sarcastic and phobic in a sentence

And that made him real. Sentences are more than just strings of words. (183) Consider the air cleared, Goddard said, with a sarcastic lightness to his voice. (92) Isn't this sarcasm, isn't the speaker being sarcastic? She laughed a softly sarcastic laugh. Add a wink for a more playful touch or to show that you were being sarcastic in a previous message. (425) This week, the streaming behemoth announced plans for a live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop, the eccentric 1998 sci-fi anime series about sarcastic bounty hunters scratching a living on the fringes of society. Prince Andrew looked Anna Pavlovna straight in the face with a sarcastic smile. (119) I bit my tongue to stop the sarcastic retort from leaving my mouth. You are a sarcastic, trigger-happy gray alien named Crypto whose race faces extinction due to genetic deterioration. A sarcastic comment about the umpire's eyesight could get you 6- His columns were usually sarcastic with touches of humor. Carlyle's sarcastic remark on Lacretelle's history of the Revolution, that it " exists, but does not profit much," is partly true of all his books. (408) The governors lengthy, sarcastic response is nothing more than an attempt to sidestep a potentially troubling issue and a failure to address any of our specific concerns, Ardoin said. Consider purchasing their Chance To Shoot T shirt for men, which talks trash to other players with its sarcastic phrase, "I'm sorry, did you want a chance to shoot?". Quirky piano pop - that's really what Tori Amos' music is, but it is her bitingly sarcastic and insightful lyrics that have won her legions of devoted fans around the world. Salviati and Sagredo took their names from two of Galileo's early friends, the former a learned Florentine, the latter a distinguished Venetian gentleman; Simplicio ostensibly derived his from the Cilician commentator of Aristotle, but the choice was doubtless instigated by a sarcastic regard to the double meaning of the word. She poked fun at people's shortcomings with, Our hero regains consciousness at the feet of a, The man in this picture shrugs off his friends, The Fox News star's suggestions seemed at least partly, okay, okay. 0. (450) How do you write a good sentence with "sarcastic"? (178) 1Your posts are snide, snotty, sarcastic and serve no purpose in any discussion. (13) Tom is quite sarcastic. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. (355) She turned and exhaled gratefully as the tan boy with the piercing eyes and spiky hair, stood with his arms crossed in a sarcastic manner behind her. Simon, Isabelle, and Alec waved at them. Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be, The plaque the Romans placed above Jesus's head as he writhed in painKing of the Jewswas called a titulus and, despite common perception, was not meant to be, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". (52) She was a master of the sarcastic put-down. (294) Its a serious play with abundant sarcastic humor, in part because Matt in wooing mode styles himself as a hapless clown. ( 2013) If you have a genuine phobia of school, they can arrange help. (159) And New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark. (70) His comments were a sarcastic swipe at the police. 3. (255) He left for Moscow in 1920, where he made sarcastic stage designs that poked at the Suprematist usurpers. (42) are you being sarcastic andor abusive? His sarcastic wit also comes to play throughout the tale. I did n't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize. (402) Then he said that flooding in Virginias coastal communities is a function of sinking land not rising sea levels an assertion that prompted sarcastic laughs from the crowd. Jace bowed while Clary stepped back slightly sheepishly, hooking her thumbs into the belt of her jeans. (252) There are times, though, where another layer of meaning can be present without that sarcastic tone. It does? Tim loved the look on Austin's face when he said that he was being sarcastic. (14) (1) Owen has a phobia about snakes. Top 200. We were abused mentally, physically, and emotionally. He became very sarcastic at that I would harm her? (212) She was a veteran editor and reporter with four children and quick with a sarcastic quip. Is Superman Circumcised? (156) There is not the faintest intimation in them of the malevolent or sarcastic. Certainly nothing to warrant the almost phobic warnings of the terrible fate which would befall me. (323) Therefore, it has many rhetoric functions: being humorous, sarcastic and euphemistic, mediating conflict and enlightening imagination. Social Phobia is not just shyness; 0. (121) The man in this picture shrugs off his friends sarcastic attitude. (12) They object to the phobia part. (261) And she learned that her mother is excited or angry or sarcastic about it, depending on the tone of voice. Example sentences with the word phobic. that was great, doc. (59) Grandma was funny and sarcastic like Mom too. Polite sarcasm. (206) 2When he came, he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away. (329) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical , sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. Without it, we wouldn't have the adjective pretty, for example. (200) Im used to saying his name with a sarcastic kind of emphasis, a tiny vocal eye roll. 11- I am cool, funky but quite sarcastic. (218) Mr Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour , reserve, and caprice. ejected from the game. 1. (247) Jeffrey has said the remark was supposed to remain confidential and was intended to be sarcastic. (430) Although Siaguru's urbanity and often sarcastic wit will make the book engaging reading for Europeans with a concern for the fate of the nation, I suspect it will be less attractive for all but a handful of Melanesian readers. (375) Because Amy was brought up to always be respectful, she restrained the urge to make a sarcastic retort to the young mans question about her zodiac sign. He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical . (324) He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical, sarcastic, humorous or honky-tonk. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. (106) You know that face deadpan, with a normal sarcastic delivery. Phobias belong to a large group of mental problems known as anxiety disorders that include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. (99) It was really pleasant, he said with a sarcastic chuckle. (170) Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks. (41) Wonderful, was the sarcastic response. It saves me the trouble of trying to be tactful and charming. 1. (171) The Justice Department said his talk of recording the president was sarcastic . (194) That sounded more like something Ximena Chin would say in that sarcastic way of hers. How to use sarcastic in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word sarcastic? (461) What is "sarcastic" definition and meaning? (216) Here I was telling him something that was quite major and he had the cheek to be sarcastic. (320) 2Fairbrother was shuffling reluctantly out of the stone doorway as he returned, and Richard greeted him with sarcastic cheerfulness. 5- The progression of mild phobia to a . In real life, she's completely sarcastic and mean. I mean, he had a lot of sardonic, sarcastic things like that to say and to make fun of himself, and so forth. roll his eyes at his partner's sardonic sense of humor. (341) He didn't look like the same person who picked me up this morning. (349) You can take a sarcastic and facetious post like the last one, and turn it into an interesting discussion about the place of sport in our culture. (67) Dee, the sarcastic sister Oh, Melanie called. (372) Ulong came back to camp from Tribal Council with Stephanie s spirits going an alltime low and James angry and sarcastic about losing Immunity Challenges. Privacy Policy. Try to sound more innocent than sarcastic. (47) 1He can't help making sarcastic comments. (447) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "sarcastic". (356) Many simply are sarcastic, such as the sarcastic and witty nurse, the short, sarcastic, nice Jewish girl and the one whos Sarcastic all day erryday. He encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture whether whimsical , Additionally, since you have the intention of mocking this poor person, you have not only been verbally ironic, but, She is also a self-cutter, her body crosshatched with scars; she is fresh from a stint at the psych ward; she is, It always irritates me when I have to specify that I was using sarcasm in a response, especially to the person I was being. (283) You will, of course, command it yourself? "When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark." 2. Yes! (53) He's so dry and sarcastic , and he's quick. Top 100. This book is worthy of note on account of the quaint and sarcastic humour of its numerous acrostic verses. 6. (201) She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent. (373) The title of the exhibition is a bit vague, but that seems to be the point That Lady Thing which is a bit sarcastic, but references a kind of ignorance. (423) But in his 20s, like Springsteen and a few other singer-songwriters, Wainwright was heralded as a new Bob Dylan for his observant, verbose , often sarcastic but sometimes raw and vulnerable acoustic tunes. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. (96) He was very sarcastic about my attempts at telling jokes. "He's pretty sarcastic in his own way. The juxtaposition robust muscleman and gawky fowl is a wonderfully, Every time anyone would talk to the sassy senior, she would make a, His original verse tends chiefly to show that with all his, An appeal by The New York Times asking readers to share experiences of petty crime in London backfired - when it was hijacked by, In telling us all of this, Vollmann repeats phrases throughout the two volumes, sometimes as mournful echoes and elsewhere as, There is nothing funny about Halloween. (83) I dont mean this to be the slightest bit sarcastic . 678 223 After a pause, Gerald spoke again in a sarcastic tone. (442) What is the best definition of "sarcastic"? (436) What is the modern definition of "sarcastic"? (308) The book is funny and sarcastic, and readers will appreciate OConnells passion on the subject, which is evident in the prose. (165) His story prompted a sarcastic question from Fitch, the prosecuting attorney. Bill could only (221) That's a point for me since I tend to get belligerent and sarcastic in political arguments. I didn't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize. 2012-05-23 00:46:12. True, there are still words that you dont know. I did not perceive her sarcastic remark as insensitive. - 20 examples of simple sentences "sarcastic". (161) I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. (366) All it takes is a meaningful pause, a facial twitch, or a slightly sarcastic inflection for my palms to get clammy, my face to flush, my heart to pound. (153) The station's response was to play sarcastic sounds such as animal noises. (293) A source in the room at the time later told Fox News that the deputy attorney general's remark was considered sarcastic. Bethenny adds a blunt, sarcastic tone to conversations and meshes well with all the other housewives. Get a clear definition of this rhetorical device through sarcasm examples. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). Noah--sarcastic, distant, untouchable Noah--cared. It's difficult to see sarcastic in a sentence . Therefore, it has many rhetoric functions: being humorous, A source told Fox News on Sept. 22 that Rosensteins wire comments about secretly recording President Trump were meant to be. One of you cried a lot and then both of you grew sarcastic. Movie sequences can be skipped for the most part, and the Bard will make a sarcastic remark like "Next!". (250) I've tried to talk to him about it, but he is a very sarcastic person and he jokes about everything. Was he being sarcastic, or was he still miffed about the losing the mules? (275) Grumbles, sarcastic applause and a smattering of boos from the crowd of 49,657 greeted the entire transaction. Brusque, impatient and sarcastic, his often abrasive manner rubbed many crewmembers the wrong way. (166) The Justice Department said his talk of recording the president was sarcastic. How to use phobic in a sentence. (80) I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment. (193) Decades before Trump, in the haze of the Vietnam War, the shock was less sarcastic . The Sun. (271) Chicago didnt get its first shot on goal until 17:36 into the game, drawing sarcastic cheers from some fans. Group therapy is particularly effective for social Phobia. (376) Soon the sarcastic cat Mittens joins Bolt and as they make their way across country, they're joined by a third musketeer, a deranged hamster named Rhino. Deadpan sarcasm. You can see it in everyday speech, literature, movies, and TV shows. The encyclopedia project Wikipedia is the most popular wiki on the public web in terms of page views,[3] but there are many sites running many different kinds of wiki software. We were told we werent good enough. You will, of course, command it yourself? (214) Because the boy was in a sarcastic mood, he wryly responded to the teachers question. When he talked it was with a factitious and cunning simplicity which was not unattractive, but through it pierced the old man, the Valencian foundling, shrewd, He has such a patronizing tone and manner, and such a, Rosenstein discussed secretly recording Trump, though one person who was present at the time said Rosenstein was just being, But in his 20s, like Springsteen and a few other singer-songwriters, Wainwright was heralded as a new Bob Dylan for his observant, verbose, often, But in his 20s, like Springsteen and a few other singer-songwriters, Wainwright was heralded as a new Bob Dylan for his observant, verbose , often, This week, the streaming behemoth announced plans for a live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop, the eccentric 1998 sci-fi anime series about, When Madison persisted, Dougherty eventually relented, ushering them across the parking lot, to the football field, and through the gate with a, And in fact, making things using technology -- and I'm being serious here, even though I'm using my, Hallmark responded by creating their own online collection of ecards, and since Hallmark owns the copyright to the Maxine franchise, the company added an entire collection of those cards dedicated to the endearing and, Jace broke off the kiss and stepped back with an exhale; before Clary could say anything, a chorus of, Yet time and time again, our needs and wants fell on deaf ears. 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( 329 ) he encouraged architects and consumers to enjoy messy vitality in architecture - whether whimsical sarcastic and phobic in a sentence sarcastic of.

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sarcastic and phobic in a sentence