how to get an exotic pet license in arizona

All rights reserved. This list of controlled species includes a variety of frogs, toads and salamanders, venomous reptiles, crocodiles, alligators, a variety of turtles and snakes, some birds, armadillos, bears, cavies, coyotes, cougars, foxes, kangaroos, lions, kinkajou, leopards, primates, and many more. You can own one alligator snapping turtle, two razor-backed musk turtles, and two box turtles. You can own many types of exotic pets in New Hampshire, including bison, wild boars, camels, sugar gliders, and zebras. Theyre the most closely related reptile to a dinosaur, and they dont instill the same terror in humans as snakes do. Many species are prohibited to own in several states. I wonder if laws used to be more lenient and he was grandfathered in? However, state and local entities may have pertinent regulations and/or permitting requirements. Lawfully possessed under a: a. Lawful . You'll need, Brindle coats on dogs are a gorgeous attribute. It is against the law in New Mexico to own felines, crocodiles, wolves, alligators, and primates. ~ Reticulated Python ~ by Mohammed Alnaser is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To help potential animal owners, Alaska authorities have produced a clean list that is acceptable to own. If class II animals are to be kept as pets, you must provide the name and address of who you got the animal from. For now I will tend to my colony of 12 fancy rats heheh. An official website of the United States government Any cat must be from a breed listed in a national or international multi-cat registry. If a resident chooses to move out of Arizona, it is against the law to take the pet with you in most cases. This makes little sense and is probably a beneficial oversight that hopefully won't be "corrected" with the introduction of more species to the list. For many people, lizards are their first pet reptiles. animal Most U.S. native snakes can be owned except Eastern diamondback, Western diamondback, Mojave, Southern Pacific, and timber rattlesnakes. A driver license issued by a state that verifies lawful presence in the United States. These are all defined as game animals in Alaska law and this restriction includes wolf hybrids acquired after January 23, 2002, and chimpanzees acquired after January 31, 2010. Most start with two years of hands-on experience. Day of shipment. The list of animals that people are allowed to own in Hawaii is extremely limited. Over 20 states entirely ban keeping dangerous animals as personal pets, which include venomous snakes, bears, primates, wolves, and big cats, whereas many others have varying levels of limitations. See . Every state has a different view on keeping exotic pets and you should check them thoroughly before getting an exotic pet. An Arizona driver license issued after 1996 or an Arizona nonoperating identification license. There are exotic and wild pet laws in every state. According to Wyoming state law, any living wildlife (as designated by the state) requires a permit unless they are specifically mentioned as being exempt or prohibited. The state also has some rather silly inclusions to their restricted pet list, including the order Lamniformes, (composed of large and/or rare sharks such as the great white shark and basking shark) which are species even aquariums dont have. Nutrition: Each animal has distinct requirements. Numerous birds, beavers, hippos, elephants, giraffes, kanagroos, kinkajous, primates, hybrids, several types of turtles and snakes, and other animals are prohibited from being kept as pets. Scientists once considered the Ornithocheirus an ancestor to modern birds. Nevada lists all the prohibited wild animals and hybrids in their state laws but it isn't as restricting as some other states. Dogs and cats are great, but these small animals can also make wonderful pets - and are a little easier to take care of. Category 1 animals are those who pose little threat to humans and are domesticated. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. Pima County has partnered with DocuPet to provide an enhanced and simple pet licensing experience for Pima County residents. Coyotes, foxes, skunks, hyenas, prairie dogs, alligators, crocodiles, wild cats, and many other animals require a permit to be kept as pets. Instead, specific marsupials, the "American opossums," are cited, but wallabies, kangaroos, and wallaroos are not, which should make them legal to own in the state. Pet licenses are essential for reuniting missing pets with their owners. In Oklahoma, you can own almost any animal except a native bear or native large cat species. As I previously mentioned, kangaroos are pretty big creatures and capable of injuring people. License valid: The license is valid until the third December from the date of issuance. Contact one of these governing bodies in your state of residency to find out how to get an exotic pet license. If a person is found to possess a prohibited animal, they can be fined up to $500 for each offense. Arizona law lists various rodents that are prohibited, including the squirrel family, beavers, New World porcupines, and nutrias. Some Savannah cats have very low percentages of serval genetics and resemble a typical house cat with spots, while higher content animals can be similar to servals in size and appearance. R12-4-405. The state offers three types of permits, but they admit that they are practically impossible to get. Before adopting, you may wish to get advice from a veterinarian. They include: hedgehogs, wallabies and kangaroos, Savannah Cats (hybrids of domestic cats and serval), capybaras, sugar gliders, American bison, wolfdogs (hybrids), reticulated pythons, and African crested porcupines.Jun 25, 2021 Can you own a fox in AZ? In Pennsylvania, you must acquire a permit for exotic animals that are listed as exotic wildlife by the state. If you move or if your pet is given away, lost, stolen, or dies, you must renew your license every year and keep it up to date. Navigating The Complex Process Of Getting An Exotic Pet License In Michigan. African crested Porcupine {Hystrix cristata} by Drew Avery is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Similarly, primates are not allowed to be owned as pets unless you received a permit by 2013 but in 2021, some venomous reptiles can be owned if they are medically significant and you have the proper permits. The state issues six different types of permits. Read on to learn about 10 exotic animals that you can care for in Arizona. Some animals are clearly included in this group, like giraffes, zebras, cheetahs, mountain lions, crocodiles, alligators, rhinoceros and bears. Lizards are excellent show animals and, depending on the species, maybe handled on a, Read More What is the easiest lizard to have as a pet? Getting a dog is a big decision. For example, a license for a tiger can cost up to $10,000, while a license for a smaller exotic animal, such as a monkey, can . For Alaska residents, no one can possess, sell, import, or export any species of bird, mammal, or reptile, including a feral domestic animal, found or introduced in the state, except domestic birds and mammals. Reptiles are an excellent choice for a first pet. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. If you're considering getting your own reticulated python, be sure to thoroughly understand their basic needs and speak with some snake specialists prior to making a final decision. If you want to give your family a furry friend who's easy to care for, consider adopting a pet rabbit. (more specifically Phoenix Arizona). There are special licenses that allow you to keep wildlife for rehabilitation, falconry, or scientific collection. Would the heat be safe for a fox??? With their shiny coats and striking eyes, these cats can't help but give off an air of sophistication. Beyond that, your county may have additional ordinances. If you live in Alabama and did not obtain a permit before January 13th, 2021, you are not allowed to own a variety of exotic animals including Giant African Land Snails, most non-native wildlife like bobcats, black bears, foxes, and raccoons, and venomous reptiles. You can get a permit to keep almost any type of animal, including giraffes, monkeys, and hippopotamuses. Even though many of these pets may not appear dangerous, they can compete with natural wildlife or carry illnesses. traumatic chimpanzee attack on a woman in 2009. It also guarantees that all pets are up to date on their rabies vaccine, which is required for public health and safety since rabies is a dangerous illness that may be transmitted to people. It is also important to consider what might happen if your pet escapes or you no longer want it. If you have any questions about applying for a license or registration under the Animal Welfare Act, please contact the USDA Animal Care office below. If not ill just move to somewhere where it is legal, then adopt one. Application form: Form 2717-A Annual Report form: Form 2717-B Fee: $20. Restricted animal species include but are not limited to nonhuman primates, Gila monsters, opossums, skunks, foxes, squirrels, and more. If you're going to bring home a furry friend for life, you want to make sure your pet comes from a responsible breeder who's doing everything they can to ensu, If you're thinking about bringing a furry friend into your life, you might consider adopting a dog. The state offers three different permits. These documents can be difficult for some to discover and decipher because they are written in complicated legal language. Then be sure to speak with exotic wildlife specialists and veterinarians. Even common exotic pets, like sugar gliders, ferrets, Fennec foxes, hedgehogs, and some birds, are illegal in some states or require permits. Forbidden animals include large cats, non-native canines, primates, hedgehogs, opossum, and wild boar. Florida Exotic Pet Laws. You need permits for Class I animals which include squirrels, non-domestic rabbits, and Southern flying squirrels, Class II mammals which include beavers, foxes, opossum, servals, and other animals, and Class III dangerous exotic animals that include large cats, bears, wolves, hyenas, venomous reptiles, and large crocodiles.. In order to obtain a permit, you must provide proof of liability insurance for each animal and renew it annually. Cuz when i grow up i want one as a pet. You must have a permit, which includes an emergency plan, to own most wild mammals in Delaware. You do not require permits to keep llamas, alpacas, chinchillas, guinea pigs, mink, hedgehogs and some other animals. You can own African lions, bison, camels, yaks, alpacas, and many others without a permit. Potentially dangerous species also require a permit but this permit has guidelines that are more strict compared to a permit to have a ferret. The cost of an exotic pet license to keep an animal as a personal pet depends on your state and the classification of the animal. It is illegal to own almost any type of exotic animal in Pennsylvania. Many completely harmless animals that are unlikely to become an environmental problem in North America (and certainly not Arizona) are prohibited; including tenrecs, fennec foxes, squirrels, sloths, and freshwater stingrays. Research facilities use animals (as defined by the Animal Welfare Act) for research, teaching, testing or experimentation. If you get one of the six types of permits, you can own subhuman primates, skunks, raccoons, foxes or sylvatic carnivores, and many other animals. appraiser certification and licensure board. Alaska law also includes an extensive list of animals that do not require permits and are legal to own to help you determine if your ideal pet is allowed. Maine requires permits to care for some amphibians and reptiles but surprisingly allows coati, genets, and some other exotic animals to be kept as pets without a permit. Class II includes more primates, bobcats, servals, caimans, and other wild animals while Class III includes all other wildlife that aren't in Class I, II, or specifically mentioned to be exempt from permitting. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. Illnesses: Keep in mind that exotic pets behave differently than domesticated ones. While the federal entities do not regulate exotic animal ownership, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) does manage the transportation and breeding of exotic pets. An exotic pet must be obtained with the . The state of Vermont has a long list of unrestricted animals that can be kept as pets but they do prohibit wild hogs and pigs. Lizards bite using their teeth instead of their fangs. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. Animals that are prohibited from being kept as pets include bears, wolves, large cats, coyotes, foxes, and all threatened and endangered species. Ferrets and many reptiles are still allowed to be cared for along with animals that are trained to help you if you have a severe mobility impairment. Persons possessing restricted wildlife must obtain a wildlife holding license to lawfully possess the animal. Included are native caribou, white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, moose, antelope, mountain sheep, mountain goat, reindeer, pigs, hippos, yaks, and bison. You'll also find information related to Arizona wildlife laws and their reasoning. Chinchillas, hamsters, llamas, and many other animals that are commonly considered to be domesticated are exempt from permit requirements and wolves, big game and trophy game animals like bear, mountain lions, and moose are prohibited. As far as exotic pet ownership is concerned, it is illegal to keep most wildlife species in California, including hedgehogs, all rodents except for hamsters, non-domesticated rabbits, and many others. Indiana is one of the more lenient states when it comes to exotic animal ownership. It is against the law to own bears or cats over 50 pounds in Oklahoma. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Additionally, invasive species and some native animals are not allowed to be kept as pets. Examples of research facilities include hospitals, colleges and universities, and pharmaceutical firms. In Lousiana, you'll need to obtain a permit to own a large or venomous snake as well as take any animal from the wild to keep as a pet. You need a permit to own many animals, including bears, coyotes, chimps, and other apes, lions, and tigers. Permits are required for venomous reptiles but ferrets, primates, coati, hedgehogs, large cats and many other exotic animals that aren't native to the state are exempt from permit requirements. Animals are categorized into classes. However, no person can possess more than 6 of any kind of animal, and no more than 25 nongame wildlife animals at any given time. The second class is those that do not fall into any other category. A special permit is needed for any dog that might be crossed with a wolf. Remember that laws may frequently change, so consult the latest rules before investing in a wild or exotic pet. Five states reportedly have no or minimal restrictions on exotic pet ownership: Delaware, Wisconsin, Nevada, Alabama, and Oklahoma. Checklist: Process: Complete application form, submit payment, and secure approval through Regional Offices of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Question: Can you have macaws in Arizona? Class II animals are permitted only with a license and include howler monkeys, macaques, bobcats, cougars, wolves and more. Every state has laws that determine what kind of animals can be kept as pets. A person with a commercial business that moves animals from one location to another is considered a transporter under the Animal Welfare Act and must be registered with the USDA. In order to own a non-domestic cat or dog, bear, rhino, elephant, primate, non-domestic ferret, and some other animals you will need to obtain a permit. In 2007, Washington state laws changed to restrict dangerous animals from being kept as pets. A law will go into effect on July 1, 2021, requiring many more people to have a state license before they can own or care for wildlife in Arizona. Animals that you can have without permits include alpacas, ferrets, bison, camels, chinchillas, emus, ostriches, llamas, lemurs, sugar gliders, and giraffes. Whatever kind of pet you choose, fresh water is a must. The section includes a comprehensive list of the animals that are prohibited from being kept in the state as pets. The state issues 13 different permits. certain pigs, eg wild boar. However, to import exotic animals there, you may need to obtain a special license. Currently own one and looking to move, Is one allowed to own a Pure Blood wolve as a pet legally in Arizona? This state restricts potentially dangerous animals from being kept as pets. Keep a close eye on your pets behavior to make sure you dont overlook any indications of disease. Are you allowed to have a Zebra in Arizona? Tennessee places animals into five different classes. Animals exempt from permitting include non-venomous reptiles, ferrets, chinchillas, sugar gliders, squirrels, and other less dangerous animals. Getting your exotic pet registered isnt difficult. The state offers five different types of permits, including one for wildlife abatement. I know someone who is the "part" owner of a pet tiger in Yuma, Arizona. does nvidia geforce gtx 1660 support 4k. You cannot own hedgehogs, African hedgehogs, sugar gliders, bears, large cats, wolves, primates, and many other types of exotic wildlife in Connecticut. Indiana is one of the most lenient states when it comes to owning exotic pets. Other large pythons that are legal include African rock pythons, Burmese pythons, and anacondas. Choosing a rabbit breed is a very personal decision. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as if the animal is being kept as part of a scientific or educational institution, but in general it is illegal to own an exotic . This means that you cannot just go out and buy a tiger or a lion to keep as a pet. It is against the law to keep wild animals as pets in Massachusetts. You cannot own bears, non-domestic felines, and primates in Minnesota. Examples of transporters include airlines and trucking companies. Answer (1 of 5): This really depends on two things: 1. Iowa (If your ID is from a State that does not verify lawful presence, you will need to show an original US birth certificate, US passport or similar documentation to . The animals cannot be sold but must be gifted to another person. Because of this, theDangerous Wild Animal Acthas made lions, tigers, bears, elephants, alligators, monkeys, servals and other animals illegal to own in Ohio without first obtaining a permit. AMVA Pet Ownership and Demographics. If you want to import one into the state, then you may need a special license. If an animal isn't banned or required to have a permit, it can be held as a pet. This may be the Department of Food and Agriculture, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Wildlife Conservation, or a similar department. These animals include primates, bears, canids, and felids. Question: Is it legal to have a coydog as a pet in Arizona? Permits can be obtained for some wild animals if conditions are met. Kentucky is another state where it is easy to own exotic animals. Bears, large felines, wolves, and primates are included in the list of restricted animals in Connecticut. The "wolves" seen in private zoos and being kept as pets are likely all high content wolfdogs, so technically, any wolf someone can obtain would be legal in Arizona, as long as officials don't amend the rules to ban them in the future. Raccoon dogs are only allowed if you have a zoo permit and there are specific types of deer, sheep, and goats that are only allowed in the state east of the Missouri River. For example, if I want to keep a radiated rat snake - a non-nativ. Like other states, some counties and cities also have additional restrictions and regulations on what kinds of animals can be kept as pets. Exotic animals need specific care, thus these rules are intended to safeguard them. Even within the same animal family, this is true. It is illegal to own most exotic pets in Louisiana. In order to get the license, you may be needed to have your property examined. You can own alligators, crocodiles, alpacas, camels, chinchillas, ostriches, sugar gliders, and penguins without a permit. The prohibited animal list includes wild and large cats, bears, foxes, primates, skunks, and many other exotic animals. There are several types of special permits, including game breeders, parks, and veterinarians. Hawaii: Peafowl. It is against the law to own many animals, including bears, hyenas, gray wolves, most non-domestic cats, elephants, rhinoceroses, and most primates in Ohio. It is against the law to own most wildlife in Georgia, including kangaroos, primates, non-domesticated canines, non-domesticated felines, crocodiles, alligators, elephants, bats, piranhas, air-breathing catfish, Gila monsters, and cobras. In addition, it is important to consider whether your environment is suitable for the animal you would like to import. You can also not own any member of the genus, including deer, elk, moose, and caribou. These laws can change at any time and over the years, many states have added to their list of prohibited animals. You can get a special permit for a service monkey. , invasive species and some native animals are permitted only with a license and include howler monkeys, penguins. Service, Department of wildlife Conservation, or a similar Department, then adopt.. Defined by the animal Welfare Act ) for research, teaching, testing or experimentation primates, how to get an exotic pet license in arizona and! 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how to get an exotic pet license in arizona