o negative blood type physical characteristics

If you have an A blood type, then you have A antigens, but no B antigens. If anyone out there has been told the same thing, it would sure help to know. I look VERY young for my age, have redish brown hair, hazel/brown eyes, low blood pressure, I am ALWAYS cold especially my hands. I came across this article by happenstance, but curious how dead-on it is for me. At the end of the day, this personality type defines itself on the actions taken each day more than the results that are produced. Most of me wants to read up on this for fun like I would a horoscope, but then a small part of me feels like the list of characteristics really fits me. I am a B- and have about every trait I've read on here. A voice came to me and asked if I would help him because he wouldn't be strong enough. Don't make friends easy. I have a feeling of being followed and watched. Started out with low blood pressure but with enough salt and sugar and carbs, I've been able to get it back into the normal range. You can receive blood from A- and O- blood type. Many strange things have happened to me in my life, but I think they could be explained by science or chance. I honestly do not know what it is, it is 43 years ago! Type A star seeds are passionate and extreme in their emotions. Interesting stuff thanks! They pick their battles well and know when its time to talk or listen. I am open to the idea of actual magical happenings, but I would need a lot of proof. I found this article very very interesting. This means that it's missing those things that could cause a bad reaction during a blood transfusion and can be given to any blood type. I have a heightened sense of hearing and smell, but not vision. But I felt them! They carried a sacred book which turned out to be a cookbook for humans. These overstressed personalities can lead to self-medicating with alcohol or drugs. 3. I am o neg and have most of these traits. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some believe there is a certain diet for each blood type, and it is true that certain foods can affect your body in different ways depending on your blood type. Rh null, which is super rare, refers to a lack of D, but also C/c, and . I share most of the same traits as you, high arches, very low blood pressure (several times they have had to retake my blood pressure to get a reading for a chart), ginger hair, greenish brown eyes. I do not know if I have an extra rib or vertebra; I do have a rib that I can wiggle back and forth (the bottom rib on each side) and it feels shorter than the rest. I get over heated really easy. It becomes very painful, the older the people in my family get to live with so much compassion and empathy. 29.5% Rh- in the Al-Jouf Province of Saudi Arabia. I KNOW I have been places in my dreams and am able to find my way around certain places, even though I had never been there in the physical sense before. Also, I see differently in each eye, am also left handed, Green eyes, Blonde (strawberry). Still its a mystery and gets the ole noodle shimmying around ideas. And the paranormal has always interested me. I could go on forever, I am a loner, I love to think about things by myself, I am a born again Christian, I love Christian music videos. I am too much of everything - too sensitive to violence, to sunlight, to negativity etc, that of necessity, I live as rather a hermit in the country, because so much about this life is too heartbreaking for me. ;), I am an almost 22 year old Mexican-American female with Type O Neg, blood. O negative people are also said to have some sort of connection to Atlantis or Lemuria. I wouldnt call myself spiritual, but I am open to the existence of something we cannot understand. I had enough of my mother wished her out of my life..she was murdered 2 days later. Despite being a research nut and cry spiritually gifted. It took almost an hour and I just assumed I was a bit whimpy. For reference, I am left handed, A Rh-, have most characteristics stated above, and have the INFJ personality type. I vote, but it is an ordeal each time because I don't want to be in charge of something so big in case I make the wrong choice. I was the strongest in the class all my life without practising. I swear I must have been abducted at a very young age because I hated going to sleep because of seeing cat people. What Causes High Blood Pressure in the Young Adults. Forget it! They will think you are crazy. Knowing your blood type can help you select exercise and diet choices that can improve your chances of being and remaining healthy. Approximately 45 percent of Caucasians are type O (positive or negative), but 51 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanics are type O. Then I don't remember all the accidents of my 66 years. I KNEW I didn't want to go there. Theyve learned to trust their gut feelings because it is usually right. When I went into the living room I realized that 2 hours had gone by but, we all where in the kitchen for what only seemed to be 10 minutes. RH negative, however, is a rare blood type. While some people believe that the blood type itself makes someone a Starseed, others believe that only those with RH negative blood are Starseeds. My dokter told me once but i'm not sure anymore. I have like 95%of the traits of this. That might be my take on life, but a friend of mine is fond of saying I can fall into a bucket of sh** and come out smelling like a rose, so there's probably more than a grain of truth to it. Suffer from allergies? Simply fascinating how I am described on such a list. He said nothing g was going to happen to me. Clearly this is speculation, but the point is that we don't know for sure what happened in our prehistory. Remember, there are multiple elements that you have to balance in your life to be healthy. In Japan type o negative blood types were asked to describe their best qualities, a large amount of people surveyed responded that their good qualities included: Self-perception among Type O people is much more keen than that among other blood types. Does it generally come from the maternal side? Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. I dreamed she went through the windshield and I pulled her back into the car. I would have a dream as young as 16 and within hrs a family member would be dead. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; I have flashes of events that latter come true, I have become a hermit in my house because all the negativity in this worlds sucks ny energy dry! Twice I had experiences with dreams of extraterrestrials entering my room while I am sleeping. I believe more in the neandertalian origins than the weird theories about our alien or reptilans origins. at the root of it, it is not known, this ancestor of all negatives. As a child, I thought I was crazy. 5 Empathetically intuitive Castro pictured in 1955, sans beard. Can rh negative people recognize each other? Is this part of our trait or not? There are 4 of us siblings and I'm the only one rarer than the others. You are just a deep thinker. *Two extra ribs 1 Extra vertebra, I always hear is an angel skeleton. In addition, emergency services, including ambulances and helicopters, may also carry it to keep patients alive while they're being transported to a hospital. Around 7-8% of the Caucasian population will have it. Good intuition, but not psychic at all. As far as I know I have never been abducted by aliens, but I have always wanted to write, "Aliens Land Here!" As well as having low thyroid, low blood pressure, hazel eyes, dark brown hair, Irish descent.. As of late.. Have seen ancient alien phenomenon! Your article was an interesting read . I've always been a positive and up beat person so this issue of extremely low iron isn't cool at all. It's very hard to always feel like such an outsider, but am relieved that there are other O negs out there who feel the same. The most recent experience I had was with this same voice telling me I was going to die!! Another statistical warning for Type Os is that they have a greater risk of developing disorders such as depression, bipolar disease, and schizophrenia. People who have Rh Negative blood tend to prefer facts over opinions when speaking with others or conducting research. Some of them go as far as claiming people with RH negative have an alien origin. Those who can relate, know youre not alone. Indeed the only door that would open was the rear right door, so I rescued my mother pulling her over the seat and out the door. Human body recognizes its own antigens and the immune system normally will not attack own antigens (and thus the cells bearing these antigens). I have always felt like I could "read" people and their energy right away and I believe this works in reverse too ie .animals and the ability to make very bad people back away. lefty , larger head. These individuals have a deep connection with the Earth and nature. I want to mention my characteristics, and traits: Me and all three of my siblings and mother all have the blood. Many people with the RH negative blood type are born with extra bone. O negative blood is also critical for newborns, who often have trouble with their blood type. I can draw write and sing. People with Type O Negative blood often listen to their intuition. I was only recently informed of that, dispite having my blood type determined three. But only to people who do not understand them. I myself have MANY examples of psychic experiences that have astounded people. First of all, what is Rh-negative blood? nephilim? AB blood type is the rarest blood type in the world. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on April 23, 2019: Love all the comments, April, Renee, Latisha from NC. I am very observant, analytical, intuitive (perhaps that overlaps into some psychic abilities, which a some people have told me I have) and I am fascinated by metaphysics, esoteric occult knowledge and spirituality. Other strange ideas about Rh-negative blood: A higher than average number of presidents and world leaders are thought to be or have been Rh negative. I was repeating over and over in my mind "Take me. Every human on this planet has either blood type O, A, B, or AB, and within these types, you either have Rh-positive or Rh-negative blood. Complications are likely to occur in second pregnancy with an Rh positive fetus if adequate preventive measures are not taken. I have always wondered if this (-delivery wouldnt start naturally) had to do with my blood type? I believe I read this quite some time ago, but came back to review. They had to quickly raise my feet and get me back to a normal blood pressure. I have often felt different as I dont seem to see things the way others (particularly other my age) see them. The B Starseed blood type gives one a strong sense of justice, and they are highly intuitive. You have to have control. Which one resembles your the most? It's great to have a theory, at least, that explains why I feel different. Felt I passed some small psychic tests when young and into playing games. Truth! I think genetic research may eventually come to an acceptable solution to this mystery of the blood. Thanks for the information, it answers a lot of questions. If indeed physical characteristics are similar to those of Neanderthals, it would not be too far fetched to also look at traits such as potential origin of allergies which could have something to do when consuming items such as peanuts which our ancestors outside of continental America were not familiar with. My ancestor came from a place who mean "Village of Stones". It is another way to get stuff done during the day. There are many different blood types globally, and each one is unique. DO RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE A CERTAIN LOOK? Unfortunately they already labeled the protein Antigen RH. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? I think often people who are different for whatever reason try to look for the positive in the situation. Only 1 in 67 European-Americans are that. Which role did the women play and were they considered equals to men? Thus, people with RH Negative blood type characteristics are uncommon and rare. Wondering: I'm wondering if any of you who are Rh- either 1. have a heightened ability to identify smells or 2. if you are left-handed. I, too, was a tow head as a child. I however am dark haired and am a sun worshipper who tans like a dream. Honestly I think it's a part of evolution and not so much as alien although I keep an open mind to possibly. King Charles III has blood type O negative. (See also: DO RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE A CERTAIN LOOK?) They should eat peanuts and not cashews or pistachios. Here are a few important things about A-negative blood type donation. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 09, 2014: I don't think the blood is actually connected to monkeys --just the animals they tested to determine blood types! I wouldn't say I am highly intelligent my IQ score in high school was 125. And then the question arises if it could be that a cleft chin for example is a result of Neanderthals with weak chins and other humanoids with strong chins mixing. If a patient receives blood that has different antigens in it, their body will attack those antigens. I was in the middle of a forest with no phone or way to get to one and I've had a stomach ache for 3 days so would you please stop that?". I have felt recognition from insects as well as more fuzzy warm guys and gals. So what does that mean for people with this blood type? ALSO READ: What do Stork Bite Birthmarks mean spiritually? What are the characteristics of RH negative blood type? and RH Neg. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; Types O negative and O positive are in high demand. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: Your email address will not be published. B negative here. Also, as far as I know, none of the other traits. It may have other factors which allow for such a list of traits, like karma or accumulated habits from many lifetimes or even genetic factors which do not include blood type. I have green eyes, brown hairs almost redhair and so white skin intolerant to sun. Anyways these are just few experiences I have had.. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on September 18, 2013: David, if you have RH negative blood you should not inject your blood into a monkey. I was also the one who usually had to hold the TV antenna to get a good picture! I have always been super sensitive (as is my sister who is a healer), as well I have been called an empath. Only around 1% of the population has AB blood. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? i tend to say: i don't really need the things i already have. My eyes are gray/green/blue I was born with blonde hair goes dark in winter and lighter in summer, vary fair skin, dont have a big I have to go to childrens section for hats lol. Her incision split her guts were all over there were many situations over the yrs. The uncomfortable side to all this is that I often feel like I don't fit in. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. You listen to your intuition. You feel like you know what is going to happen next. Sounds like a science fiction novel that I would love to read! At the very least, the questioning process is more interesting than the answering process. I dont believe I have an extra vertebrae or rib however I do have spinabifida, not sure if that relates. Are-- Are you for real? The "antigens" are special molecules that can elicit an immune response. Ciel, thank you for posting your gathered information for all of us to understand ourselves and the similarities we have being rh negative. Therefore I would say that this list is nonsense and/or has nothing to do with blood types. I think this might be a common thinga floating ribbut I will ask my doctor next time I go. Required fields are marked *. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There are many theories and myths about RH negative blood type. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? It would be fun to see if these were common traits as well. This personality type wants to make sure that they take care of themselves before taking care of other people. Again, these are mass-database numbers and do not mean that you will have these illnesses. Each type has its unique qualities and characteristics that make them special. They have a deep sense of compassion, and they make excellent teachers. Where is rh negative blood most frequent? As already mentioned, thisblood group means absence of all of the three major antigens ("A", "B" and "Rh") on the red blood cells. Your email address will not be published. Just like there are different human blood types, there are also different Starseed blood types. I have I.Q. Two different fathers. They are comfortable in isolation. And compare to the faces of rh negative women: Knowing you belong to A, B, AB, or O-negative blood group (or positive) is important because it is vital for saving life many times. Yes, people are social creatures. Your email address will not be published. However, there is little scientific evidence in favor of this believed association and so far blood group has not been found to affect a person's personality. I have 19 of the characteristics and am O- blood with the RH Factor, Hazel Eyes, Alburn hair and am of the Royal Bloodline. You might say these characteristics add to the theory of alien origin. I honestly feel it's a rececive gene. 15 Ways Your Blood Type Determines Your Personality Traits. 5. Were the ancient Etruscans an important link to rhesus negatives today. My feet get cold but the rest of me is always warm. I'm the only one in my family to have empathy. And now I am shorn of my connection to monkeys. People with the O Negative blood type personality traits tend to see emotions as a tool instead of a reaction. I have a peaceful calm nature but I am subject to anxiety. I think age must raise your blood pressure because I didn't experience this the last time I gave blood. Blood Type O Negative Personality Traits - YouTube People with blood type O negative are living lie detectors. Only about 7-15% of the population has RH negative blood. Nonetheless, it is interesting to compare yourself against this checklist. more than anyone else. about being an alien most of her life, but of course, I may be to blame for that! e.g., I've heard a mans voice say my name loud & as clear as day when I was alone on two separate occasions and many years apart. The blood type is uncommon. My hair is now naturally reddish brown. Were the ancient Etruscans an important link to rhesus negatives today. I am truly amazed by this. I think most psychic happenings could be scientifically explained if one digs deeply enough. Many more traits and many more stories. Such an amazing subject I feel really good and kind of special right now I hope I can help by donating blood to someone who really needs it!! This blood type is usually very balanced and even-tempered. List of Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits. This site was dated from the 1970's. Other sites claim that the Rh negative blood factor is the original blood type , the oldest blood type, which I actually emailed a genetic scientist ,and he replied that type O positive was the oldest. I have red hair that changes colors, my eyes are a blue/grey/green that also change color. (We didn't have cards given out to us back then.) I was carded buying a bottle of wine just a week ago. This means that you have a lower risk of getting diseases like leukemia and sickle cell anemia. People who have RH negative blood are starseeds because this blood type is rare. Learning finally about all of this at my age has been absolutely life changing! Im moody, have OCD, and it seems like Im a magnet for bad men married 3 times. Take me". *Some sort of extrasensory and/or psychic ability, *Tendency to be in close proximity to inexplicable strange events. It amazes me for all of these characteristics to be on one list! Wow..thanks so much for this. * I donate blood all the time, & have given birth to two very healthy boys with out worry or complications Juliet honey, you seem to be a bit closed minded & only concerned with the obvious. She thought that was hilarious. They are Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Pleiades, and Orion. I couldn't speak, not even to my sister who was sleeping right next to me, all I could do was roll over! Kind of depends on the person's mood and this article most like will attract a certain mood too. Interesting but I think its nonsense. Filed Under: Psychological Articles and Infographics, 2023 HealthResearchFunding.org - Privacy Policy, 14 Hysterectomy for Fibroids Pros and Cons, 12 Pros and Cons of the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery, 14 Pros and Cons of the Cataract Surgery Multifocal Lens, 11 Pros and Cons of Monovision Cataract Surgery. By now I knew there was something different with me and didn't know if I was crazy. Also I have heard of a tendency toward the arts. Just figured out it was my Kristy through conversation. I'm not sure about this diagnosis. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? The treatment involves injecting the mother with antibodies against the Rh antigen (RhoGHAM) during pregnancy and at the time of delivery of baby. one of my grandchildren has one green eye and one black eye. I struggled in school except for math. They have a good sense of humor, and they tend to be very funny. I have big head, left handed and people always commented about my piercing eyes. Had just a fine childhood. I have been struggling with something related to blood type since July and will try to write about it soon, for now, feeling tired and keep me posted! , too, was a bit whimpy what are the characteristics of RH blood... Going to happen to me in my family to have a heightened sense of justice, they! Each one is unique clearly this is that we do n't know for sure what happened in our prehistory blood! Felt recognition from insects as well as more fuzzy warm guys and gals patient receives that! Am described on such a list mention my characteristics, and traits: me asked... Things I already have and gets the ole noodle shimmying around ideas ciel, thank for! A voice came to me magical happenings, but I am highly intelligent my IQ score high. Green eye and one black eye blood are starseeds because this blood type then... 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o negative blood type physical characteristics