what does keypoint mean in a court case

A material witness in a criminal case. ), Criminal (?cr?) Prima Facie -- Evidence good and sufficient on its face. During discovery, you must provide the other side with any documents that are relevant to the case. Show Cause -- A process directed to a person to appear in court and present reasons why a certain order, judgment, or decree should not be made final. Note: Marital Property does not include property acquired before the marriage; acquired by inheritance or gift from a third party; excluded by valid agreement; acquired during the period that the parties voluntarily lived separate and apart without cohabitation and without interruption; directly traceable to any of these sources. Once a case is officially over, it is removed from the court's docket. . Consecutive Sentences -- Upon conviction of multiple counts/charges in one or more cases, sentences must be served one after the other, rather than at the same time (see: concurrent sentence). If it is an old case, or if you need confirmation of your cases status, you can look it up in the public records. Civil cases involve conflicts between people or institutions such as businesses. Hand over certain documents If you want to use certain documents (such as certified business documents) for the court, you must send a copy to the other party. Public Defender -- Counsel provided at public expense, primarily to defend indigent defendants in criminal cases. Reverse Waiver -- Procedure by which charges against a minor defendant are transferred from the circuit court to the juvenile court. What does Praecipe to satisfy judgment mean? Also contains an order of the judge who determined the courtroom or administrative proceeding. Suppress -- To stop, prohibit, prevent, subdue; with respect to evidence, to prevent its use by showing it was obtained illegally or is irrelevant. SUSR on 6-29-10 the suspensin was recalled. Service -- Delivery of a writ, notice, injunction, etc., by an authorized person, to a person who is thereby officially notified of some action or proceeding in which the person is concerned. Stay -- Hold in abeyance. Purge -- To cleanse or clear; eliminate inactive records from court files; with respect to a civil contempt, to curve the noncompliance that caused the contempt finding. OA. Litigant -- A party to a lawsuit; one engaged in litigation. CN. Adjudication -- A judgment or decision of a court or jury regarding a case. Plea Agreement -- Agreement between the prosecutor and the defendant to exchange a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for reduction in the charge(s) or leniency in sentencing. Generally, the standard time the police can hold you for is 24 hours until they will need to charge you with a criminal offence or release you. Contempt of Court -- Failure to obey a court order. Grand Jury -- A jury composed of 23 persons who receive evidence and determine if that evidence is sufficient for a criminal indictment. BetterCloud. (Compare Public, Sealed, or Confidential Record). Distress or Distraint -- Seizure; taking personal property out of the custody of a wrongdoer and into the custody of the party injured; for example, distress is a remedy for failure to pay rent. (See: Attorney of Record) If you or one of your witnesses does not speak English, the court will provide interpretation services, but you will usually need to request it in advance. What does Keypoint mean? Citations are entered in the issuing officer's patrol car and a copy is given to the violator. Incarceration -- Imprisonment; confinement in a jail or penitentiary. Presentence Investigation Report (PSI) -- A confidential report ordered by the judge and produced by the division of parole and probation prior to sentencing, to provide background information (job, finances, family status, community ties, etc.) Case law decisions of federal and state courts on the interpretation and application of laws in specific situations; The opinions are reproduced in various volumes. Surety Bond -- A bond posted by a surety insurer ensuring that the penalty sum will be paid if the conditions of the bond are not satisfied. Justification A trial ordered by a person to appear in court and explain why a particular order, judgment or order should not be enforced. Pardon -- Relief from a conviction (full pardon) or from any further punishment imposed by a conviction (particular pardon) granted by an executive official (governor or president). A party who fails to comply with a court order in a civil action. Waive/Waiver -- Giving up a legal right voluntarily, intentionally, and with full knowledge of the consequences. Writ -- A written order issued by a court and addressed to a sheriff or other person whose action the court desires to command to require performance of a specified act or to give authority to have the act done. Central Repository -- The Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. They make mistakes periodically. Preliminary Hearing -- A hearing held in the District Court, unless waived by defendant, to determine whether there is probable cause to believe the defendant committed the offense(s); available when offense(s) charged are not within the exclusive jurisdiction of the District Court. Law Enforcement Unit -- A State, county, or municipal police department or unit, the office of a Sheriff, the office of a States Attorney, or the office of the Attorney General of the State. Probable Cause -- Information given to a judicial officer that is sufficient in itself to warrant the issuance of a charging document. When a case has been disposed, this means it has been closed. Bail A sum of money or other security given to the court in exchange for the defendant`s release and to secure the defendant`s appearance in court. But whatever the meaning of "clear error" in this context, the Court . In a common law system, the opinions of the courts are the law by which all disputes are resolved. Person -- Any individual, partnership, joint stock company, unincorporated association or society, municipal or other corporation, the State, its agencies or political subdivisions, or any other governmental entity. OFPP. Adversary proceeding A lawsuit arising in or related to a bankruptcy case that begins by filing a complaint with the court, that is, a "trial" that takes place within the context of a bankruptcy case. You will be called to a Mentions Court when the prosecution is ready to charge you officially. Custodia Legis Under the care of the law; Property that has been lawfully seized in the course of legal proceedings and is in the possession of a public official or a court legally entitled to own it. Transfer -- In a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges. If held pending trial, your lawyer can file a Writ of Habeas Corpus. Key point 2 would be early in the case. This is the manufacturing cell or system level, which operates under instructions from the plant level. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Pending -- Cases that are awaiting further action. Immunity from Prosecution -- Protection from prosecution in exchange for testimony that might not otherwise by forthcoming. Police officers usually make arrests based only on whether they have good reason (probable cause) to believe a crime has been committed. A person so served becomes a third-party defendant. Which is better bmw x5 or range rover sport, Your arguments must make logical sense. Attorney Information System (AIS) - Centralized Judiciary database for Attorney Information, Attorney of Record -- An attorney who represents a party and has entered an appearance in an action. What is a DP case? If in a replevin action it is not possible to repossess the goods, the action will roll over into detinue. Your point headings serve both organizational and persuasive functions: they. (Compare Removal). That means you can tell a cop exactly whats on your mind and, provided you do it in a civil manner and do not cause a public disturbance, it should be a protected form of expression. Case Law -- Decisions of federal and state courts interpreting and applying laws in specific fact situations; opinions are reported in various volumes. (Compare Public, Shielded, or Confidential Record). By contrast, prosecutors can file formal charges only if they believe that they can prove a suspect guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. (Compare Concurrent Jurisdiction). Disposition -- Determination of the final arrangement or settlement of a case following judgment. decided or ruled, as the court held that the contract was valid. See also: decision judgment ruling. SUSP on 2-9-10 drivers license was suspended for not appearing for trial. Hospital Warrant -- In accordance with Health-General Article 12-120, a warrant issued by the court where a determination that probable cause exists that the named defendant has violated a conditional release under Title 12 of the Health-General Article. Criminal Non-Traffic. The court may also order a fine as a condition of probation or supervised release. (See: Prosecutor on file) True Copy Test A copy of a court document issued under the seal of the court clerk, but not certified. Judges consider relevant opinions in making their decisions. 1. Offense -- A violation of the criminal laws of this State or any political subdivision thereof. Arrest -- A written order by a judicial officer directed to a peace officer and commanding him to arrest the body of a person named in it who is accused of an offense. Appeal Bond -- A type of bond set by the court and filed by the appellant until the cause can be passed upon and disposed of by the superior court. Infraction (Civil) -- A violation of a statute, ordinance, or regulation for which the only penalty authorized is a civil fine. Judge -- Can be a judge of any court in this state, but most often will be a judge of the court which issued the documents you have before you, or a judge of the court having jurisdiction over the matter before you. Order The decision of the court on an application, objection or other matter relating to a preliminary point or stage of the proceedings. How do you get a judge to rule in your favor? This is the factory or production systems level. Custody Case -- The type of proceeding in which the court determines which parent, other adult, or agency shall have physical control over a child. A prosecutors case is likely weak if it does not have enough evidence to show that you violated a criminal law. States Attorney -- A person authorized to prosecute an offense on behalf of the State or a political subdivision thereof. Pleadings -- The formal allegations by the parties of their respective claims and defenses for the judgment of the court; in criminal matters, this includes a charging document. A witness who fails to comply with a subpoena. Appellant -- The party who takes an appeal from one court to another. Alford Plea -- A special type of guilty plea by which the defendant does not admit guilt but concedes that the State has sufficient evidence to convict; normally made to avoid the threat of greater punishment. . Sua Sponte of her own free will; Often, when a judge does something without a party to a case asking him to. Complaint, Criminal -- A charge brought before a judicial officer that a person named has committed a specified offense. Can you be charged with a crime without knowing? (Compare admission), Confidential Record -- An official record of which a statute prohibits public review, such as presentence investigation reports. Learn more about the Service of Process. Counsel -- A person who is admitted to practice in a court of law and gives legal advice. Trial De Novo -- From the beginning; appeal in which the reviewing court completely retries the case. If your case goes to jury trial, the jury would be given a specific instructions not to consider your silence as an admission of guilt. Bench -- Process issued by the court itself, or from the bench, for the attachment or arrest of a person. Finding -- A determination of fact by a judicial officer or jury. Criminal On view arrests (coded as CROVA) are always brought in District Court, even if the case involves a felony charge. The number 00010 is the number of the case. This can have significant implications for those involved in a court case, as it may lead to delays, additional costs, and an unfavorable outcome. A concentrated site or installation, the destruction or capture of which would seriously affect the war effort or the success of operations. A praecipe is a legal writ issued either to the clerk of a court or to a person in whom the court has an interest. Office of Federal Procurement Policy. Accommodations - Assistance with special needs and interpreters. The application guides you through a series of questions called an "interview." Civil contempt failure to comply with a court order or rule affecting another person; Penalties are imposed to enforce the law. If you thought you received a PBJ, check your disposition documents. Device level. (See: Huger v. State, 285 Md. Costs -- Fees and charges required by law to be paid to the court, the amount of which is fixed by statute or court rule. Bail -- A sum of money or other form of security given to the court in exchange for the release of the accused from custody and to guarantee that the accused will appear in court. What does hold without bond mean in Maryland? Counter Complaint -- A claim filed by a defendant in a civil case against the plaintiff. What Does Keypoint Mean in a Court Case - Saint-Bernard Mandate - The judgment rendered on the decision of a court of appeal. Docket Number -- Case number; the designation assigned to each case filed in a particular court. TRAFFIC VIOLATION. Process -- Any written order issued by a court to secure compliance with its commands or to require action by any person and includes a summons, subpoena, an order of publication, or a commission of other writ. The Clerk's Office maintains a docket sheet for each civil and criminal case filed with the court. Expungement -- The effective removal of police and/or court record from public inspection. Learn more about the Service of Process. Order -- A ruling of the court, on a motion, objection, or other matter relating to a preliminary point or some step in the proceedings. Voir Dire (Trans: to speak the truth) -- the preliminary examination of a prospective juror, or witness, to determine whether the person is competent, impartial, and unprejudiced. The defendant is also advised of right to counsel, referred to the Public Defender, if eligible, and informed that further appearance in court without counsel is deemed to be a waiver of counsel. If you are kept in police custody, you will be presented to the magistrates court usually the next day, unless it is a Sunday, in which case the earliest sitting day for court is Monday. Another, more macabre, reason is that someone has died, gotten seriously injured, or fallen gravely ill. Case types assigned by the Court include Civil (?cv? Post Conviction -- A procedure by which a convicted defendant challenges the conviction and/or sentence on the basis of some alleged violation or error. Lien -- A claim upon the real property of another for some debt; the property remains in the defendants possession. Confessed Judgment -- An action seeking final judgment based upon a person agreeing, in advance, to the entry of judgment against them upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event, such as making a payment. Summons -- A writ notifying the person named that an action has been filed against the person and When reading a case you should be noting various pieces of information, in particular: the case name; the citation; the court deciding the case; what was the issue in the case; what decision did the court reach in the case; and how did the court arrive at its decision. First Judges Case (1982) - SC held that consultation does not mean concurrence; Gave Primacy to Executive; Second Judges Case (1993) - Court reversed its earlier ruling by changing the meaning of consultation to concurrence. Prayer for a Jury Trial -- Request of a defendant in certain cases to be tried by a jury. If you properly assert your right to remain silent, your silence cannot be used against you in court. Plea -- The defendants formal answer to criminal charges. Opinion -- The statement of the courts decision in a case, setting out the reasons for the decision. Also the endorsement made by the officer upon the writ or other paper stating what he has done under it, the time and mode of service etc. Affidavit -- A written statement the contents of which are affirmed to be true under the penalties of perjury. Duis nec vestibulum magna, et dapibus lacus. Conviction -- The determination of guilt based on a plea, a jury verdict, or a finding of a judge. Its purpose is to make work easier and more efficient. What is a CR case sort? At this hearing the court clerk will read out the list of offences the defendant has been charged with (the indictment) and asks the defendant to plead guilty or not guilty. Surrender (by bail) -- The return of the defendant again into custody by the surety on a bail bond. SOD. Sub Curia (Trans: under law) -- An action of the court ordering a matter to be held pending resolution due to a legal requirement (a procedure, rule or statutory requirement that prevented the finality of the matter). Affirmed (Judgment) -- A decision by an appellate court finding that the judgment of a lower court is correct and should stand. Can remaining silent be used against you? Maryland Code, Criminal Procedure, Article, 10-107 defines two or more criminal or incarcerable traffic charges arising from the same incident, transaction, or set of facts as a "unit." Any charges for minor traffic violations that arise from the same incident, transaction, or set of facts are not part of the "unit." Judgment review A procedure in which the trial court (usually the judge, if not available) is asked to correct an allegedly unlawful judgment or vary the judgment; Following the trial, the sentence may be reduced or remain the same, but may only be increased if the defendant leaves the courtroom at the time of the original sentencing. Minor -- An individual under the age of 18 (eighteen) years. Lawyer A person who is admitted to court and provides legal advice. Giving up a legal right voluntarily, intentionally, and with full knowledge of the judge who determined courtroom. Circuit court to another, check your disposition documents violation or error PBJ, check your disposition documents by. The age of 18 ( eighteen ) years violated a criminal law the contents which! Means it has been closed a series of questions called an `` interview ''! The contents of which a statute prohibits public review, such as businesses your disposition.! 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what does keypoint mean in a court case