statue of liberty goddess ishtar

In "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus calls her . He served in the original investigative group attempting to repair the damaged scrolls. Although she is a statue, Lady Liberty is not standing still. A common misconception is that the tablets represent the 10 Commandments that God gave to Moses. The context is all with regards to money and materialism. Wiccans pray to the Statue of Liberty as the nature goddess who can inspire and liberate us from unjust oppression, especially God's 'oppressive law.' Michael Snyder, claiming that the Wiccan religion is the fastest growing religion in America, describes this phenomenon as the revival of Babylonian sex worship, involving Ishtar, Athena, Minerva . What does Marianne hold in her hand? She was also considered the Mother of Prostitution or Harlotryand it was considered holy.. Bartholdis first inspiration was a 110-foot statue of the Greek sun god Helios, commonly known as the Colossus of Rhodes. Author Barry Moreno writes in his book, The Statue of Liberty, that,The Colossus of Rhodes influenced Bartholdis bold plans for the statue of Libertas. Isis was the name the Egyptians gave to her. Representations of her were commonly used symbolically by artists, so it was the perfect inspiration for Bartholdi. Years before he began the Statue of Liberty, Bartholdi was hired to design a statue planned for the entrance to the Suez Canal in Egypt. Many women who gained freedom later turned to prostitution to survive and thereby retained Libertas as their goddess, especially if they became priestesses in the Libertas cult. this isnt #christlike #Jesus #God #America #statueofliberty #liberty original sound 1.1M # statueofliberty 151.2M views #statueofliberty Hashtag Videos on TikTok #statueofliberty | 151.2M people have watched this. The ancients symbolized the Sun in this way. Years before he began the Statue of Liberty, Bartholdi was hired to design a statue planned for the entrance to the Suez Canal in Egypt. The context is all with regards to money and materialism. In ancient Rome, she was worshipped as the goddess of freedom, particularly amongst slaves. Such coin images were not the only depictions. The stone, extracted from the same quarry as the pedestal, is now a signature feature throughout The Battery from benches facing the harbor to the seating walls and pavement that marks its perimeter. Liberty = Freedom and Freedom = Liberty. Each of the 7 spikes would then be representative of one of the 7 large landmasses or continents of the world. Source: Is There An Ancient Secret Connection Between The Statue Of Liberty And The Anunnaki Goddess Inanna? Ishtar worship is the very first instance of prostitution in human history and it was deemed holy! Now, this may indeed just be an interesting coincidence but remember Revelation 17:5 where the woman called Mystery Babylon is referred to as the Mother of Harlots.. The torch was never reopened, but visitors looking for a view can still visit the crown with a reservation made at We know that this goddess existed because of the records left behind to us. Like Helios, Libertas would stand at the entrance to a harbour, would hold aloft a lamp, and would have upon her head a nimbus (in the form of a spiked halo). We know this transformation in part due to the written texts found by archaeologists plus from studying the character traits and descriptions. In just five months, the campaign had raised $101,091 from over 160,000 donors including children, street cleaners and politicians, with more than 75% of donations in amounts of less than a dollar. For instance, all these deities were actually just one goddess and she was associated with the planet Venus. Porneoh=lust fulfillment by sexual relations in exchange for money which again was the main claim to fame for Ishtar holy sexual prostitution. A little-known fact about Lady Liberty adds an intriguing twist to today's debate about refugees from the Muslim world: As pointed out by The Daily Beast 's Michael Daly in a recent op-ed , the . The torch we see today is actually the same type of cup design used in ancient times for drinking wine. She was to be wearing the royal robes of scarlet and purple. Thus the original plans for scarlet and purple robes were abandoned. Liberty = Freedom and Freedom = Liberty. Bartholdi presented a figurine for a colossal lighthouse depicting an Egyptian fellah, a female serf, entitled Egypt (or Progress) Carrying the Light to Asia. Why? And then, Bartholdi thought, Ah! This action would involve the payment of money to the priestess or priest as part of the cleansing process. The government of France paid for the statue with the understanding that Americans would raise the funds for her pedestal, faced with pink Stony Creek granite. The Statue of Liberty She is an icon, a national treasure, and one of the most recognizable figures in the world. The statue was developed from within the highest doctrines of Freemasonry. The Assyrians worshipped Ishtar as a war goddess and made her the consort of their national god Assur. Apparently the Greeks (and later the Romans) chose to . What is the statue of liberty wearing? While the Statue of Liberty is undoubtedly Bartholdis most famous work, he was very well known for another project. Ashtoreth becomes transliterated into the Greek as Astarte, which became the early Greek name for the goddess until it was later changed to Aphrodite. This is the very first instance of Prostitution in human history. She was equated to have nearly the same power as the chief god of Babylon, the sun god Utu, also known as Shamesh. In his book Divine Encounters he describes a significant role that Ishtar held for the Sumerians. commentary: America's Goddess (Part One) The Statue of Liberty. You may go and see the original model of the Statue of Liberty, with the broken chains at her feet and in her left hand. This unique doctrine was something that most of the pagan deity doctrines were not disposed towards. Ishtar in the most ancient times was also referred to by the Sumerian dialect as Inanna or Ninanna meaning the Queen of Heaven or Lady of Heaven. $14.99 Kindle - $24.99 paperback. Zecharia Sitchin, in his book Divine Encounters describes another significant role for Ishtar in Babylonia/Sumer. This is why she was referred to as the Mother of Harlots. This should not be confused with the Laws of Moses. The statue is the patron saint of immigrants everywhere. Attributes of the Goddess The Goddess can be represented in many different ways. She's not Greek. Ultimately this goddess was transformed in a personification of America and liberty called Columbia. Libertas and Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty represents the ancient Babylonian goddess of love and fertility, Ishtar. Most had phonetic language roots in the transliterating aspects of the name Ishtar and this remained so until the Greeks changed the name to Aphrodite. These statues of liberty are representations of Ishtar and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. NY., 1995; ISBN: 0-380-78076-3], Now this ritual between Ishtar and the king or king candidate is what the Biblical prophecies are referring to when it talks about the Harlot having relations with the kings of the earth.. She was the chief goddess of Babylon and all of Babylonia. Naturally then Ishtar (a.k.a. Libertas) was known as the Mother of Harlots, the Mother of Exiles and the Mother of immigrants throughout not only Babylon and Babylonia but also later Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. In fact Libertas meant freedom. Mysterious Svingerud Stone Worlds Oldest Rune Stone With Enigmatic Inscriptions Investigated By Experts What Does It Say? isis is the egyptian name for the babylonian goddess ishtar the statue of liberty is the statue of this same ancient pagan "queen of heaven "- rev. The figure was placed at the harbor entrance to the Greek city of Rhodes, showing the god of the sun, Helios, carrying a light to guide ships. According to the preeminent Statue Historian, Marvin Trachtenberg in his book The Statue of Liberty the tablets represented a generic notion of the concept of law. A multifaceted goddess, Ishtar takes three paramount forms. However on June 30, 1999 a scientist, David Stevenson from California Institute of Technology published a paper stating that interstellar planets (which is what a Nibiru would be called) is certainly a theoretical possibility and should not be dismissed. She represents the United States. France paid for the statue with the understanding that Americans would raise the funds for her pedestal, faced with pink Stony Creek granite. . Closeup of Statue of Liberty, Museum of the City of New York. Ishtar: goddess of liberty and personal freedom. goddess "Ishtar" Statue of Liberty. What deity was this? Murakush Society Inc. is a historical society dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of the Moorish heritage, history, legacy, and culture, We are the guardians of Moorish knowledge and wisdom. Who was she modeled after? The statue of Isis was to be of "a robed woman holding aloft a torch" (Statue of Liberty: 1st Hundred Years, Bernard Weisberger, p. 30 . The poem has forever indelibly linked the statue to immigrants from around the world. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 107022. In fact, if we try to transliterate the English term Mother of Exiles into the Greek Mother as a word has similar phonetic sounds. The U.S. had recently been reunified after the Civil War, while France had undergone seismic shifts of its own thanks to the end of the Second Empire and the Franco-Prussian War. In 1917 during the Russian revolution the Communist government took possession of it. Shes marching forward, moving towards the horizon, forever leading the way and lighting the path to liberty and freedom. SYMBOLISM OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY (ISIS) The Statue of Isis sits on a tiny island called 'Minnisais,' meaning in the Indian language, "small island"; and her foundation is an 11-pointed star. See Revelation 17:1-2, 4-5 and also 18: 3, 9 and 19:2. The most sacred numbers of the occult are: 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77. $83.99 $ 83. *Built in the image of Roman Liberty Goddess, Libertas, who was originally known as Ishtar by the Babylonians. We know this transformation in part due to the written texts found by archaeologists plus from studying the character traits and descriptions. Well need to follow the research on the goddess connections to fully understand this statues meaning. Inspired by Colossus, he created a robed Middle Eastern woman, a peasant, holding up a fiery torch. She was referred to as the goddess of personal freedom and liberty. Instead, a broken chain and shackles lie at the statues feet, delivering the abolitionist message more subtlety. Ishtar introduced that whole concept to the human race. In Canaan, this deity was called Ashtaroth. Later still, the Romans did the same and referred to her as Venus. This seems like a dichotomy of sorts but Ishtar was a daughter of the original founding god of Babylon known as Anu who was the ruler of the planet called Nibiru. Nibiru was an additional planet in our solar system that circled the earth every 3,600 years, according to the royal records of Babylon. So liberty means freedom. The Ishtar Gate was constructed by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II circa 575 BCE. In antiquity, the crown given to Liberty in New York was worn more prominently by Ptolemy III on his official coinage. She was equated to have nearly the same power as the chief god of Babylon, the sun god Utu, also known as Shamesh. It featured a handle for the cup at the bottom and the handle looked much like a stick. Slaves considered her their goddess in the hopes of winning their freedom. In other words, the each spike would flash occultic enlightenment to a continent on planet earth. 99. , Introduction To Moorish Race & Nationality, Barry Moreno, author of multiple books about the statue, writes, The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman, The Statue of Liberty was modeled after an Arab woman Sarah BirnbaumGlobalPost. In her famous poem about the statue, (now etched into the base of the statue) Lazarus refers to the woman as The Mother of Exiles. This goddess was also the goddess of immigrants. Oddly enough, the Babylonian goddess Ishtar was also the patron goddess of immigrants in Babylon because as a goddess of personal freedom, she brought hope to immigrants seeking to make a better life for themselves in Babylon. Is it any wonder that our Congressional lawmakers seem to be so perpetually screwed up?. Upon further investigation, we find that the Greeks had acquired knowledge of this being from previous empires in the Middle East and Egypt. Ive got a great idea! Bartholdi did not originate the concept of the statue. The Phoenicians on Cypress initially referred to her as Astarte., Isis was the name the Egyptians gave to her. But for years it hovered in Bartholdis brain until eventually he was able to make it come to life in New York Harbor. That is were the first dollar was made. [Note: the earliest Babylonians did not call themselves Babylonians nor their land Babylon. Revelation provides a symbolic similarity between the ancient historical aspect and a future relationship between a future Babylon and the rest of the nations. He has written numerous books detailing various aspects of the culture and writings of Sumer. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French Grand Orient Masonic Temple to the Freemasons of America, in celebration of the centennial of the founding of the first Masonic republic. Those pertinent facts that remain largely unknown revolve around the true history of the Statues inception as well as the meaning and significance behind the statue. This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled with the wine of freedom. Her motto was if it feels good, do it.. Without its pedestal it's as tall as a 15-story building. When she was assembled on Bedloes Island, she was a beautiful brown color, and stayed this way for around 35 years. We know that this goddess existed because of the records left behind to us. By most estimates, the copper statue has been hit by 600 bolts of lightning every year since it was assembled in New York Harbor. Ashtoreth becomes transliterated into the Greek as Astarte, which became the early Greek name for the goddess until it was later changed to Aphrodite. Apparently the Greeks (and later the Romans) chose to initially honor only one portion of Ishtars character and doctrines that appealed to them in those very early years before they established empires. The Statue of Liberty, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman (false) goddess of freedom. Harlots had been deemed to be social outcasts so she was also referred to as the Mother of exiles. It was the goddess known by various names. The Statue of Liberty was a Masonic concept conceived from within Freemasonry. It was claimed that he as well as Ishtar and all the other deities flew among and from the stars in heaven., Ishtar was a multi-faceted deity. A triplefold Diana was venerated from the late sixth century BCE as Diana Nemorensis. & Fiction! His research led him to ancient giant Egyptian statues and, eventually, to the Colossus of Rhodes. Later still, the Romans did the same and referred to her as Venus. In the CNN/Reuters News story the text mentions that Stevenson is not alone and that others have theorized that there may be others planets roaming interstellar space that came from our solar system. The result is a powerful symbol rising from the skyline of New York City that showcases the proudest ideologies of our country. National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument Bartholdi consented to make modifications to the basic cup design to allow for a natural gas flame to be utilized. New York America id. The statue, constructed mainly out of copper, was given as a gift to the United States from the people of France. The copper statue, designed by Frdric Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor, was built by Gustave Eiffel and dedicated on October 28, 1886. Ishtar was the . . In the late 1800s, one of the most significant female icons in American culture was the Roman goddess Libertas, a female figure clad in robes. The Statue of Liberty was a Masonic concept conceived from within Freemasonry. Indeed, she had invented the concept. Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God! Doing the same with exiles from English into Koine-Greek, the Koine-Greek listener would link it to a similar Greek word that connoted deep inhalation of air or heavy breathing.. This ancient bronze statue was over 100 feet tall and considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Each one served as inspiration for Bartholdis final design. This process was to continue until Ishtar accepted a candidate who met with her satisfaction. Contributor: Keystone View Company Date: 1923 NY., 1995; ISBN: 0-380-78076-3], Now this ritual between Ishtar and the king or king candidate is what the Biblical prophecies are referring to when it talks about the Harlot having relations with the kings of the earth.. In return, the kings of course swear allegiance to Ishtar and provide sacrifices for her. Its rumored that #LadyLibertys face is hers.Thoughts? When the Statue of Liberty was first unveiled to the world in 1886, there was a lot of controversy as to who she resembled. This should not be confused with the Laws of Moses.. This is not true. The Statue of Liberty and Statue of Freedom Plus Other Icons that are actually "American Babylonianism" by R.A. Coombes goddess of Liberty and Personal Freedom: . But when the ruler of Egypt, Khedewi Ismail Pasha, went bankrupt, the colossal Suez sculpture project was jettisoned. [See Divine Encounters, Published by Avon Books, NY. In Canaan this deity was called Ashtaroth. She was first and foremost endeared to the hearts and minds of Babylonians because of her primary dedication to Freedom and Liberty. After countless theories, there seems to really be only one person whom the Statue of Liberty most closely resembles. They therefore chose to worship just that aspect of her character. The whole idea of immigration connoted the idea of freedom. This is how the goddess became introduced to the earliest Greeks. The golden aspect itself was altered again to conform to the needs of the natural gas flame. This golden cup remained in the planning and was actually made. She was also referred at times as the goddess of victory because freedom must have victory in order to survive. She was a Mother of Harlots and also a daughter of Babylon. 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statue of liberty goddess ishtar