president of the united federation of planets

Can a Federation colony become a member world? (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru"), The seal of the Federation President, described as representing "the Federation's chief executive", was designed by Herman Zimmerman for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The President of the United Federation of Planets (informally, the Federation President or the President of the Federation) was the elected head of st That year he presided over the Council's deliberations concerning the actions of Federation Starfleet Admiral James T. Kirk, who had hijacked the USS Enterprise and exacerbated an interstellar incident with the Klingon Empire at the Genesis planet. In books such as the Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual and the novel Articles of the Federation, the Federation's founding document is the Articles of Federation. This state of emergency entailed deploying large numbers of Federation Starfleet personnel across the planetary surface; President Jaresh-Inyo had originally criticized the measure as tantamount to a declaration of martial law before being convinced of its necessity. Leyton's coup was thwarted by Sisko, but as a result of the scandal, Jaresh-Inyo's political career ended. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The president is generally expected to solicit the participation of councillors from the appropriate sub-councils when dealing with issues pertaining to that sub-council's jurisdiction, and a full sub-council sometimes is capable of exercising authority nearly equal to that of the president's over an issue. Dealing with a sticky political situation due to Kirk and McCoy's arrest for the assassination of Klingon Ambassador Gorkon, the president made important diplomatic steps to ensure peace between the longstanding enemies. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"), In 2257, the Federation president personally pardoned Michael Burnham for her mutiny aboard the USS Shenzhou at the Battle of the Binary Stars, in recognition for her subsequent service aboard the USS Discovery and her role in ending the Federation-Klingon War. Seal of the Office of the Federation President. The President of the United Federation of Planets is the head of government and head of state for the United Federation of Planets. President of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Beta. In 2257, the president - noting former Starfleet Commander Michael Burnham's heroic service during the Federation-Klingon War of 2256-2257 - ordered Burnham's criminal record erased, and she was reinstated to full rank. [8] Other writers have noted that Star Trek's Federation has the same logistical and philosophical difficulties of other utopian economic and political schemes that make it seem unrealistic. In 3190, President Laira Rillak joined the USS Discovery on its voyage to the galactic barrier, and transferred power to the vice president. Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the . Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Rather, there existed an ancestral office called the President of the Council of the United Federation of Planets. Trade mediated by the substance gold-pressed "latinum" does occur at its frontiers, most commonly by the Ferengi. At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of the Coda miniseries and the continuations of Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks; and the premieres of Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming, as well as other post-56th Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. The writer of this episode, Michael Chabon, stated that the name "V'draysh" is intended to be a syncope for the word "Federation".[26]. "), When the Federation was first founded, there was no Federation presidency. Actor William Shatner credits Coon with injecting the concepts of Starfleet, Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets into the show. United Federation of Planets. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: " Homefront ", " Paradise Lost ") During the fourth season, the Federation is in the process of rebuilding itself; Starfleet Academy is reopened, new shipbuilding facilities are commissioned, and many former member worlds such as Trill, Ni'Var and Earth rejoin. Notable presidents who have taken strong steps in defining the role of the presidency include Haroun al-Rashid, Avaranthi sh'Rothress, Kenneth Wescott, Ra-ghoratreii, Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria, Zife (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), and Nanietta Bacco (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms). Chteau Thelian is as large as the Chteau de Saint Brisson, which itself served as the residence of former presidential Chief of Staff Koll Azernal. President Jaresh-Inyo, the Grazerite who had the unfortunate distinction of being president in the 2370s, saw nothing but political strife during his turbulent tenure in office. The Federation's space force is called Starfleet, and, although most of Star Trek depicts peaceful exploration of the galaxy, Starfleet is also capable of considerable military might. Many contemporary terms are assigned to the Federation, but parallels to current government bodies and their roles and responsibilities are pure speculation on the part of fans and critics. While questioning Luther Sloan, Julian Bashir discovered that Section 31 had an operative working in Jaresh-Inyo's cabinet. 'Thank You. Eventually, the series became an allegory for the current events of the 1960s counterculture,[4] placing great emphasis on an anti-war message and depicting the United Federation of Planets, a vast interstellar alliance founded on the enlightened principles of liberty, equality, justice, progress, and peaceful co-existence, as an idealistic version of the United Nations. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), In 2381, a division of the Federation Security Agency called the Protection Detail took over the duty of guarding the President. - Thomas Vanderbilt, First President of the United Federation of Planets, January 7, 2162. The President receives foreign ambassadors and has the authority to control Starfleet deployments and to declare martial law on Federation Member worlds. Dalton is a freelance writer and novelist from Orlando Florida. In the 32nd century setting of the third season of Star Trek: Discovery, the Federation had undergone a near-total collapse precipitated by "The Burn", a galaxy-wide disaster. Federation Agencies, Departments, and Divisions, President of the United Federation of Planets. The President ascends to the office through a popular election and serves an unlimited number of four-year terms. As the leader of the Federation, the President is widely considered to be the most powerful person in both the alpha and beta quadrants. Presidential candidates are declared by the Council of the United Federation of Planets, which reviews anonymously-submitted petitions for candidacy before declaring that a given individual qualifies for the office. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Every Star Trek Federation President (& Who Was The Best), Discovery Season 5 Could Be The Federation's Voyage Home, Why TOS Never Got A Series Finale Until Star Trek VI, Discovery Delivered Season 4's Premiere Promise In An Unexpected Way. Although some references to money have been made, the Federation is more commonly noted as being a society where the pursuit of material gain is not paramount and money has become obsolete. Amongst other duties, he or she is responsible for the day-to-day running of the government, helping to organize budgets, sub-council appointments, the coordination of foreign policy, and is the commander of all Starfleet forces. In the First Splinter timeline, the first presidential election after President Nanietta Bacco's special election in 2379 was scheduled for 2385, a full six years later. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President's office in Paris on Earth in 2293, In 2293, the president, an Efrosian, opened negotiations with Klingon chancellor Gorkon, following the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis. The President is supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprised of the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. The President is protected at all times by a unit of the Federation Diplomatic Protection Group, a civilian agency tasked with the safety of the President, high Federation officials, foreign diplomats, and the families of their various charges. He . (DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"), The specific post of "Commander-in-Chief of the Federation Starfleet" is held by the highest-ranking Starfleet officer. His presidency was marked by a number of troubling foreign and domestic policy developments, including the dissolution of the Khitomer Accords and an undeclared war with the Klingon Empire in 2372, increasing tensions with the Dominion, and the rise of the Maquis. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace), The president also sets the course for Federation foreign policy, though the Council can override the president's foreign policy directives if such a resolution has a sufficiently large majority of councillors behind it. ( DIS: " The Galactic Barrier ") According to background material created for Star Trek Generations, the vice president of the United Federation of Planets was an elected government official in the United . Approved candidates then campaign in a popular election. In addition, Nicole Clemens, President Paramount+ Original Scripted Series, confirmed that the project was still moving forward. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! United Federation of Planets What race is the Federation president? (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost"), Jaresh-Inyo left office sometime prior to 2375. With little actual information to go off of, judging the individual accomplishments of Federation Presidents has never been easy. The survival, success, and growth of the Federation and its principles of freedom have become some of the Star Trek franchise's central themes. The novel A Time for War, A Time for Peace establishes that an individual anonymously submits an application for candidacy to the Federation Council, which reviews each application and certifies that a candidate fills all qualifications for the office. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Federation starships such as the Galaxy-class USS Venture sometimes serve for presidential transport as well. Are all members of the United Federation of Planets on actual planets? Can a private citizen of the Federation legally obtain a starship? I need a 'standard array' for a D&D-like homebrew game, but anydice chokes - how to proceed? (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures), This tradition had been maintained as of 2385, when the then-President Pro Tempore boarded a ship designated Starfleet One in order to campaign for the 2385 Special Federation Presidential Election on the planet Betazed. (TNG - Cold Equations novel: Silent Weapons), The president's office is on Floor Fifteen of the Federation's seat of government, the Palais de la Concorde, in Paris, Earth. The destruction of the Enterprise in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock brought Admiral James T. Kirk into direct confrontation with the Federation President at the time, and the human Commander in Chief meted out punishment that involved demotion. Not only was she able to guide the Federation back to prominence, but her commitment to exploration showed that she still connected with the principles of both Star Trek and of the organization even a millennium after its founding. The Federation's executive and legislative branches being relatively co-mingles, the President is required to preside over all full sessions of the Federation Council, the Federation Security Council, the Federation Economic and Social Council, and the Federation Trusteeship Council. The Federation President is also theoretically responsible for all promotions in the miltiary, however in practice, he only selects members of Starfleet Command. [5], The optimistic view of the future present in the Federation has been highlighted as unique among most science fiction, showing how "evolved" and "civilized" the future could conceivably be. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"), In 2257, the Federation President personally pardoned Michael Burnham for her mutiny aboard the USS Shenzhou at the Battle of the Binary Stars, in recognition for her subsequent service aboard the USS Discovery and her role in ending the Federation-Klingon War (2256-57). The President's office can be found in Paris on Earth. Starfleet Security maintained a continuous physical presence within the Palais adjacent to the president, and also was responsible for general security in the Palais. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS 2020 CBS . All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. It establishes that the office is held in four-year terms (without a two-term limit), similar to the modern American presidency. The Inhabitants were Contaminated with Parasites. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President was supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprising the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. Fearing that the Originalist faction might win the upcoming election, Areel Shaw tried to convinced Kirk to run for the presidency, only for him to convince her to run. (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity), The president is also allowed to dissolve the parliament and announce new elections if it's absolutely necessary. Candidates are declared by the Federation Council, which reviews anonymous petitions for candidacy before declaring a candidate qualified. The Federation . (DIS: "There Is A Tide"), Laira Rillak, the Federation president in 3190, In 3190, Laira Rillak was newly elected when she presided over the reopening of Starfleet Academy and presented the newly built Archer Spacedock. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel), The USS Enterprise finished its famous five-year mission under Captain James T. Kirk on an election year. The Efrosians were a sentient, humanoid species, whose homeworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd century. The president is also required to nominate Federation Councillors to the various sub-councils, with the full Council then being responsible for ratifying such nominations. Tasked with handling the most delicate Federation situation since the founding of the institution in 2161, the human, Bajoran, and Cardassian hybrid Laira Rillak oversaw the rebuilding process of the UFP. The president of the United Federation of Planets (informally, the Federation president or the president of the Federation) was the elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. The president has the right to give pardon to imprisoned criminals if he thinks the criminal deserves it. Built during the term of Thelianaresth "Thelian" th'Vorothishria in the early 24th Century to serve as his residence, Chteau Thelian features a sitting room with the portraits of each president since Thelian. It establishes that the office is held in four-year terms (without a two-term limit), similar to the modern American presidency. I'd make a separate question post here for. [9], In 2020, Screen Rant noted the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "First Contact" for exploring the United Federation of Planets and how it sometimes struggles with contact with aliens. RELATED: Discovery Season 5 Could Be The Federation's Voyage Home. The President of the United Federation of Planets (informally referred to as the Federation President) is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. Common forms of address for Federation presidents include: The duties of the President of the United Federation of Planets are numerous. Which species has the greatest population in the Federation? (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity), The Kennedy-class diplomatic cruisers were commanded by members of the Federation Diplomatic Corps, not Starfleet. Several of the captains of these vessels went on to the presidency of the Federation, namely Rim Mulari (2286-94), Jonathan Betran (2306-10) and T'Pratt (2318-30). The value that the control of water holds is well captured in this . Thomas Vanderbilt (Council President), Haroun al-Rashid (Federation President) Formation: January 2162 (Council Presidency), January 2165 (Federation Presidency) Latest: Laira Rillak (from 3189) The President of the United Federation of Planets is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The President serves as both the head of state, and head of government. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The official residence of the President of the United Federation of Planets is Chteau Thelian, located in the Valle de la Loire in France and built to the specifications of other such famous chteaux in the valley. Dalton is a FANDOM Books Community, a special committee comprised of the was. Concepts of Starfleet, Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets What race the... The duties of the United Federation of Planets @ Memory-Beta DS9: `` Homefront '', `` Paradise ''! Race is the Federation was first founded, there was no Federation presidency the project was moving... What race is the Federation President Federation President presidential transport as well &. Venture sometimes serve for presidential transport as well comic book and superhero movie fans of address Federation! Non-Canon Star Trek Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community Lost '' ) similar. 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president of the united federation of planets