maryland attorney grievance commission opinions

In December, 2008 he issued a check to pay a personal obligation. TULLEY, Harold Joseph - Disbarred by Consent on September 1, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for filing a perjurious affidavit and failure to exercise diligence in representing bankruptcy clients. - Commission Reprimand for conviction of second degree assault on August 2, 2006 arising from an incident in which he was found to have struck his wife, which conduct the Commission found he violated Maryland Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4(d). Second opinion] an employer requires workers to stay like 5 to 10 minutes late until relieved. JOHNSON, Laurence Fleming Commission Reprimand for failing to provide competent and diligent representation to his client and for engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice. Appointed by Attorney Grievance Commission: Respondent's misconduct is far more . Maryland Manual On-Line GREEN, Charles Lamont Indefinite Suspension by Consent on April 4, 2013, effective June 1, 2013, for failing to maintain unearned fees in his trust account, for failing to promptly return the unearned portion of a fee, for commingling funds, for the unauthorized use of trust funds, for failing to maintain accurate client matter records and for failing to respond to requests for information from Bar Counsel. He violated Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.3, 1.4, 1.15(a) and (b) and 8.4(b), (c) and (d). His conduct was in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.15(a) and (b) and Maryland Rules 16-604 and 16-607. KAHL, Jeffrey David Disbarred on January 8, 2013, effective immediately, by Per Curiam Order for misappropriating funds from his law firm and attorney trust account. STROTT, George Guild, Jr. Indefinite Suspension by Consent on August 23, 2012, effective on October 22, 2012 (with the right to apply for reinstatement no sooner than thirty (30) days after October 22, 2012) for failing to provide diligent and competent representation and for failing to honor a lien in a personal injury case. ALSTON, Tiffany T. While under an Indefinite Suspension imposed in a previous case decided by Opinion and Order on September 25, 2012, Respondent was Disbarred by Consent on May 2, 2013, for failing to provide competent and diligent representation, for failing to communicate with her clients, for failing to safekeep clients property and for failing to respond to requests for information from Bar Counsel. South's contract is for $235,000 a year, plus a housing allowance of $3,000 a month, up to $27,000 reimbursement for moving expenses and a sign-on bonus of $35,000, "given the current NIC and. Maryland Independent Agencies FY23 Sanctions and Actions Affecting LicensureNew Maryland Counties BELL, Jimmy A. - Commission Reprimand relating to Respondents representation of a complaint for racial discrimination against Complainants employer in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. Created in 1975 by Rule of the Court of Appeals, the Attorney Grievance Commission investigates complaints against lawyers practicing in Maryland and administers discipline to them (Maryland Rule 16-711). DOBSON, Matthew G. - Suspended indefinitely by consent for failing to file tax returns. SCOTT, Karen - Commission reprimand for lack a of competence, lack of diligence, failure to communicate with her client. - Suspended indefinitely by consent for lack of diligence and failure to refund fees in bankruptcy cases. ROBATON, David M. - Disbarred by Consent on November 17, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for lying to clients about the status of their cases and to Bar Counsel about his communication with his clients, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 8.1(a) and 8.4(c). BRISBON, Brenda C. - Indefinite suspension (March 17, 2005) continued for subsequent complaint for failure to respond to Bar Counsel. Bus. JENKINS, Frank Plowden - Disbarred by Consent on September 15, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for lack of competence, diligence, communication, misappropriations, commingling and misrepresentation, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.15 and 8.4(c). He did not request any commission for serving as personal representative. ASH, John D. - Disbarred by consent for lack of diligence in the representation of several clients, failure to return an unearned fee to one such client, providing false information to Bar Counsel and failing ti satisfy outstanding federal and state withholding tax liens recorded against him. KELL, Mark E. - Commission reprimand for incompetent handling of an estate matter. Opinion by Raker, J. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, CMS's own actuary, and the Congressional Budget Office, each estimate that Medicare Advantage plans are overpaid. LAWSON, Jeffrey Disbarred on August 21, 2012, by Per Curiam Opinion and Order for charging an unreasonable fee, for engaging in a conflict of interest and for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit and/or misrepresentation. HARDWICK, Clifford L. - Commission Reprimand for failing to obtain the client's informed consent to a potential conflict of interest, in violation of Maryland Rule of Professional Conduct 1.7. Such failures permitted a substantial loss of trust/estate assets. & Prof. Code Ann., 10-304. BROWN, Linda Markey Commission Reprimand for filing numerous pleadings and ancillary filings with the Court, on which she signed her clients name purported to be under oath, at the clients request, but failed to initial or otherwise clarify to the Court that they were not her clients actual signature. Information contained on this web site is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. PENN, Brien Michael Disbarred on April 25, 2013, effective immediately, for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty and deceit against his employer. FY13 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure A federal declaration will likely: 1) resolve the uncertainty of the District's obligations and the Parents' rights; 2) provide a convenient and authoritative forum for resolution of this dispute; 3) help resolve the confusion and disagreements about Title IX widespread throughout the country; and 4) prevent future duplicative litigation Maryland Municipalities - Suspended indefinitely by consent for impermissible direct contact with a prospective client and conflict of interest. GITOMER, Mark Lawrence Disbarred by Consent on August 1, 2012, for failing to represent his clients with reasonable diligence and promptness, for failing to communicate with the clients about the status of their matters, for failing to maintain his unearned fees in escrow and for misappropriating funds from his escrow account. KEPPLE, Cristine Ada Indefinite Suspension on June 21, 2013, Per Curiam Order and Opinion, effective immediately (with the right to apply for reinstatement no sooner than thirty (30) days after the effective date of the Order) for knowingly concealing her state of residence from her law school in order to receive the benefit of in-state tuition at that institution. Commission Reprimand for failing to safekeep his clients property, for commingling funds and for the unauthorized use of trust funds. FY09 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure SCHULMAN, Robert B. Maryland Judiciary WATSON, Joe Donald, Jr. Thirty (30) day Suspension by Consent on August 1, 2012, effective immediately, for failure to maintain his clients retainer in an attorney trust account until earned, failure to keep his client reasonably informed about the status of the matter, and upon termination of the representation, failure to issue a prompt refund of the unearned fee. In Attorney Grievance Commission v. Agnew, 271 Md. REINHARDT, Richard J. FY10 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure Occ. JOE, Isaac Jr. - Reprimanded by consent for failure to communicate with his client, failing to diligently pursue his clients matter, and failing to respond to Bar Counsel. Most decisions of the Appellate Court of Maryland are not reported, as Maryland Rule 8-605.1 requires the Court to report only those opinions that are of substantial interest. FY20 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure His clients children filed a Petition for Caveat and the dispute was resolved. During his representation he failed to file a Response to Defendants Motion to Dismiss his clients Complaint. HYATT, Jack I. WEBER, Erin Marie (ANDERSON, Erin Weber) - Interim Suspension on February 15, 2013, effective immediately, as a reciprocal action to her April 27, 2012 Order of Revocation in Virginia for embezzlement. News Ask a Lawyer Question: Add details 120 Ask Question Find a Lawyer Anyone can file a complaint against a judicial officer in Michigan . Suspended by consent for commingling funds in his trust account and medical problems related to the misconduct. Judicial Merit Selection Commission. foltz, richard nelson, iii - disbarred on november 13, 2009 by the court of appeals for commingling funds in his attorney trust account and engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in order to avoid his judgment creditors' collection efforts, in violation of maryland rules of professional conduct 1.15, 8.4 (c) Beyond general oversight, the Commission has the power to approve or disapprove the dismissal of a complaint or Statement of Charges, the termination of a complaint with or without a warning, a Conditional Diversion Agreement, a "commission reprimand," or the filing . - Interim suspension based upon federal criminal conviction of misprision of a felony. Attorney Grievance Comm'n v. James Andrew Markey and Charles Leonard Hancock, Misc. All rights reserved. The basis of the revocation was Respondents additional professional misconduct while subject to the CDAs, which included misrepresentations to a client about a court date, creating a counterfeit hearing notice faxed to a client and misrepresentations to Bar Counsel. VANDERSLICE, Patrick Edward Interim Suspension on December 6, 2012, effective immediately, as a reciprocal action to his Delaware suspension that occurred on October 12, 2012. In carrying out their functions of evaluating complaints and enforcing ethical standards for lawyers, the Commission and Bar Counsel strive for fairness and equity. WALTON, Charles E. - Commission Reprimand for conflict of interest when he and his co-counsel who represented a Homeowners Assn. He failed to expedite litigation and to keep his client reasonably informed about the status of the matter. This was a reciprocal disciplinary matter arising from Respondents disbarment in the District of Columbia. BELLAMY, Denise Leona Ninety (90) day Suspension by Consent on September 11, 2012, effective thirty (30) days thereafter, for failure to provide diligent representation and upon termination of representation, for failure to refund any advance payment of fees or expenses not earned or incurred. If changes are made to an opinion filed on or after November 1, 2019, a note will be made in the index indicating the date of the most recent correction(s) (corr.). FY21 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure Upon his clients death, he filed the Will for probate and was appointed personal representative. HOU, Junwei W. - Commission Reprimand for failure to communicate and conflict of interest when Respondent represented a husband and wife in immigration matters and later agreed to represent them in connection with a Marital Separation/Property Settlement Agreement but failed to obtain their informed consent, confirmed in writing, for joint representation and also failed to timely inform Complainant of the fact that his wife had filed for divorce while Respondent remained the attorney of record on the immigration matter or to provide legal advice to Complainant concerning the pending immigration petition, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.4 and 1.7. - Commission reprimand for attempting to obtain an unreasonable fee. SCHNEIDER, Fritz -Commission reprimand for failing to act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing his client. JONES, Rodney M. - Commission reprimand for failing to communicate with his client, engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, failing to timely respond to BC and failing to comply with a court order. Not surprisingly, grievance forms complaining of serious misconduct disappear and are never processed. Here is last information associated with person - david jaros on 2023-01-13, it consists of 36 articles HOAGE, Donald - Temporarily suspended (Rule 773) due to his disability suspension in D.C. HOLT, Leslie B. In the Virginia proceeding, she entered into an Agreed Disposition acknowledging her failure to act with reasonable diligence in representing clients, failure to deposit an unearned retainer in an attorney trust account until the fee was earned and engaging in the practice of law while her license in Virginia was administratively suspended for failure to comply with Virginias mandatory continuing education requirements, in violation of Rules 1.3, 1.15(a)(2) and 5.5(a)(1) of the Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct. - Indefinitely Suspended on February 17, 2010 by the Court of Appeals for lack of diligence and unreasonable fees when he neglected a clients case, accepted a large fee but thereafter provided little or no legal services, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.3 and 1.5, based upon a reciprocal disciplinary matter arising from Respondents suspension in the State of New York, with reinstatement in Maryland conditioned upon his reinstatement to practice in the State of New York. Divorce was granted. Her conduct violated Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.4, 8.1(a) and 8.4(a), (c) & (d). GU, Yu Commission Reprimand for failing to provide competent representation and failing to keep her client reasonably informed about the status of an immigration case. ROSE, Shaun H.M. - Suspended indefinitely for failing to act competently, failing to abide by his clients representation objectives, failing to act diligently, failing to keep his client reasonably informed, not depositing fees in an attorney trust account, failing to keep client funds separate from his own funds, failing to promptly return unearned fees, and failing to respond to reasonable demands for information made by Bar Counsel. FADER, Joel Jay Commission Reprimand for failing to adequately communicate with his client about his status as an attorney, for repeatedly failing to respond to inquiries from Bar Counsel, for engaging in the unauthorized practice of law while decertified and for failing to file his IOLTA and pro-bono reports for 2010. MARSALEK, Stephen F. - Suspended for 30 days by consent for failing to communicate, conflict of interest and failure to properly supervise non-lawyer employees. A dispute arose between the Conservator and some beneficiaries of the Estate with respect to whether or not an agreement existed for the sale of the law practice, now to be determined by the Circuit Court. In Attorney Grievance Commission v. Brown, 353 Md. This case was in public charges following revocation of a Conditional Diversion Agreement and Supplemental Conditional Diversion Agreement (the CDAs) previously approved. Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies OLUJOBI (AWOJOBI), Adekunle B. GUIDA, Sharon Louise Disbarred by Consent on October 23, 2012, effective thirty (30) days thereafter, for signing multiple individuals names to various documents filed with the Register of Wills without authorization. PREM, Wayne T. Disbarred by Consent on September 12, 2012, effective thirty (30) days thereafter, for engaging in a scheme in which he and Richard Paul Rieman enriched themselves at the expense of a trust. And, while dismissals are less common at later stages, the Supreme Court of Maryland will dismiss cases which fail to establish an attorney's incapacity or professional misconduct. . ALIVIZATOS, Constandin - Indefinite Suspension on December 16, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for lack of competence in handling settlements, failure to keep attorney trust account records, failure to maintain client monies in the trust account, commingling of funds and misuse of trust money through negligence, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1, 1.15, 8.4(a) and Maryland Rules 16-606.1, 16-607 and 16-609. This was a reciprocal disciplinary action arising from Respondents Reprimand in Texas. For more information, or to determine if an attorney has been reinstated, please contact the Attorney Grievance Commission at (410) 514-7051. - Disbarred for misappropriation and spousal abuse. LUXENBERG, Deborah Y. - Disbarred by consent for misappropriation of client funds. Maryland Attorneys FY06 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure. Terms of Use/Disclaimer. Court of Appeals Opinion to follow when received. MILTON, Gregory J. The Respondent failed to respond to the Courts Show Cause Order and did not appear at oral argument scheduled on October 6, 2009, resulting in issuance of the Courts Order the next day. JOHNSON, Renard D. - Disbarred on July 21, 2009 by the Court of Appeals based on misconduct in his management capacity at a title company he owned. HAMILTON, Dontrice P. - Commission Reprimand for failure to maintain an escrow account after opening her law practice, which resulted in failure to keep personal funds separate from clients or third persons funds, failure to hold clients or third persons funds in escrow and failure to keep adequate records for the receipt and disbursement of clients or third persons funds, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.15 and Maryland Rules 16-606.1, 16-607 and 16-609. For more information, or to determine if an attorney has been reinstated, please contact the Attorney Grievance Commission at (410) 514-7051. On the Record; Movers and Shakers; Women's Perspectives; Power Lists; Resources. GARCIA, Jose Expedito M. - Disbarred on August 28, 2009 by the Court of Appeals as a result of his conviction of immigration fraud. Respondent missed the statute of limitations for filing suit on Complainants claim but later filed a civil action in court after the expiration of limitations. Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. FADER, Joel Jay Disbarred on May 6, 2013, for commingling personal funds in his trust account, for the unauthorized use of trust funds, for making misrepresentations to an administrative judge, for failing to correct said misrepresentations and for failing to ensure that the conduct of a non-lawyer employee, whom he had direct supervisory authority over, was compatible with his professional obligations. WALKER-TURNER, John Wayne Sixty (60) day Suspension on August 22, 2012, effective immediately, for lack of competence, failing to act with reasonable diligence, failing to appear at a trial, failing to adequately communicate and account to his client and for engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice. DIXON, Isaiah, III - Disbarred by Consent on February 1, 2010 by the Court of Appeals for failure to act with reasonable diligence, failure to communicate with his clients, failure to safekeep clients property by commingling his personal funds with funds held in his escrow account on behalf of clients and intentional misappropriation of client funds. Deborah L. Potter, Esq., Chair (chosen by Attorney Grievance Commission) WEST, Brian Grayson - Disbarred on October 6, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for intentional misappropriation of trust funds, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.8(a), 1.15, 8.4(b), (c) and (d) and Business Occupations and Professions Article, 10-306. The non-lawyer prepared and signed documents using Respondents name as counsel. Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION c/o Office of Bar Counsel 200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 514-7051 web: 200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, March 2020. Maryland Universities & Colleges For more information, or to determine if an attorney has been reinstated, please contact the Attorney Grievance Commission at (410) 514-7051. Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP ONE BRYANT PARK NEW YORK, NY 10036 ROSS, David Arthur Disbarred on August 21, 2012, for diverting payments by a client for purported legal fees in other matters, without notice to or assent by the client, for creating an unreasonable and inflated bill for services to justify the diversion, for failure to provide his client with periodic invoices, for the unauthorized use of trust funds, for failure to maintain client funds in trust and for failure to maintain required trust account records. He acknowledges that he wrote and sent the letter to the clients ex-wife in haste without giving proper consideration to its accuracy or to the propriety of sending such a letter. datepicker div display none media only screen and max width 767px .top nav .top menu display block important .top nav .top menu first child display block important .top nav .top menu menu subscribe display none .top. e-mail:, PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE . KINNANE, Thomas W. - Disbarred for theft of client funds. All rights reserved. MedPAC estimates that the average overpayment is 112 percent of Medicare's cost, with plans in some areas exceeding 150 percent of Medicare's rates. 543, 318 A.2d 811 (1974), we disbarred an attorney for willful evasion of income taxes. GREENBELT A 57-year-old former attorney from Lothian was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison Tuesday for a scheme to defraud her clients of more than $840,000, U.S. Attorney Rod. Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct 1501 W. Washington Street, Suite 229 Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 452-3200 Email us at Mr. Chavers law office is currently located in the District of Columbia. MIRSKY, Steven E. - Commission Reprimand for placing an earned fee in his attorney trust account, in violation of the Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.15(b) and 16-607. KOBIN, Jason Ashley - Disbarred on May 2, 2013, for failing to maintain a separate trust account, for failing to hold employee withholding taxes in trust; for commingling and misuse of trust funds, for failing to keep adequate trust account records, for failing to appropriately supervise a nonlawyer employee, for failing to comply with federal and state tax obligations, for making misrepresentations to Bar Counsel and for failing to respond to lawful demands for information from Bar Counsel. OWEANOGE, John O. WRIGHT, Ronald A. IJEABUONWU, Chike Thirty (30) day Suspension by Consent on September 7, 2012, for failure to provide competent and diligent representation, failure to adequately communicate and upon termination of the representation, failure to take steps to the extent reasonably practicable to protect his client. PEER REVIEW PANELS, Maryland Judiciary 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway; Suite 300; Annapolis, Maryland 21401; PHONE: 410-514-7051; Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar . HOOVER-HANKERSON, Celicia - Disbarred by Consent on October 19, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for conviction of criminal charges involving submitting false invoices to the Court in the District of Columbia for payment of witnesses, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 8.4(b) and (d). FY15 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure JOHNS, Christopher M. Disbarred by Consent on June 10, 2013, for failing to honor assignments securing the repayment of a loan to a third party with settlement proceeds in a personal injury matter. Reinstated on May 6, 2008. Respondent was found to have facilitated a fraudulent, equity-stripping transaction, violating fiduciary obligations to the mortgage lender and to the sellers of the property, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.15(b)[now (d)], 8.4(a) and (c), 5.1(c) and 5.3(c). FARBER, Mindy G. - Commission reprimand for a failure to communicate, for failing to take reasonable and timely remedial action upon learning her law firm partner had submitted a bill exceeding a COMAR capped attorney fee, and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice. STACK, Richard - Commission Reprimand for his failure, at an ex parte proceeding, to bring to the Courts attention the issue that two of the three Defendants contested process of service. The Second Complaint, filed on 8/14/03, incorrectly represented that clients wife (Complainant) resided in a different jurisdiction from the First Complaint, was not signed by Respondent and appears that the client received assistance preparing the Second Complaint from someone who worked in Respondents office, who is no longer employed by him. Consent to Reprimand dated August 6, 2012, for failing to withdraw his appearance in a matter upon termination of representation. To learn more about the Commission and Office of Bar Counsel and their responsibilities, browse through our web pages. SILVERMAN, Leslie Dana - 60-day Suspension, effective 30 days from the date of the Order dated December 8, 2009 (beginning January 7, 2010) by the Court of Appeals as reciprocal discipline corresponding to her 60-day Suspension in Virginia effective June 1, 2009, which involved two separate complaints, one of which also was filed with the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission. His conduct violated Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.3 and 8.4(c) and (d). GARDNER, Paul W., II Disbarred on February 11, 2013, for failing to represent his clients with reasonable diligence and competence, for failing to adequately communicate with his clients, for charging unreasonable fees, for his conflict of interest, for failing to maintain accurate client matter records, for failing to accurately account for his clients fee payments, for failing to refund any of the fees collected, for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation and for engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice. He has extensive experience at all levels of workers' compensation litigation including mediations, hearings at the Deputy Commissioner and Full Commission level, and Court of Appeals. Search the Manual BERTOLA, Marta Indefinite Suspension by Consent on January 9, 2013, effective immediately (with the right to apply for reinstatement sixty (60) days thereafter) for appearing in a circuit court case on behalf of her husband, for making representations in court that she was authorized to practice law and for filing a motion in the same case while decertified from the practice of law. s.hrg. LEATHERMAN, Jennifer L. - Indefinite Suspension by Consent on August 25, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for failure to place unearned fees into an escrow account and for commingling of unearned fees in her operating account. Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies ALSTON, Tiffany T. Indefinite Suspension on September 25, 2012, for failure to comply in material ways with the remedial terms of her Conditional Diversion Agreement, resulting in its revocation and the filing of public disciplinary charges. & Prof. Code Ann., 10-306. ROSENBERG, Keith A. This list is updated on a monthly basis. HARDING, Supriya Miriam Disbarred by Consent on January 2, 2013, effective immediately, for failing to represent her clients with reasonable diligence and promptness, for failing to communicate with her clients concerning the status of their matters, for failing to maintain unearned fees in escrow and for failing to respond to requests for information by Bar Counsel. GILLAND, Michael Brian - Disbarred by Consent on September 14, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for misusing client funds, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 8.4(c) and (d), 16-607 and 16-609, and Business Occupations and Professions Article, 10-306. Attorney Grievance Commission Appointed by the Supreme Court of Maryland, the Commission oversees the attorney grievance process. He advised the court orally on May 12, 2008 that he would not be filing an opposition. The Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland, the petitioner, acting pursuant to Maryland Rule 16-751, approved the filing by Bar Counsel of a Petition For Disciplinary or Remedial Action against Mahmoud Alsafty, the respondent. Upon termination of representation, Respondent entered into a settlement and release of claims agreement with the client without advising the client in writing of the desirability of seeking the advice of independent counsel. Communicate with her client to reprimand dated August 6, 2012, for to! For probate and was appointed personal representative Karen - Commission reprimand for lack of,... Not request any Commission for serving as personal representative E. - Commission reprimand for lack of diligence and promptness representing... Conditional Diversion Agreement ( the CDAs ) previously approved and his co-counsel who a... He issued a check to pay a personal obligation of client funds May 12, 2008 he issued check... Reinhardt, Richard J. 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Our web pages Response to Defendants Motion to Dismiss his clients complaint Disbarred an attorney for willful evasion of taxes., 353 Md ( the CDAs ) previously approved appointed personal representative 2005 ) continued for subsequent for. Leonard Hancock, Misc Leonard Hancock, Misc is far more the dispute was resolved ; Power ;. He filed the Will for probate and was appointed personal representative for and. Promptness in representing his client 17, 2005 ) continued for subsequent complaint failure! And to keep his client promptness in representing his client reasonably informed the. Orally on May 12, 2008 that he would not be filing an opposition Sanctions Actions. Grievance forms complaining of serious misconduct disappear and are never processed of Maryland, the Commission maryland attorney grievance commission opinions of! Of Columbia Commission v. Agnew, 271 Md about the status of the matter 811 ( 1974 ) we. 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maryland attorney grievance commission opinions