimate is for a new, low-end digital recorder on sale. This involves the development and testing of a scale to assess water consumption, as well as conducting interviews to document variation of water use in a sample of households. 1. Anyone can apply for this grant, including National Geographic Explorers as well as those new to the community. At the end of the second phase, I will conduct a series of experimental economic games to determine the norms of trust and reciprocity in the community. Half-time Undergraduate Student Research Assistant (46 weeks) $2020 b. Toronto: University of Toronto Project on Environment, Population and Security. Regardless of the denomination, parishioners generally belong to church organizations that provide assistance to needy community members, and form informal assistance networks among themselves. These and other macro-level questions may be of interest as the research is undertaken. ;Vxs5"@17LbN$qC\hJUo9k0^>i])yz "b8;9vTd=r7(2"N]D\q?w(,Q`~wuuxK\Fxb.. O,. A number of hypotheses are outlined, perhaps too many to be accomplished in the scope of the research agenda. water acquired by each household from all sources at the time of each interview, and will also ask the person responsible for collecting water to assess how much water was collected that day. The research assistants will be trained in March, and will be occupied full-time with research tasks between April and December. Pre-owned laptop computer $600 Player A is given a sum equal to one day's labor (about US $3), and the option to keep the money or send some of it to the player B. 1985 Coping with Risk: Reciprocity Among the Basarwa of Northern Botswana. 1998 Beyond Environmental Scarcity: Causal Pathways to Conflict. If you are planning to work outside of your home country or community, you must include the name and contact information for at least one local collaborator as a project team member in the application. This involves documenting the reciprocal exchanges that a sample of households engages in over a nine-month period. Want to view application templates, budget guidelines, and tips for applying? This theory produces a series of testable hypotheses. j. We only accept applications that are submitted through our online portal. The five specific objectives are: Literature Review If that had been clearer, the recommendation would be for a '5', but as it is, the recommendation is a '4', Very Good. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Commerce must be notified when certain items are exported (including encryption software standard on all computers). About us, Premium Sign in 0000001661 00000 n With respondents' permission, I will record interviews using a digital sound recorder (Maloney and Paolisso 2001). Premium Terms of Service, FUNDSFORNGOS LLC Note:This section, Tips and Examples, focuses primarily on guidance for state geological surveys, but the suggestions also apply to DOI opportunities. e. What housework do you do (shopping, scrubbing, cooking, dishes, etc.)? 2002 Unpublished data. My responsibilities include overseeing a four-survey evaluation of health care in the state of Florida, which involves 300 interviewers and 13,500 interviews. Boulder: Westview Press. Who drinks or uses it? Over six years of coursework, I have acquired a solid four-field education in anthropology that enables me to understand the cultural, biological, historical, and symbolic aspects of water scarcity and conflict. First, ethnographic study will yield data with high internal validity about how responses to water scarcity evolve over the wet-to-dry cycle (Kirk and Miller 1986). The names of three academic or professional references and a curriculum vitae are to be included with the full application. In Dirks, Robert Man 20(3):454-474. Journal of Peace Research 35(3):299-317. Good Luck! Intellectual Merit You are not required to have previously received a National Geographic Society grant to apply for this opportunity. 1997 Three Generations of Environment and Security Research. A-3000 transcription kit $100 Methods and Analysis Applications are now open for the National Geographic Society Grants Program to illuminate and protect the wonder of their world. Quantitative data will be analyzed using inferential statistics: t-tests and ANOVA will facilitate this. Privacy Policy, Contact us about our critical work to explore and protect our planet. Transportation from Miami (the least expensive airport in Florida for travel to Latin America) to Cochabamba. Harris, eds. 4 0 obj Every winter, seasonal water shortages threaten the lives of the people of Villa Israel, forcing them to make choices in how they use their economic and social resources. If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project. a. Mack, Raymond The presentation and recording are available from the October 2020 webinar,NGGDPP Webinar on FY2021 Program Announcement and Proposal Writing Best Practices. You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. Who is living in this house right now? The advantages of using a modified version of the Stack L. Beneria and S. Feldman, ed. and domains and their subdomains are the property of FUNDSFORNGOS, LLC. London: The Latin American Bureau. Did you receive anything (goods/services) from the individuals listed in d? The protocol includes questions about daily life, the acquisition of goods, finances, and leisure time. How will the codes relate to the methods? Living expenses for Co-PI (12 months) $6200 Digital sound recorder $70 The recording and transcript are available from the August 10, 2022 webinar. 0000000016 00000 n Environmental Conservation and Climate Change. 140 Broadway 46th Floor 1996 2023 National Geographic Society. FINANCES In using Stack's ethnographic interview protocol and Berg et al. Coser, Lewis A. recommendations. Describe a typical day in great detail. I will conduct one interview every two months with each of the 60 households in the purposive sample. In Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America. Grantees may not: offer or give anything of value to a government official or any other person as an incentive to, or in exchange or as a reward for, obtaining an improper advantage for National Geographic; or give, offer, solicit or accept anything of value that is intended to induce the recipient to violate his/her duty of loyalty to his/her employer. The research will be conducted in Villa Israel, near Cochabamba, Bolivia. Because the Fulbright program will be funding ten months of living and travel expenses, this item has been revised to request living expenses to cover only the remaining two months. 2001). Living expenses were calculated for the Co-PI to reside and work in Villa Israel, Unless otherwise specified, this website is not affiliated with any of the organizations mentioned above. This system works best on Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6.0 or higher. 1990 Selecting Ethnographic Informants. 1957 Community Conflict. In addition, the research projects should address one or more of the priority areas . One particularly important form of reciprocity is the obligation to provide goods and labor to kin and fictive kin during Catholic festivals (Isbell 1985 [1978]). Projects can be up to two years long. In Studies in Social Psychology in World War II. A common measure of an appropriate starting bid is one days wages. You must be 18 or older to apply for a National Geographic Society grant. Also I hope the researcher will work towards a broader bibliography of studies from Bolivia and specifically Cochabamba (such as Albro, Dandler, Larson, Paulson) in which to contextualize the results of the study. First, you must submit a pre-application form online. In many Latin American cities, the arrival of new immigrants strains the ability of the local government to provide municipal services to all city residents Recording(Click here for mp4 file523MB). Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed . Recording(Click here for mp4 file656MB). Simmel, Georg Not sure which application to fill out? b. While assisting Drs. Christopher McCarty (U. Florida), Clarence Gravlee (U. Michigan), Graduate Advisors: We fund individuals working on projects in science, conservation, storytelling, education, and technology that align with one or more of our focus areas. To do this, I will ask 20 women to indicate which of the tasks on the streamlined list (e.g., drinking, washing windows, bathing, watering plants, and cooking) each household member has Fringe benefits are also excluded, as are salaries. To ensure that invited applicants are prepared to submit competitive full applications, we recommend that applicants already have an understanding of or are prepared to assemble the methods, dissemination strategies, and proposed outputs of the full project (as relevant and appropriate). Broader Impacts to determine if community norms exist for determining the order in which households withdraw from reciprocal exchange relationships. Sample Grant Applications Preparing a stellar grant application is critical to securing research funding from NIDCD. A-3000 transcription kit $100 This is great,helps us learn more and understand more, Terms of Use completed in the last day and in the last week. Data entry and coding In 2001, I conducted a study on the effects of social support networks on child feeding decisions with the Mexican Social Security Institute in Oaxaca. Dirks (1980) demonstrated that, whether famines are seasonal or unpredictable, societies pass from an initial stage of alarm (characterized by intensified sharing and sociability) to resistance (characterized by economic and social withdrawal into households and kin groups) to exhaustion (in which kin-based alliances to find food disintegrate) as scarcity worsens. 2000-02 Survey research, supervised sampling, data collection and analysis on a series of surveys for the state of Florida at UF Bureau of Economic and Business Research Survey Research Center 2002 Text analysis, performed text analysis on a project for Dr. H.R. 0000002771 00000 n (Elicit the names of all of the items -- furniture, pictures, radios, etc. Link to an image of the revised budget page 2 for 0314395, Bernard & Wutich A grant from the National Geographic Society means more than just funding! Read the full disclaimer here. Environment and Planning 31:1404-1415. In Unequal Burden: Economic Crises, Persistent Poverty, and Women's Work. The study also has practical applications for those seeking to anticipate and manage coming conflicts over scarce freshwater. Smaller requests will be accommodated and will not be more or less competitive. Goldstein, Daniel M. 2002 Water and the Potential for Social Instability: Livelihoods, Migration and the Building of Society. I will then use the modal household water use to represent overall water availability in the household. 1995) to discover the social norms that determine when and with whom households trust (dependent variable H7) and reciprocate (dependent variable H8). d. Where and with whom do you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner? 's experimental investment game, the proposed research replicates well-known research, and facilitates future replications to establish the external validity of the findings. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Who paid for the food and cooked? b. Walker, Peter Sampling and choosing key informants Using the Unin Cristiana Evanglica census of Villa Israel as a sample frame, I will select a purposive sample of 60 households. Funding opportunities may be available to U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) bureaus annually as funding allows. The National Geographic Society warmly welcomes and encourages applicants from historically and currently underrepresented and underserved populations to apply. This is a very strong and well organized proposal. 1993 Theories of Famine. For example, between April and July of 2002, fourteen children under the age of one died from water-related illnesses (Trujillo 2002). d. Where did it come from? Please submit your pre-application at least eight months prior to your field dates, at least six months for the Expeditions Council. Statement of the Problem She has not only been trained in anthropological methodology but has managed data collection and analysis for several projects. It is crucial that the interviews be transcribed and coded in Villa Israel, so that the Co-PI can perform preliminary analysis and use findings to conduct follow-up interviews with respondents, as needed, before she leaves the field. Level 1:If you are working to establish yourself in your field, hope to gain experience leading projects, are interested in joining the National Geographic Explorer community, and have not yet received a grant from the National Geographic Society, you may apply for a Level I Grant for one-year long projects. The transcription kit will speed the transcription work of the research assistant, so that he or she will also be able to participate in the data collection. 194 27 Although applicants must be 18 or older at the time they submit their application, there are no restrictions related to minimum years of experience in their discipline. The Committee for Research and Exploration funds hypothesis-based scientific research. Kirk, Jerome, and Marc C. Miller You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. Economic and Business Research under the supervision of Dr. McCarty. Hauge, Wenche, and Tanja Ellingsen In November and December, the researcher will conduct a series of experimental economic games will be run to determine the norms of trust and reciprocity in the community. 2 Please note that this is a fictional sample grant proposal used in the Helping the Sumatran Rhino activity in the The researcher addresses the issue of the project's social salience in a clear manner. Attempts to physically measure the volume of water acquired by the household from all sources may result in serious measurement errors. 1998 NSF Research Education for Undergraduates grant, to study the estimation of hard-to-count populations with Russ Bernard, 2003 (under review) Presenter, Using personal networks to measure race and ethnicity Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Cancun, Mexico 4. q8ja?ki y\)nX)1iI{my3z+~3}//}:>{?O}?|_y?kIm>c\_~) ](G+?\CWP-]Ma8,z Jz%ePf(iF6q|c^^SwyF_u|(i'i1c>"/iqmKH!Ckc/kj`f,sLiAMSLNc =D1/XA>y\?gO?y'/%{ WuK;-!XID*cO>xb/%$$-:L\VG6mu{Q7pE.G81H[}L/ydz[6\ 18. )d#]>/Giq^pm|??8/lykc^(Do%b_>!x`_0m/_l!veA3ZomLDhCe_Fa^CXce6~r~W`b~l9]yW5xvfUHNM!M! 2001 Cholas and Pishtacos: Stories of Race and Sex in the Andes. Collectively, they represent more than 140 countries and their work is advancing positive impact and transformative change for their planet. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should write the application and be listed as the project leader. d. What did you do for someone else this week? These documents are meant for people with intermittent access to the internet and are for preparation purposes only. The Expeditions Council funds exploration and adventure around the world. Social Problems 12(4):388-397. Instead, I will develop a Guttman scale of water use (Guttman 1950). 131-158. Funds may not be used for travel to scientific/professional meetings or conferences, tuition, vacations, study abroad programs, volunteer activities, legal actions, land acquisition, endowments, construction of permanent field stations, or publication of research results. These five do not take into account other possible reciprocal ties that migrants might use. Through in-depth study of one case, the research will produce data with high internal validity. Generalized reciprocal exchanges will occur more frequently in the wet season than in the dry season. I will use t-tests to compare mean numbers of exchange and social interactions for the wet and dry season (H1, H2), and ANOVA to determine if levels of household water availability are associated with differences in mean levels of exchange and interaction (H3-H6). The recipients of these grants, who we call National Geographic Explorers, are a diverse community of changemakers from around the world working to support our mission to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world. This gets very complicated because some people live together, others eat together, and others share their income., Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants, Level I grants receive funding up to $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for. 2002 Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. ]ci_ 0000005079 00000 n 1997 Latin American Pentecostals: Old Stereotypes and New Challenges. Bernard, H. Russell with key informants and four ethnographic interviews with each household in the sample. Privacy Policy, Contact us H. Russell Bernard (U. Florida), Anthony Oliver-Smith (U. Florida), Marianne Schmink (U. Florida). I will take detailed field notes and observations using Spradley's method for note-taking (1980). 1904 [1955] Conflict. For the semi-structured interviews, I will adapt the interview protocol from Stack's classic study of urban survival strategies (1970) for use in Cochabamba (see appendix). The Program places high value on increasing access to preserved materials. National Geographic is committed to funding a diverse and globally representative cohort of Explorers. 0000038154 00000 n These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. We preserve cultural knowledge and better understand human histories, culture, diversity, and evolution past and present; and inspire and spark curiosity in local and global audiences with stories or lessons about humanity. The National Geographic Society is launching a rigorous global effort to find three (3) of the best scientists doing field research on animal behavior and cognition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lobo, Susan Our Explorers are people of all walks of life from all over the world. National Geographic Societyis a 501 (C)(3) organization. These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. The researcher plans to hire and train a Bolivian student in the methodology of the project and disseminate the results of the study to three local NGOs. In summer 2002, I traveled to Bolivia to conduct preliminary fieldwork and establish relationships with institutions that support this study. The California Sea Grant College Program is now soliciting proposals for research projects that address goals and objectives specific to aquaculture in the Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFA) section of the California Sea Grant 2024-2027 Strategic Plan. Who made it? Below: Michael Nichols, Andy Mann, Paul Nicklen, Ami Vitale, Christian Tryon, Kenneth Garrett, Mark Thiessen. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE). H5. The National Geographic Society's Grants Program provides seed funding and support to early career individuals, as well as those more advanced in their careers, who are working to address critical challenges, advance new solutions, and inspire positive transformation across all seven continents. Whether you are an aspiring Explorer or already a luminary in the field, each opportunity has unique criteria and benefits to ensure that our Explorers receive support and funding aligned to their specific needs and goals. If you apply for more than one year of funding, your proposal will be sent back to you to revise and resubmit for the next deadline. United States, | This involves testing how economic interactions change under a variety of hypothetical conditions in an experimental game. Corbett, Jane You will be able to view and submit a full application online in early March 2018. While the supportive elements of Latin American urban networks have been extensively documented, the effects of severe resource scarcity on urban networks remain unexplored. This fund is designed to quickly deliver support so that both individual stories and longer series of content may be created. For example why are there water shortages to begin when? A digital sound recorder is needed to record semi-structured interviews, so that they can be transcribed by the research assistant. Laurie, Nina, and Simon Marvin Digital sound recorder $70 I propose to do an in- depth study of Villa Israel, a barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia, where conflict over water is an We are looking for individuals who are interested in becoming an active part of the Explorer Community. Because residents of marginal Cochabamban neighborhoods tend to mistrust and avoid researchers with structured survey protocols (Goldstein 2002), I will conduct informal, semi-structured interviews with During the first phase, I will use a sampling frame to choose a 60-household purposive sample, create and test interview protocols, choose key informants, and train a research assistant. They award grants to individuals working on bold, innovative, and transformative projects in science, conservation, storytelling, education, & technology that align with one or more of their focus areas: For more information, visit The overall objective is to understand how severe water scarcity affects reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships in a marginal urban setting. A full justification and a dealer or manufacturer quote are required for any proposed equipment purchase. Problem statement If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project. During the dry season, households will withdraw from generalized reciprocal exchange relationships in the order predicted by the experimental game. 2001 Presenter, Living Local and Going Global: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in a Study of Internet Use in Xi'an, China" Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Merida, Mexico, Collaborators: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40(4):637-656. Organizations can apply for grants, but the person within the organization who will lead the projectnot the institutionshould be the applicant and will be expected to meet the requirements of the grant. Using inferential statistics: t-tests and ANOVA will facilitate this 20 ( 3 ):454-474 with Risk reciprocity! 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national geographic grant proposal example