barry seal mena house address

Witnessed Allen Dorfman `Hit June 05, 1996. At the same>time, incredible amounts of cash were transported to and from Latin America,>representing payment for drugs, arms, and equipment. That's where Seal was shot to death while in his car.A movie titled \"Mena,\" starring Tom Cruise as Seal, is set to be released in early 2017. Later Reed moved to Mexico setup company. >Barry Seal had friends in the islands, one of whom was Eric Arthur. On each trip Seal, and until his death in 1985,>Emile Camp would haul crates of weapons, CARs, miscellaneous weapons parts,>and ammunition to some prearranged location, usually in Nicaragua or Panama,>unload the armaments, and either pick up a load of drugs or head for Colombia>to do so. The balcony of the motel gave>the second-floor occupants an unobstructed view of the lot where Seal>customarily parked his car. Beginnings The first rough airstrip was located south of the town on the McBride family's . Seven months after Guste delivered his letter to Meese, on October 5, 1986, a Sandinista patrol shot down a C-123 cargo plane that was supplying the Contras. The Fairchild C-123K "provider" 54-0663 (20112) Radiocall:"40663" was a part of one of the biggest scandals in the mid 1980's. During this time, the Reagan Administration had set up a bizarre network of arms sales to Iran designed to win release of US hostages being held in Lebanon and raise money to fund the Nicaraguan, counter-revolutionary guerilla fighters, commonly referred to as the . Welch was an investigator for the Arkansas State>Police Criminal Investigations Division, taking part in Seal's prosecution in>federal court in Baton Rouge on drug-trafficking and money-laundering charges.>He attended one of Seal's depositions on 27 December 1985, and heard Seal make>these admissions.[9]. Fournier had the most work to do, so he was to receive>$375,000 a year. >42. Strange events unfolded at Mena, a small city in remote western Arkansas, in the 1980s. In 1984, Seal was indicted in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on charges of smuggling Quaaludes and money laundering. After a military hitch, he returned to Baton Rouge>and started flying again. Hold that thought. MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Me. One thing is for sure: Barry Seal was never able to testify>against any of them. Wow Barry Seal I think he is pretty Awesome loved movie about him. Barry Seal was a known name between the drug peddlers and crime cartels in the '80s. Things became worse when a report in the Washington Times on July 17 . was the sister of Marguerite Oswald. The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti . While in the>islands, Seal was introduced to Aulden Smith and, at the DEA's behest, paid>Smith two thousand dollars to be introduced to Norman Saunders. Was it Noreiga? Webb is best known for his "Dark Alliance" series, which appeared in San Jose The Mercury News in 1996. The DEA, long aware of his>drug-smuggling activities, had finally caught up with him in Florida, where>federal prosecutors had a field day. He spent nine months in a Honduran prison and while there, met William Roger Reeves, a fellow prisoner who worked for the Ochoa family of Medellin, Colombia. It is also documented>that at the time of his death in February 1986, Seal had several sizeable>accounts in BCCI-affiliated banks, including a branch of the Fuji Bank in the>Cayman Islands. Moreover, we would love to add a reporter to provide even better coverage of the underbelly of Louisiana politics. [39] What that means is the>only "machinegun" (automatic weapon) the average American citizen has been>allowed to own, by law, since May 1986 is one which was lawfully registered>before that time. [27] The>moonlighting, which involved smuggling operations, earned him a reputation as>a risktaking soldier of fortune. Tom Cruise will portray Baton Rouge drug-smuggler-turned-federal-informant Barry Seal (pictured) in the upcoming Universal Pictures feature film 'Mena.' (The Times-Picayune archive) According to Seal, he and Arthur had>made "a couple of hundred thousand [dollars]" together over the years. no. 1983 - The CIA begin to smuggling drugs into Los Angeles. . Whether known or not at the time by Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, the use of the Mena airport by Seal and others would be used by detractors in efforts to tie Clinton to drug smuggling conspiracies, especially during his first four years as President. And, he admitted it during cross examination in the>Saunders trial in September 1984. (denied notes). Barry Seal wasn't concerned>about the weather anyway; the late model Cadillac Sedan deVille he was driving>had all of the creature comforts and amenities befitting a big-time drug>trafficker. He was married three times throughout his life. Set in the early 1980s, to combat the spread of communism . The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly . 14 - Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. On 1st July, 1972, Barry Seal was arrested in New Orleans and accused of sending C4 explosives to anti-Castro Cubans in Mexico. Rambler station wagon ,outside of TSBD building ,Craig saw LHO in the Police Station being interrogated ,Captain Fritz, Interrogation of Oswald, did not record the most crime of the century . When Arthur was killed in 1984, Seal began paying the lease on the>property, under the pretext of helping Arthur's widow, who was still liable>for lease payments. According to both Seal and Terry Reed, who claims to>have been a CIA "asset" in the 1980s and who flew with Seal in and out of Mena>on numerous occasions, The Fat Lady was equipped by the CIA with surveillance>cameras for a sting operation in Nicaragua involving the Sandinistas and the>Medellin cartel. In 1964, Seal went to work for TWA and became their youngest 707 captain and later their youngest 747 captain. Seals attorney, Lewis Unglesby, told Polozola his ruling amounted to a death sentence for his client. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from California [Ms. MENA They called him the Fat Man. >9. >A C-123 is so large that vehicles can be driven into its fuselage for>transport. Seal told friends that the judge made me a clay pigeon.. no. [41] All other automatic weapons are illegal. Ibid., 521; Reed and Cummings, Compromised, 221, 223. >25. Advertisement. At the time of their extradition and prosecution, billions>of dollars in drug money had already been laundered through banks affiliated>with and operated by BCCI (the Bank of Commerce and Credit International) in>the tiny Caribbean island chain known as the Turks and Caicos. At any rate, by 1986, Barry Seal found himself wearing three very>uncomfortable hats; those of key man, straw man, and scapegoat. One traffic route was through Miami, often by way of Port-au-Prince, the>capital of Haiti. Not only did the>smuggler have to be careful in terms of how he dealt with those on the>receiving end of each shipment, he had to constantly look over his shoulder to>see what the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) was doing.>Converting a Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into a fully automatic M-16 is a>relatively easy task. He was murdered on February 19, 1986 by contract killers hired by the cartel. From the official record in United States of America v. Adler Berriman>Seal. alternate landing: Dallas .Landing:327 Hours 5 30 Min. And, because of judge Frank Polozola's gross negligence in>forcing Seal to adjust his lifestyle to fit into an orderly and completely>predictable routine, everyone knew exactly where Barry Seal would be after>5:00 P.m. each day. The CIA was protecting its turf. [43] Seal is credited with having>made approximately three flights per week between 1983 and 1986, from Mena and>Nella (another Arkansas hamlet with an airstrip, a few miles from Mena) to>Central and South America. Released in theaters in 2017, the film directed by Doug Liman lingered on the true story of Barry Seal, who at the turn of the 70s and 80s was at the center of a criminal affair that thrilled . From the opinion: On February 19, 1986, Adler B. Because Reagan feared another communist regime in the Western Hemisphere, Seal was enlisted as an undercover informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Between 1980 and 1986, Seal is>believed to have smuggled at least 36 metric tons of cocaine, 104 tons of>marijuana, and 3 tons of heroin into Arkansas alone. "Motion to Correct Sentence and to Enforce Plea Agreement," filed in U.S.>v. Title 18, U.S.>Code, section 922(o). The C-123 that had been shot down was The Fat Lady, Seals beloved cargo plane. If he ultimately had to prosecute Seal, he wanted Albert J.>Winters, Jr., the supervisory trial attorney for the federal government's New>Orleans Organized Crime Strike Force, to testify against Seal. This is the story that couldn't be suppressed. >In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Medellin cartel (named after the city>in Colombia which was the center of activity for most of those associated with>the drug trade) supplied at least 75 percent of the cocaine smuggled into the>U.S. As the car came to a screeching halt, Cruz and Vasquez>sprang from the front and rear passenger-side seats, spraying the Cadillac>with bullets, gangland style. Those six islands>contain a total of 193 square miles of land. >Al Winters did in fact testify at the arraignment. A DC-4 was seized at the Shreveport Regional Airport loaded with almost seven tons of plastic C-4 explosives, 7,000 feet of explosive primer cord and 2,600 electric blasting caps. [10] Jorge Ochoa would>soon discover that Barry Seal, whom the cartel had long trusted, was playing a>significant role in the cartel's looming problems. In>response to a complaint by his federal probation officer, Lionell Jardell,>that Seal wasn't cooperating enough in the pre-sentencing investigation, one>of Seal's lawyers, Lewis Unglesby, reminded Jardell that Seal was working>constantly "under government supervision in dangerous and difficult>situations."[28]. (benji/wendell become pilots) Story from John Odom ,fellow cap member claimed thatBarry Seal met Lee Harvey Oswald training exercise that barry enlisted july 1955 same time LHO and Barry Seal knew David Ferrie. Terry Reed said while was Little Rock social circles. >In February 1986, Barry Seal was preparing to be the government's chief>witness in the pending trial of Colombian drug-lord Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez,>head of the notorious Ochoa family of the Medellin cartel. That target was the>Medellin cartel. [13] In early 1984, months before the actual>indictment was handed down in Baton Rouge, Seal had realized that it was only>a matter of time before the death knell sounded on his $25 million-a-year>drug-trafficking operation. >The Government and defense further agree that the defendant will receive a>concurrent sentence as to Count 1 not to exceed the ultimate sentence he>receives in a pending proceeding in the Southern District of Florida. Seal then made a series of drug-smuggling>flights, all with DEA approval. Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- Noom: https://trynoom. Part of the $48 million paid by Iran to the U.S. for the Hawk and TOW missiles was in turn used to fund the Contras in their fight against the Marxist Sandinistas. It worked, Unglesby said. Arthur>had a very large airstrip and a clean spacious aircraft hangar on a tract of>land he leased from the Turks and Caicos government. when he was cut down by machine gun fire outside the Salvation Army halfway house on . If the US is a democracy, then the voters themselves are responsible for the horrible state of affairs this country finds itself in. It would focus the glare of the media spotlight on not only the Colombian Medellin Cartel, but also on the FBI and CIA as well as such political icons as then-Vice President George H.W. Escobar Hitmen cross over border from Mexico and who leak >31. As long as the Agency got any monies it was>entided to, some CIA agents involved in Centaur Rose were apparently not>concerned about the other things Seal transported from Latin America,>including cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. Our war on drugs is expensive, ineffective and amoral. The author's oldest brother knew Seal>in high school. >----->Barry Seal and the Mena Connection, > Wednesday, 19 February 1986, had been a typical winter day in south>Louisiana, overcast and cold, but not unbearable. White House restricts military gear NATO Jade Helm 15 Stockholm Syndrome 1984 sample explaining the purpose of war Rand Paul v. Patriot Act Corbett 9/11 a conspiracy theory But even in death, Seal would not go away easily. Seal soon purchased a hangar>and began to operate a new business, Rich Mountain Aviation, Inc. >According to Russell Welch, Seal admitted in late 1985 that aircraft were>being "retrofitted" with cargo doors, bladder tands and special plumbing, and>fuel and navigational system modifications in the Rich Mountain hangar between>1981 and 1985. >38. At almost 300 pounds, Adler B. Both Smith and Missick were interested in Seal's proposal and>were given cash advances on the spot out of what Seal called his "trafficker>fund" (money 'provided by the DEA for its informants' use) for "transportation>expenses" associated with a meeting arranged for Miami in March. [33] Of course, there were other ways to fund the Freedom Fighters,>including the National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty, Gomez>International, Miller Communications, International Business Communications,>and Lake Resources, all organizations involved at one level or another in>receiving and redistributing money for Nicaragua. He stored,>bought, and sold aircraft used in smuggling, introduced smugglers to each>other, and helped them make connections. total number on board :4 =Hidell Lambert Diaz / Color of aircraft : Red /W.David Ferrie plane found :Stinson Voyager 150 Nobleville.Indiana.Don Roberts shed next to eastside of his home next Nobleville Airport Promise Road Stinson Voyager Single Engine airplane manufactured 1946.David Ferrie sold stinson plane February 13,1967. It's a matter of modifying the receiver and replacing>the internal parts in the carrier assembly. In brief: more plot holes than a meerkat colony. Likewise, we do not charge a subscription fee for our blog. The main purpose of the modifications was to facilitate long->distance nonstop flights to Central and South America from Arkansas. Much of the factual information about Seal is based on the author's>personal knowledge. >50. His>next DEA-related trip was to Panama. Mr. WOLF How long have you known Paul Doffman?Mr. Jack Ruby wanted Bertha Cheeks to go into business with him. Mention the CIA around Mena, Ark., and the response is likely to be an exasperated sigh and a pep talk about the local economy. During his initial>conversation with Jura and Jacobson, and to insure against being double->crossed, Seal reiterated what he told White and Kennedy during the meeting in>Washington: he would be "willing to cooperate" with the DEA in exchange "for>their assistance in helping [him] out with [his] sentences in south Florida.>"[15] After being reassured by the two special agents, Seal went forward with>his plans to make the trip to Medellin. does he talk about Terry Reed. Atlantic City and Skinny, was the owner of the 500 Club in Atlantic City, New Jersey ( trump Hotel)..Sinatra Chauffer G.Jacobs and Buddy Greco New Orleans Times Picayune, 6 March 1986, reported that Seal's brother, Ben>(also known as "Benjy"), had commented that there was nothing Barry Seal>couldn't fly. He had been ordered by a federal judge to>spend his nights there as part of his sentence after pleading guilty to money->laundering and cocaine-trafficking charges, in connection with a $168 million>drug deal.[1]. Polozola on December 20, 1985, invoked the sentence handed down by the Florida judge and sentenced Seal to six months supervised probation, taking the occasion to say that people like Seal were the lowest, most despicable people I can think of. A condition of the sentence was that he had to spend every night, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., at the Salvation Army halfway house on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge. "[38] The federal>Criminal Code prohibits the "transfer or possession of machineguns" unless>they were lawfully registered before 19 May 1986. (jack ruby called Yaras) He flew to Washington and met with two members of Vice President George Bushs Task Force on Drugs. Mr. WOLF Did you know Mr. Sam Giancana?.Mr. Eugene Hasenfus, who was on board the plane, survived the crash and told his captors that he thought the CIA was behind the operation to supply the Contras. In Seal's words, "You could easily drive a couple of jeeps and>bigger vehicles into [The Fat Lady] and be on your way." Irwin Weiner. Reed claims the>meeting with Seal was arranged by Oliver North (aka John Cathey). It prohibited the exportation of arms like>M-16s and kits, like the CARs used to convert semiautomatic weapons, without>congressional approval. Your identity will never be revealed. After exchanging pleasantries with Saunders, the Turks and Caicos>government's chief minister, Seal got to the point and asked Saunders if he>was interested in participating in Seal's drug-smuggling operation, for a>share of the profits, of course. In high school, while his classmates were riding buses to out-of-town>football games, Barry would often fly to the games in "barnstorming" fashion,>landing wherever he could find a smooth, flat surface. According to the indictment, Seal had made unlawful transfers in>the amount of $51,006.64 by purchasing a cashier's check in that amount with>$8,656.64 in cash and five cashier's checks in amounts of less than $10,000>each.[11]. Sad day for AmericansSad day for our children. He was hired by Trans World Airlines (TWA) in 1964 and at age 26 became one of the youngest Captains operating a Boeing 707. Fourth, Vince Foster worked for the Rose Law firm until he left to . He was murdered in 1986 by contract killers hired by the Medellns. Marilyn Monroe July28,1962 weekend and the next weekend August 5, 1962, at her 12305 Fifth Helena Drive home.Paul DAmato (born 1908- died Jun. Seal was also ordered to report address changes to the U.S. attorney, >and his right to travel outside the court's jurisdiction was restricted. Oliver North said:barry seal was double agent. >The Turks and Caicos Islands lie at the southeast end of the Bahamas. David Ferrie took everyone up in his Stinson planesbut David Ferrie rented many planes to fly.David Ferrie -1948 Stinson plane #108 2sn 108 1293.Stinson Franklin plane #12974 valued $3,ooo.David Ferrie last payment on car 6-26-19621959 (1960) Ford address 11 Prospect St Alexandria La. That agenda would turn up in the sordid details of the Iran-Contra scandal. Bill Clinton's Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling and money laundering operation through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA).. Seal was a Green Beret in the Vietnam war and later a pilot for TWA. (born 1939/40) 39. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was born to Mary Lou Seal and Benjamin Curtis Seal (reportedly, a member of the Ku Klux Klan), a candy wholesaler, on July 16, 1939 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. > No one knows exactly why, but for some reason, after pulling the Cadillac>into its normal parking place, Seal, dressed in his customary olive-drab>flight suit, and wearing his amber Ray Ban aviator sunglasses, sat in the .>car that evening a lot longer than was his usual custom. >22. Like in the movie, the American Made true story reveals that Barry made a living as a commercial airline pilot for several years. This was in direct violation of a 1984 law banning such aid. Barry Seal in White cadillac -2-20-86 BatonRouge-Escobar and See, Title 26 U.S. Code, chapter 53, section 5845(b). Where necessary, the stories are specifically>referred to. Gordon Novel lived before left (garrison trial) Louisiana 336 Exchange place. Dirty politics, love for money is the root for all evil. In addition, the indictment will contain>one count of causing financial institutions not to file currency transaction>reports (CTRs). Should the grand jury return the indictment, the Government>agrees to allow the defendant to plead guilty to the two-count indictment. But Im writing incessantly and should stop. Qualified Americans could, until recently, apply for and receive a license>to sell automatic weapons and conversion kits. Daniel Hopsicker barry and seal book. The rich & powerful, including the political elite are free to do as they please without regard to consequences. He said the money had been brought back from Tegucigalpa. WOLF How do you know Mr. Yaras ?Mr. And accused of sending C4 explosives to anti-Castro Cubans in Mexico filed in U.S. > v > started... Contain a total of 193 square miles of land shot down was the Fat Lady, seals beloved cargo.. And replacing > the internal parts in the carrier assembly, 521 ; and! 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barry seal mena house address